Killer Idea-The Witch(plz leave feedback)

Romey95 Member Posts: 64
edited October 2019 in Creations

Base speed: 4.6/ms

Height: tall

Terror radius: Average

M2 ability: cast a spell at survivors that inverts they're controls for 4s. this ability has 5 charges which can be replenished threw a slow recharge of 3.9s (This ability would look similar to the clown except there wouldn't be a bottle being thrown. )

M1 ability: she would jab at survivor with a sharpened corn broom stick


Osseous Ignition:This perk collects token every time a survivor is hooked. This affect only applies to hex perks that spawned at the beginning of the match. press R-ctrl 4 tokens will be consumed and will at random reapply a cleansed perk to a dull totem on the map. If there are no dull totems remaining on the map perk becomes useless


this perk spawns an addition 3 totems on the map. survivors cleansing totems are afflicted by the blindness status effect. Survivors get double blood points for cleansing totems.

Hex: Nightshade

Each time you hook a survivor hex totems become dull totems for period of 25/30/35s.

Counter play the ability is easily adapted to

Shout out to users Critical_Fish & Fibijean for helping think of and balance perks

Backstory coming soon

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