Will you please start banning DCers, aka the game-breakers?

We all heard that after dedicated servers implementation, you would have had a tighter management of people who disconnect.
Now, I keep playing and I see the usual amount of DCs so clearly the countermeasures you are applying (if any) are highly uneffective. Brothers fog dwellers, what is your opinion and experience?
I understand that you do not want to reduce your player base, but I think this behavior must be stopped. Everybody in a match suffers from a disconnect: a single person disconnecting throws the match away - and the bonus points does not patch this.
Dedicated servers are still technically being tested if i remember correctly, but on the live servers. As in they're not "officially" implemented yet.
The queue lockout punishments wll probably come when they put them in "for real".
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While I like the idea of DCers being banned and punished, we have to admit that it will do NOTHING.
People on this forum already freely admit that they suicide on first hook to get arund DC punishments.
It's 30 seconds longer for the same result; a screwed-over Survivor team & a Killer cheated out of BP.
And they will never be punished for it, because it's not DCing.
The devs need to do something about first-hook suicides, since it's the same thing as disconnecting while using a technicality to avoid punishment.
But until the Devs do; expect to see an upsurge in scrubs just hook-suiciding when Killers play Spirit, Nurse, or Doctor, or use a loadout Survivors don't approve of.
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People do get banned for DC'ing - once they reach the threshold for DC'ing, they receive a ban.
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Its clearly not enough as it stands currently, because the problem is only growing.
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And then? The game experience is going to be much better or what? How naive to believe that. Everyone who can think 2 steps ahead knows this won't change anything because people will just suicide on first hook instead or stay afk. You are just shifting symptoms without actually fixing the problem
Post edited by justarandy on5 -
You fix the DC issue because (just like every game in existence) this is a common problem.
Then if things switch to "everyone suicide on first hook" you find a way to tackle that too. You cannot ignore resolving one issue because another might pop up.
@Peanits - Do you have anything you can tell us about how this DC epidemic will be addressed with the dedicated servers being release? I think it is pretty obvious that the current "threshold" method does next to nothing to stem the amount of people who are DCing regularly. Not to sound like a "negative Nancy" but I'm surprised its not been a primary focus thus far, or if it is that the community has heard nothing about it.
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what is the threshold? i am a very good survivor and due to dc'ing, camping and tunneling, i have actually depipped 6 times in row very recently in the purple rank. : (
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So they won't get banned.
Just dc one every 10 games you don't like the killer or something and you will be fine.
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iv'e also had people dc not just with those killers, iv'e had it freddy and even trapper. probably everybody except for legion and, sorry my mind has gone blank can't remember the name for the saw pig.
yesteday one by one through out the game everybody d'c and then the hatch suddenly opened for me, then the killer dc too. totally crazy!
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The Pig or Amanda.
But yeah; everyone has a Killer they don't like, and if the Devs give them a 'free' (IE: No punishment) way to flee a game, they will do it.
First-hook suicides need to be punished just like disconnecting.
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yes i agree about first hooks. but if you were the remaining survivor do you expect the killer to turn friendly (farm)?
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Survivors should be able to suicide on the hook: AKA trying to kobe, without punishment.
That being said, there should be a blood point incentive for staying in a full match to the end.
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Shouldn't need an incentive - ppl just need to not be so salty
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Doing a Kobe is one thing; if they fail, they struggle. They want to be on the match.
Scrublords who barely try, get hooked, try to escape and then skip struggling within 60 seconds of a match need to be banned.
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There should be an incentive for literally playing the game like a normal human being? And there shouldn't be a punishment for... "trying to kobe"...? When you screw over everyone else in the game? Are you really that dense? lol
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Devs already made the statement that they are NOT going to punish suiciding on hook.
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No. Because you can't force someone to play against something they don't like. The unreasonable things that make most people DC in the first place (overpowered killers, one hit down addons etc) need to be addressed and fixed first to drastically reduce DCs.
Even if you ignore all them and double down on DC punishments (Which you cant even accurately calculate every secnario anyway) people will just find aw ay around it, they'll refuse to play, Suicide on hook and ruin the game anyway and no, you cant punish suiciding on first hook because you cant judge if people are struggling on hook to get the 3% or not, nor is that a reasonable solution to punish people for.
If you want peopel to stop DCing, stop doing things that make people DC in the first place. You cant do anything about "first down" DCers.
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For anyone wondering, devs did cover how DC will be handled once the switch to dedicated server is completed.
Here the thread if you're interested on reading about that:
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Doing things that make people DC on first down? Like downing them? I have seen a survivor, hit him once then chased to a pallet and downed him. If he DCs what did I do to cause him to DC?
your defense makes me feel like you’re one of the constant DCers who justifies it by saying, “this map is unfair,” “this killer is OP,” and so on
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@SteveyTheExEevee said:
No. Because you can't force someone to play against something they don't like. The unreasonable things that make most people DC in the first place (overpowered killers, one hit down addons etc) need to be addressed and fixed first to drastically reduce DCs.
I agree. They really need to revise the overpowered mechanics in this game.
I'm particularly irked by the one-hit-down mechanic: NOED, Tombstone Myers, Huntress with Iridescent Heads (especially when combined with an Infantry Belt). I played a game against the latter mentioned yesterday and it was horrible.
I could talk at length about how disgusting NOED is. It's disheartening to say the least, to play well all game and complete the gens – only to get downed with one hit when opening an exit gate. There's hardly any counter-play.
I'm okay with Myers' tier 3 exposed status mechanic. At least he builds up to tier 3. But I take exception to add-ons that maintain permanent tier 3.
I still don't know how to play against ghost face. I'll be repairing a generator one moment then the next – I'm exposed. GF pops out from behind a rock and downs me with one hit. No terror radius, no warning. I don't know if it’s the noise from the generator or what – but I struggle playing against him.
So, yeah, DC'ing sucks. But I can understand and sympathise with those who DC sometimes.
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Why do you have a threshold? In other games there is no such thing, honestly give them increasing CD 1->24hr->2day->1week
If it is accidental they can try to fix their internet without ruining games of others and i dont care why people dc. Ruins the game for all people involved, no sympathy, understanding or tolerance for these kids.
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Right you cant but you can make them stop ruining games over and over again.
There will always be something that some special snowflake has an issue with. Don't appease crybaby kids who dc.
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Then you remove suiciding from hooks
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If "everyone" kill themself on first hook, then theres something wrong with the game, not the players.
But touching spirit or freddy or spirit beads or letting survivors have usable tools like medkits and flashlight is not an option (so far) so here we are.
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I never said people should be banned for killing themselves on the hook I simply said if it became a problem down the line (I was speaking in reference to "justarandy" post) then its a problem they could tackle later down the line.
My point was you don't ignore fixing a problem because another might pop up.
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Wait how would you change suiciding on first hook? Guarantee on 3rd attempt? You can't die on second phase? Whatever you do regarding hook dc's makes killers way weaker and survivors way stronger
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They're not going to tell us the threshold, since some will DC right under the threshold and then stop to keep from getting banned. Basically, a "I have 30-DC allotment this month, so I'll only DC once a day" kind of thing. They did say, however, that it has something to do with how many games you play vs. how many DCs, so it's kind of a percentage ban thing.
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I feel like you are debating something I never took issue with. Not to sound rude but I think you misinterpret what I was saying. ^.^''
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I think an outright ban is too harsh. A time out would be ideal, which escalates every subsequent DC.
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I believe in a fair and peaceful system which helps bring compromise to the community.
Out of all the time I've spent playing this game over the course of a couple of years. DC epidemic didn't start until End Game Collapse. Think of it this way. Players are going to DC or "End it all" on the hook. So that brings back to the question of "why are people leaving in the first place.
IMO I think people tollerated issues, but after ECG. That just broke the game right there and players state "They've had enough".
I find leavers happen around these reasons: (remember this is MY discovery).
I ) Playing as Survivor: The survivor is SPAWNED almost right next to the killer. Next thing I see is the "unplugged icon". Which means they left the match. How can THEY (the owners) prevent that from happening?)
-I'd assume address this issue of either offering immunity for the first few seconds of the game or simply NOT spawning the KILLER right next to the survivors!
II) Next thing I notice. Someone is the obsession when the match starts. Right away there they go. DISCONNECTED. I asked the guy afterwards why they left and they outright said "I really didn't want to be tunneled". Fair enough. I didn't rage at him.
-Maybe the staff can look into ways that this obsession notification can be resolved?
III) I've seen killers literally sit at the hook and camp. Then as the survivor is pulled away, the killer lunges right back at them and downs them again... DC. That person just DC'd. Great.
-Maybe the staff can investigate into a way that just doesn't rely on Borrowed time (which is RARELY ran anyway) To protect a survivor from that experience.
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I don’t think killing yourself on hook is a thing that should be punished. Because you’re allowing the Killer to gain the normal amount of BP from your sacrifice and doesn’t prevent things such as BBQ stacks. Also, it could be done for reasons like disabling Dying Light.
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You know some people have lives outside of DBD right?
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Fun fact: many other pvp games punish ragequitting and DCing by increased timeouts and it works very well and exactly as it should. That suiciding on hook argument is only a bad excuse, it's just part of the game design and people did it actually since day 1.
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Why would the killer tunnel obsession, no perks really support that and some force you do ignore thrm
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Won't happen.
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People already suicide on hook when they see its spirit. But hey, if you think this is just a bad excuse go ahead and keep pushing for punishments and just come back with a surprised pikachu face when everyone who DCed previously just suicides instead to evade a ban.
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You dont know that
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Here’s my question, if you’re going to quit against certain killers, addons, perks or maps why are you playing this game with so much RNG? Play a single player game with fixed objectives and enemies.
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I would say approximately 25% of my survivor games are ruined because of a DC and it is only getting worse.
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"Because that'll teach those killers not to play what I don't want them to!" Literally said by some survivors
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You never punish for an in game mechanic but you can rework it.
Right now you can try to kobe and then choose to not struggle and die.
Couple of solutions.
Stage 1 you still get the same attempts at a kobe but it only removes 30s so doesn't take you to stage 2. When in stage 2 it auto struggles for 30s and then you can press a key/button to suicide.
Or kobe attempts don't waste anytime and you cannot suicide in stage 2 at all.
The reasoning is not only to stop suiciders but to allow the other to have saves.
To make more strats it could also only be different when more than 2 survivors are alive. They can still suicide on the hook to give a hatch for example.
It's not hard to make a system that could give others more time in a match to punish camping or make saves for points as it's not a punishment keeping someone in a game for a small amount of time they actively chose to play.
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Sad part is it’s true, especially during slow queue times. I play spirit, no OP addons and not an annoying slowdown build. But as soon as I down the first survivor they DC, another teammate DCs and I have to decide if I wanna “sweat” a 2-1 game and make the other survivors suffer or do a lame semi farm to make use of the pudding I used
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Like I agree people using moris on first unhook is extremely annoying - but they have that situation once then dc on first down from now on. Only time I ever do that is when I have a mori daily as a killer I'm terrible at and want to get the daily done since I used the offering. Otherwise I want a death hook fatality...which may avoid decisive strike sometimes but that's a minor loss compared to them having made it to a locker.
Killer addons though: They had to spend at least what, 50k? in a bloodweb to maybe get one of their items and they want to have a (for them) fun match where they don't have to try hard to hook 5 people before gens finish getting not-rushed.
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I don't DC but I can understand why some people DC even if it's not fair. The game is not competitive but a lot of people are tryhard enough. I mean the game purpose is to have fun, and I play since last year but more and more I see people bringing the "meta perks" when the main purpose is to have fun. Some killers DC if ruin is destroyed in less than a minute. The same things with camping wich some says "but your teammates can gen rush" and yes, they can but in the meanwhile I am just in a hook simulator for 2 mins. How am I supposed to enjoy this?
And yes, we can say how frustrating is for a killer being matched against good survs. Not because they are good, but because they're salty. T-bagging and stuff. A lot of killers can't break infinite loops, those loops are being abused by tons of players.
So, basically people DC because they are tired and frustraed. The game idea is good but it's not cool that people make fun of you every match just because they are salty or because they're try hards and want to win every match and being salty about their triumph. That's why killers bring ruin, PGTW, not because they want to win but because it's not fun that those salty survivors just win and the killer player "needs to move on". Killers or survs are people so you can't bully them just because you want to have a laugh. And that behaviour should be punished.
In resume, you can't stop people DC'ing but you if you make rules to make the game healthier, saying "this is fair in this situation but in this situation is not", then people won't DC, at least you will see less DC per game. For example if you say "t-bagging because you're winning will be illegal then more killer players can complain about they being bullied".
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Well, the next step would be going afk. How you wanna punish that? Even if you find a solution to AFKing, people will just Starr running towards the killer everytime after unhook. You just simply can't punish those who want to go OUT OF THIS MATCH because they will always find a way out evading the ban.
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"The unreasonable things that make most people DC in the first place (overpowered killers, one hit down addons etc) need to be addressed and fixed first to drastically reduce DCs."
Name 1 overpowered killer
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Yes but that all wastes time along with a suiciding solution and awards points for the remaining ones making it less obnoxious over all.
The point is its not a punishment as I said it's a qol improvement for both sides as they can each still get the points and it allows survivor to punish the camping strat.
It doesnt fix it all but it would still be a lot better than how it is now for both sides and as it wastes more time than simply pressing a button.