You are the 3rd person hooked and you see the last survivor not coming to rescue you. Wdyd?

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

I honestly can’t STAND survivors who don’t even try to save when the killer is nowhere around, there’s more than enough time, and it’s my first hook (AND I have ds).

I refuse to just hand them the hatch. You’re going to abandon me? Fine. I have no problem waiting it out until the Entity claims me, and if the killer finds you before then, too bad.

I’m a reasonable person, I couldn’t care less if I live or die (except for escape rituals,) and I understand if a survivor can’t save me under understandable circumstances like the egc running low or killer camping - but if you don’t even TRY when you can clearly do it? I won’t try to make your endgame easy peasy.


  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    If there's like 3-4 gens left I just let my team die lol

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If it's a friend I usually tell them to just go for Hatch.

    If I'm a solo survivor I will drag out my sacrifice process if I'm going down I'm at least making sure you have the potential of going down with me

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    Geuss ill die

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I don't even think about that stuff, i always struggle in 2nd phase.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Depends if the dude helped me out a lot or not. If we're the final two and I see him on the hatch, I'm gonna try my darndest to give it to him. If he was annoying, I'll be enjoying my Survival points while Struggling.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2019

    It depends on the situation to have a clear yes or no answer and of course how I am feeling at that particular moment.

    If there is one or two gens left and they are far enough apart I will struggle in the hopes they try to save.

    If they do find the hatch and they crouch on top of it while far away I will give them it.

    If they haven't been active much that I saw all game and pretty to close to the hook and the killer goes the opposite direction from them and they don't even try I will probably stay on that hook till the end.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I hate when people do that to me. Especially because if I actually go to save them, they get immediately downed again and then slugged. So you're going to die on that hook or I just use a key, while you are enjoying your survival points and lost time.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    It depends on what that survivor did all match, if they were useless ill wait out my entire struggle time, but if they werent ill kill myself on hook- even if im on first hook.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I just die on the hook. I don't care if they "deserve" a shot at the hatch, I just want to get into another game as soon as possible.

    If anything a lot of the time people do come for me when I'd really prefer that they just played for hatch. Same goes for when I'm slugged, the killer is just hovering over me instead of actually trying to find the hatch, and they just suicide pick me up because they're utterly blinded by altruism.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Run deliverance

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    If theres only two people left just die on hook lol no point in trying

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I’m not vindictive, and I have seen the way people play this game (from both sides) and I am fairly certain I’m in the lawful good and kind/merciful category. As a survivor, I will make sure my teammates survive even if it results in my death. I will literally use my ds to save the other person. Heck, even sometimes I’ll let the killer hook me at the end if I sense they got bullied. As a killer, I will protect the survivor who got sandbagged and hunt the other down no matter the cost, and I am far more likely to show mercy to the survivor working on gens by their lonesome than the one hiding in a locker, waiting for the other to die.

    I have two rules: don’t be rude and play fair. It’s not vindictive to expect the other survivor to TRY when it’s perfectly obvious it’s in their power to do so.

    Generally, if I see someone teabag on the hatch, I’ll purposely stick it to the end - the only exception being if I know they played well and had my back earlier in the match. Like Jeffs. Jeffs are usually good eggs who always try their best.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Well, if you are nice to people when they are "nice" and bad to them when they are "naughty" to you then that's by definition vindictive.

    Lawful Good tend to be vindictive because they respect Law and there is an order to things. Good people are to be rewarded, bad people are to be punished. That's how Lawful Good works. Though to be honest you are a little closer to Lawful Neutral. Lawful Good tends to be more merciful.

    Me, though, I'm Chaotic Good, I don't believe in that kind of nonsense rules, so I'm good to people regardless of whether they are naughty or nice.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I instantly suicide if I know they aren't going to come get me. Anyone who doesn't is just honestly just an ######### imo. Typically the killer just camps the hook and even if they don't the chances of actually finishing gens and escaping are really low. The chances of finishing two or more gens with just two survivors is low. So, going for the last hooked survivor has really low chances of being beneficial and pretty high chances of being bad for both survivors. I want the option to force the person to let go while awarding them full points as if they struggled the entire time. This would combat ######### teammates and wouldn't allow them to ######### over the remaining survivor. Sure, the last survivor might not have played well or been super useful, but it's still an ######### move to try and allow the killer more time to find them and kill them.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    I just do the kobe thing

    Or i dont :(

    Sometimes my game crashes when im on first hook and the last survivor gets chased around the hatch.

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    edited October 2019

    If there isn’t a chance I can get you such as heavy camping then I’m not going to try. Or if I’m on the opposite side of the map, especially if the hatch or open door is by me, then I might wander over to see if I can get to you if you’re a full hook. I also don’t expect to be rescued from a heavy camper. The goal is for as many people as possible to survive. With statuses like exposed or perks that reveal you after a hook it makes the decision even dicier. But I usually give at least a test and see how close I can safely get before giving up on a hooked survivor

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    If I'm on first hook (and not having a staring contest with bubba), you can bet I'm struggling the whole way down if they don't want to come save me. Why would I help someone that has no intention of helping me? That's not a team play, that's getting used by randoms

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    So you subconsciously want the killer to find them.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Depends on the situation. Two or more gens left to be done and the other guy played normal? I let go so they have a better chance at getting the hatch. Otherwise, I'll keep struggling.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    Depends on whether or not the last person annoyed me or not. If they actually attempted to do stuff in the game then I'll normally let go for them so they have a chance, if they're teabaging I still will. There's not really too many ways you can say "hey, I found the hatch". They also don't know if the killer is camping me or not and coming out of hiding to go to the hook can get them killed. Thinking on it, I'll normally struggle if the killer is camping me just for the points since I know the other person is in no danger. If they try for a rescue while I'm being camped I'll let go.

    I appreciate when people try and go for the save but there really isn't much reason besides sexy points. When two people are left with gens, it's almost guaranteed that one of you is dead unless a key is in play. If I'm on the hook first then that's just how it goes.

    Now if the gates are open, no noed, and it's my first hook and I just see the last person sitting at the gate, it pets my peeve but I do understand at least. Now if everyone was alive and no one goes for the rescue, that just make my fries extra salted and I have to take a break to lower my sodium intake.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Sorry, but that's terrible! Another player should never have the power to force another player to exit the game forcibly.

    That's just such a bad idea.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    If the Killer camps me or hangs by the hook I wait out the timer so the last Survivor can look for Hatch or do whatever. If they try to come for the save I kill myself.

    If the Killer leaves me to look for the last other Survivor I kill myself. 800~ish struggle points aren't worth denying someone else 7000 points, an emblem, and keeping their item. Plus hanging around half a minute is boring.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    As long as they weren't bad or camping the hatch while I was being chased, I'll kill myself even if it was my first hook. Good luck to you, final survivor.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    If they T-bag from all the way across the map, then I usually assume they’re on the hatch. Only then, I’ll stop struggling and cross my fingers that they escape.

    That is only if they were a good teammate in the past. I’m not just gonna give it to someone who did nothing to contribute to the team.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Not really. In both situations I presented that player dies. There isn't a scenario that they live. If you give them all the points that they would get from struggling, it makes no difference if they die instantly or die at the end of the struggle phase. They get the same amount of points and still die like they were always going to. The only thing it changes is their ability to screw over their teammate from escaping

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Depends on the context and situation.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    i rarely t bag the hatch, if i do that is only cos i've been tunneled and i'm quite desperate, lol. if i see other survivor has been hooked for first time, then i'm like damn, and i suicide my little ass all the way to rescue you my friend. appreciate it when 3rd survivor knows what it took for me to do that!

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2019

    If it's too dangerous for them to attempt a rescue and they have seemingly found the's goodnight from me.