What's the point of nerfing nurse basekit...
If you can just use 2 cooldown add-ons to bring her old basekit nurse back? (at least very similar)
For me i think devs simply run out of ideas for add-ons rework, and decided to give her a cooldown so they can create more options for her add-ons..
I mean.. just look at her new add-ons, most of them are for farming blood points, some of them are flat nerf in exchange for blood points, add-on that makes her m1 killer without power (as if we don't hate m1 killer like legion already), useless ultra rare unlike other killers...
I think what the devs wrote to give her the recharge in the patch notes are just excuses (which is very good because that's most common complain for her)..
TLDR: I think devs give nurse a recharge mechanics because they run out of ideas for her add-ons
Or simply don't change her basekit, it is pointless if you can just use add-ons to have her back.
If she can destroy absolutely any SWF team currently without add-ons, then her problem has not changed, except you need to use add-ons
If you really want to nerf her, don't use recharge mechanics. No one likes it. Nerf her blink distance a bit is good if they buff her movement speed to compensate. That way, you can still play the same as before, and don't punish new player so much
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There is no point nerfing nurse basekit.
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Really? Then what about the other way around? If something of survivors that is not fun for the killer, is it a problem? After all, we all are humans, so there are definitely things that are not fun for the killers
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Because other add ons provide beneficial effects as well.
If you can't play around a tiny cooldown, like most people were already able to successfully on the PTB, you can spend your add on slots to play Nurse essentially without a cooldown.
In doing so you're opting out of increased range, faster charging, lower fatigue, or the many strange effects on her new add ons JUST to be without a 2 second cooldown.
The major difference is that now you can't be without a cooldown AS WELL AS having huge range, or faster charging, etc.
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She doesn't have add-ons for faster charging anymore.
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The funny part: there were only 2 types of addons which needed a change and it was range and additional blinks.
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but most of those add-ons have their drawbacks too (like both ultra rares), so I think even the basekit is not change, those add-ons will still be fine, not op like current live version
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agree, I don't know why they go all out to change all those add-ons and "slightly" basekit nerf
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wasnt her cooldown recharge starting waaay to early in PTB because of a bug?
The people were testing the bugged version and hated it, not the "intended" even worse thing.
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yes, the recharge starts the moment you swing your weapon after blink in PTB. So when the fatigue stops, both blinks are almost recharged. That's why people say it plays the same as before
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If that is the case then spirit will get changed since most people hate going against her
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Her base power got actually nerfed by 50% in terms of how much distance you can cover. If you do not run addons now with her, survivor can run straight line and it will take ridiculous amaunt of time to actually catch the survivor.
Yes, if you don't know what you are doing best thing is just to run straight line and this will give you decent counter to waste her time.
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I agree on this, but they just have to buff solo to SWF level, and buff killers to that level too
I think there is no other way to balance the game because you cannot bring down or nerf SWF without nerfing solo too
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What was the point in reworking Legion into total garbage? Overly nerfing a killer that people complain about without an actual understanding of how to balance them, basically. They attack the things that people whine about the most on forums and tear it apart. Nurse's changes look like they were straight out of a forum post, not a devs head, but at least you could excuse all of the "These new addons look cool, whacky and fun! Too bad they're total garbage" type changes to her if you had left her base kit untouched, but of course BHVR went that step further.
I dunno, after playing and going along this journey with these amazing decisions, and absolutely terrible decisions, the devs have made for over 2 years that I've played this game, I guess I'm just finally getting tired of it all, and that extends far beyond just speaking of Nurse
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You also realize that her addons don't bring her back to her basekit, right? You won't have the best addons every game to make a killer viable, and her double green addons still do not make her "base" Nurse at all. Go watch some videos, you can literally see that she will have to come out of her fatigue and wait a few seconds before she can reblink - it simply doesn't look as bad if you only blink once, or if your fatigue is longer because you swung. You can't even travel the map the same which affects map pressure because those charges, again, do not make her base Nurse at all, and you can go look at PTR footage to see it.
Imagine this scenario: You blink once, you get messed up a bit by latency, the survivor can see your placed after image and adjusts, you blink again. Maybe you hit, maybe you miss, either way the survivor gains a lot, or an enormous amount of distance. You stare at the ground, you come out of fatigue, you have 1 charge but the survivor gained incredible distance. You stare some more as they run away, waiting for charge 2 .You're about to get your second charge, you use it accidentally when it's at 95% because of muscle memory, or perhaps you simply weren't listening to the "dings". You now have 1 blink charge, and you cannot regen that 95% blink charge until you re-enter fatigue. You now cannot catch up to the survivor due to 1 mistake because your kit does not allow you to catch someone running in a straight line. One mistake now forces you to traverse the map more slowly to find another survivor to pressure. Does that sound fun? That sounds very "anti-aggressive, do nothing"esque to me. You really just succeeded in making her power awkward and completely against what she as a killer has always been.
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They want to make her add-on dependant , which is dumb, for any killer.
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It seems like Dead Hard will be even stronger against her after they fix that.
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Imagine a 4 man SWF with 4 dead hards against the new nurse.
RIP Nurse
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Do you want Legion's to cheese survirors via moonwalking after a frenzy hit again?
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Sound like now we're getting a nurse who is now even worse now then she was before they buffed her in the first place. Might as well just make it so she keeps falling through the floor again.
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Lol.. if it can never happen, then this game will forever be dominated by SWF, and the solo players will be very miserable
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Oh, y'know, it's not like she was the strongest killer in the game with the most universally useful killer power.
Yeah, can't think of why they changed her. She totally didn't trivialize using half of the other killer roster, the ones that don't have an extremely powerful traversal tool that goes through walls and pallets.
Look, i play killer too, and pulling a Legion would be crappy, but Nurse's power isn't Legions, not even close. Let's be realistic, Nurse's power will still be nearly unbeatable in comparison to other killer powers.
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Sad part was I really enjoyed Nurse chases from a survivor perspective. New Nurse is basically a bad joke anymore. If any semi good survivor gets hit they are a bigger joke then the Legion nerf.