Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Which is/was the hardest adept achievment to get?

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

Survivor: You have to escape using only the survivor's main three perks

Killer: You have to double pip using only the killer's main three perks

PLEASE have in mind this "hardest" concept applies for purple and red ranks mostly, it's pretty easy to get them on low ranks

Which is/was the hardest adept achievment to get? 105 votes

Laurie Strode (He's always watching you...)
AdelooCotJockyMarvett[Deleted User]TheLegendDyl4n1PandiferCarlosylueric_alrasid17 8 votes
David King (Broken the full game)
ThatbrownmonsterLuigifan64SpringeyCL4P_TRAP_ERPluarslaNChaosMaster130TAGOMagic_ManOChicagopimp2019sensualsatanWhattheHeckAngryFluffyAwakeyPhoxfluffymareepToxicboiiGorgonDorgonDicklayciaSebaOutbreak 26 votes
Steve Harrington
Slaughterhouse3 1 vote
Trapper (No gen pressure)
OogieBoogieCaptain_Spauldingrch614 3 votes
Myers (Obsession based perks)
DarootLeafstormLeftPrestonnytkim 3 votes
Freddy (Nobody opens doors at purple-red ranks, they 99% them)
daddyoHoodiedChiTenshiLeader7thDeliciousFood 5 votes
Legion (he's one of the worst killers)
SkairipaComelyStarVolfawottJaggyDolphin9192kanaMedicSpirit7Seltas0208fly_172Phoenix_Wright 10 votes
Clown (he's one of the worst killers)
Peasantanonymous31337TunnelVision 3 votes
Hag (3 Hexes... really?)
AkiTheKittenDelsKibaraPaxtonizeTodgeweihtNoOneEscapesNancy 5 votes
Other (comment yours)
WeederickSupernautDwight_FairfieldWhite_OwlStevoRattmanPandomStar99erSpartagone45KarltastiskJacoby2041Almoanarchy753Incurable_BOFADoofy_GMewCashelP14TragicSolitudeJawsIsTheNextKillerrd_dex 41 votes


  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206
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    adept bubba because he's trash

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127
    Hag (3 Hexes... really?)

    I have never ever been good with Hag. Which is why she's the killer I have a hard time getting an Adept for.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited October 2019
    Laurie Strode (He's always watching you...)

    I got him quite easy cause of BBQ, but yes... I had to tunnel AND camp...

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,466
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    Leatherface & Nurse. She’s kinda bad on console.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    Laurie Strode (He's always watching you...)

    True fact about the nurse, Laurie at red ranks took me about 12 games in a row, the fact a red rank killer sees you all the time is hard as hell, even though I know how to loop, they think I'm running that perk cause I'm toxic and want to be chased

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited October 2019
    Legion (he's one of the worst killers)

    Well I don't have any problems with playing Legion their perk don't exactly help them out.

    Discordance is very easily countered once you know the killer has it just don't work on a gen with another person.

    Mad grit is situational you can go through a full 5 game session and never use it once effectively.

    Iron Maiden when you have survivors we just don't go in lockers it's pretty pointless also lockers are the worst place to hide against Legion because killer instinct will rat you out and they could just yank you out of the locker

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2019
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    op, you should remove freddy from the list.

    freddy is a very, very strong killer especially with good add-ons.

    it looks like you're saying that it's hard to get a merciless victory because bloodwarden is hard to use in red ranks due to people 99% the doors.


    if all the generators have been completed, chances are you won't have a good gatekeeper emblem, which will result in you not getting a merciless victory.

    on the other hand, remember me is extremely strong after closing the hatch and will really help you get a 4k.

    so adept freddy is not at all hard to achieve.

    also clown is so much stronger than you could imagine, and pop goes the weasel is literally the strongest killer perk in the game.

    no adept survivor achievement will ever be harder than killers.

    bubba and nurse are clearly the harders to get.

    this poll is literal trash.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081
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    Evil Incarnate.

  • Almo
    Almo Member Posts: 1,123
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    Huntress. Her perks are not great to play by themselves. Yes, the Lullaby is good, but the other two don't help me a lot.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,533
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    Allow me to introduce The Plague... nuff said...

  • sensualsatan
    sensualsatan Member Posts: 92
    David King (Broken the full game)

    David King was pretty difficult for me to get because of No Mither. The only perks that got used were WGLF and Dead Hard as No Mither typically got me farmed or tunneled. Most of the time, no high rank killer is going to slug the No Mither anyway unless they feel bad.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081
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    Yeah I know, I just think it's harder to get than any adept. So far, I have not had a problem getting any adepts.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334
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    I actually cannot get adept Bubba to save my life. Even when I killed all 4 i didn't double pip :,-)

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    Laurie Strode (He's always watching you...)

    That's why you can select the option "another (write yours in comments)"...

    For Freddy, yes, he's a strong killer, try it in red ranks with only his 3 perks and send me a screenshot of a merciless victory, I'll be happy to lower my head and say I was wrong, it will take you at least 7 tries in a row and purple or pink addons.

    Clown... In red ranks... Easy to get... Sure...

    Nurse is easy as hell if you're a good Nurse even at red ranks...

    Bubba was the easiest for me cause of the stacks on barbecue... Easy double pip...

    Don't call something "trash" based on your perception... We don't need more toxicity... Give me numbers and I'll be glad to say I'm wrong about something...

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited October 2019
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    Plague all the way. Everything in your power is working against you for emblems. Corrupt Purge doesn't count for emblems for some godawful reason, neither does making a survivor Broken, and once a survivor is Broken you cut your points in half because you can only hit a survivor once per chase, on top of survivors destroying your emblems because cleansing heals them. Combine that with mediocre perks and yeah, it isn't fun. I only managed to get this achievement by literally not using her power at all. Think something might be a little flawed if the only way to get an Adept is not use her power at all? Honorable mention to killers with instadowns as well.

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454
    edited October 2019
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    Adept Ghostface gave me a lot of trouble for a very long time. Longer than my other adepts.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549
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    The Spirit's adept is really hard to get because it's hard to max her chaser emblem. The chases end so quickly and there's so little of it. I still haven't gotten it.

    Also Rancor doesn't get a whole lot of use.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221
    Laurie Strode (He's always watching you...)

    As survivor, Laurie if you don't know how to loop. I found it the hardest when I was still pretty new to the game.

    I say the nurse is the hardest as killer and over all just because she is so hard to learn. I'd say nurse is the hardest overall.

    I see most people have voted David as the hardest, but if you can play at a lower rank with a decent SWF, you can stay hidden and do gens while someone else keeps the aggro.

    The killer always seems to see you with the OOS perk and makes a bee line straight for you. You are screwed if you can't loop. And their is not SWF option to killer adepts. You just have to be good or get a really crappy team. Killer adepts are about you being good or just plain lucky.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,835
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    ghostface, you basically have no power with some of the worst perks in game.

  • Kenshiro84
    Kenshiro84 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 26
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    I'm trash with throws, and her perks are garbage.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
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    Nurse. Like pulling teeth!

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
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    It's difficult to say accurately, because I had them all done before the Plague patch which made them require a double pip for killers.

    As survivor; David by a long shot. Laurie's would have been harder but I fluked a baby Nurse the first time. David was just awful being broken permanently. One time I got to the hatch and ended in a standoff and lost just because I gave in.

    As killer, Plauge. Plague gets TERRIBLE emblem scores. In order to max out some of them you have to slug people and let them be picked up SO MANY times. Her perks are also absolute garbage. Corrupt Intervention does not slow gen progress, it just changes which gens they're on which still cripples Lightbringer. Infection Fright is iffy as anything, no guaranteed help. Dark Devotion is awful.

    Runners up for killer go to Huntress and her awful perks, but also needing to learn to throw hatchets, Nurse for having to learn her from scratch, and Ghostface for being terrible with bad perks.

  • Pandom
    Pandom Member Posts: 20
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    Plague probably has the roughest time since she really struggles with getting emblems, but overall, the one I found to be the most torturous was Nurse (and that's completely my own fault). I went for Adept Nurse 2 years after she came out, and for those 2 years I have basically never played a match without Shadowborn. When I went for this adept, I realised how much of a crutch Shadowborn is to me :P

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    edited October 2019
    Freddy (Nobody opens doors at purple-red ranks, they 99% them)

    Pre-Rework Freddy

    Worst Killer at the time and his personal perks provide little/no help. The delay in sleep transition made it a chore to hit Survivors, Survivors in the dream world only suffered minor de-buffs (nothing else), and amongst higher ranks, being an M1 Killer with no effective way to catch-up is truly awful.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385
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    I'm struggling with Nurse and Plague. If it was to just get a merciless win with any perks, or to get 4 kills with only their teachables I would have had them both by now.

    Changing the trophies to match their description was a mistake. They should have just changed the trophy descriptions to "Achieve the no-one escaped scoring event using only their Unique Perks" It was still a good challenge with the old system.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
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    Demegorgan for me

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105
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    Oh at least I can open the exit gates 15% faster!!!!

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
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    Kate's and Pig's

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452
    David King (Broken the full game)

    I am ######### at looping so I rely on immersiveness to avoid chases.

    Hard to do if you're always groaning AND downed in one hit.

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253
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    Nurse because never took time to learn her.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    David King (Broken the full game)

    I think @GrootDude may have something to say.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,025
    Freddy (Nobody opens doors at purple-red ranks, they 99% them)

    Rank 7

    Original Freddy, not reworked

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    David King (Broken the full game)

    David. He has one perk and a downside attached. Granted, that one perk IS good and synergizes with that downside, but still.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
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  • Spartagone45
    Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122
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    As of right now, in my opinion, Ghostface Adept is the hardest to achieve in the Purple/Red Ranks due to the fact that he doesn't get a lot of Deviousness unless he stalks 24/7. & even then, when he stalks 24/7 he wastes a lot of time to the point that he doesn't have all the survivors dead by the time the match is over. In my opinion, What they need to do is add more points to the Silent Stab/Grab action and/or add him getting points after a certain amount of time in Stealth.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,480
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    Strangely, I think The Spirit was the hardest adept for me to obtain, even though she's my main. I had a match that went on for half an hour as I kept slugging the third survivor but being unable to locate the fourth (god that was stressful), and it was before the EGC so knowing where the hatch was didn't mean I could prevent an escape. That was my big problem when I was getting adepts: the hatch. Though, at least it only took a 4k and not a Merciless; it meant I wouldn't get screwed over by someone DCing during the match.

    I sit in the brown ranks, so for the most part the adepts are pretty easy to get. As a survivor, it's mostly a case of brute forcing it; at some point, I'll escape. I have all the adepts except the ones for the newest DLC, which I don't own.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
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    Plague and Wraith were the worst. I never had issues up till these two.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
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    @Mushwin @GrootDude

    Send me a msg on ps4 and I can get you the picture for how I did my adept plague. I also have a video I uploaded when I did it. Maybe it will help you.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,612

    eh huh? oh i am not bothered about Adapt killers etc lol

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2019
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    From The Void She Kills. I did it in a time when there were no perks to reduce the heartbeat aside from Insidious which had a longer timer than now. If I remember right I managed to get it in a match were survivors wanted to farm and by chance I had a 3 blinks build, so they basically allowed me to get it.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
    David King (Broken the full game)

    For Survivor, it’s 100% David because one of his perks is completely worthless in helping you survive (WGLF) and No Mither gives you a giant tunnel vision target that makes you go down in 1 hit. For killer I’d have to say Demogorgan only cuz his perks are #########; he’s a good killer though, it’s just that his perks don’t work well with him.

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2019
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    haven't had too many issues yet. I have 7 of them. 4 survivors, hag, huntress and wraith. Hag i basically got second time playing her wraith took a bit longer. His base perks are not the greatest, but his irridiscent addons did the trick once those 3 perks hit 3. Huntress was a bit tougher. Her base perks are bad.

    As far as the survivors.. I've never really considered them a serious matter. It's pretty much get to level 15, use only your 3 perks with an item , escape the match. (you can do it at level 10, but I am levelling all the characters to 15 for the 4th slot) Whats worse with survivors, is once I get the adept achievement there's really no reason to even bother playing them other than a few you like. You can dump bloodpoints into them to get prestige and teachables, but outside that..

    I really feel the game does not really treat survivors with the same attitude it treats killers. Every killer basically has their own unique ability which gives them a different playstyle which gives them a point to play> All survivors have is perks, which you can teach to other survivors. I feel when they made ash they were doing something right. Ash may just be another survivor but he at least he talks.

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2019
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    ya same here with the plague. I got the no one escapes (no dcs, all 4 sacrificed) with her base perks, got all worked up as it transitioned to the ranking screen..but only got ruthless because my other emblems suffered :(

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145
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    Adept Nurse, because I'm trash with her.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452
    David King (Broken the full game)

    Ok, so I don't think I noticed this until now, but Adept myers.

    First, his perks revolve around leaving one person alive to utilize their effects.

    Second, Play with your food actively punishes Myers for attacking for any reason.

    Third, Dying light before being reworked was the odd one out, which promoted tunneling where his 2 other perks were against it.

    That means that you're leaving a single annoying survivor alive, with a perk loudout that contradicts it's entire theme of "leave the survivor alive", and having to do a 4k in general from all of that.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    edited October 2019
    David King (Broken the full game)

    Adept Legion and Myers was easy, I had a really easy victory cause I played efficiently while the survivors didn't, etc.

    Adept David though? I just played a SWF with @GrootDude and @Mushwin

    We faced against a Pig, a 4 man SWF with No Mither, Self Care, Botany Knowledge and We'll Make It, OP build I know, the Pig had the aura reading crouched add on and Ruin, needless to say we only got 1 gen done, at the near end of the match, I watched Groot play around at the lockers, keeping a guy who we played with stuck in the locker, he got downed to only have Adrenaline proc in front of the Pig, he jumped in the locker in her face, yeah, she 4k'd.

    She never used her traps.

    It's not necessarily hard to get Adept David but you might need to get carried, as in people take protection hits for you and you have Borrowed Time, play stealthy and try to limit yourself on taking Aggro.