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I Admit It: I Care About Rank

hiC Member Posts: 217

This is it, guys and gals. I’m forever exposed as a sweaty survivor main who cares about his rank.

I’ve always been competitive. I played team sports as a kid until graduating high school. I played Counter Strike 1.6 at a pretty high level (cal-m) in college. I golf in tournaments and money matches all season long. It’s just in my nature to be competitive; that also applies to DBD.

I can’t tell you exactly why, but my favorite part of each ladder reset is climbing back up to Rank 1 as a solo. There’s a sense of accomplishment knowing that I took the hard road and still made it to the top. It scratches the itch to be competitive.

Lots of people comment about how sweaty and lame everyone plays at red ranks, but I’ll continue to argue that it’s easily the most fun rank to play in. There are no free escapes. There are no free downs. You have to work for everything you get. Survivors know their loops. Killers know how to mind game. You’re playing against the people who put the most time and effort into the game. Sure, there are a few boosted potatoes on each side, but they are few and far between.

So, for anyone else out there who actually cares about your rank and cares about being good or getting better: you’re not alone. Good luck out there!


  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2019

    well enjoy getting cucked by that stupid broken ranking system

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    I don’t have a problem with the idea that you need to do a little of everything to rank up. The problem is that in practice the ability to pip as a survivor is completely dictated by the killer.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Hey, it's alright to feel that sense of accomplishment for ranking up. Especially with this broken ranking system.

    I will say however, I hope you're not one of those players who just try to ruin the game for the other side. Because while I don't see the point in being competitive in a game like DBD, I can at least understand why some people are competitive in it. Just don't ruin the game for others.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I kinda do care about rank, too. But rather because I know that people in purple ranks e.g. usually would not crouch around in the corner of the map. That's my motivation to rank up - to play together with people who have some experience in this game. Other than that I don't really care.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Except that survivors have free escape (hatch spawning with still 5 gens).

    Also, the pip system is pointless, as killer you have to play not optimally/ throw the game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    So what you're trying to say is...

    Nerf Spirit

    Got it


  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I care too.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    I don’t BM killers. There’s actually a lot of mutual respect between the Rank 1 killer and survivor players on NA PC.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Glad to hear that.

    Too bad the sentiment is not the same here in SEA.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    In the game’s lore the entity feeds on the hope of the survivors. The killer is not intended to completely dominate the survivors each trial. It’s too bad that it may make killers feel like they can’t play optimally.

    Also, there are plenty of killers who DO play optimally at Rank 1, so I’m not sure your point is completely accurate or valid.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    As a survivor after rank reset:

    • if I don't rank up quickly enough, I end up losing because of bad teammates.
    • If I rank up too quickly, my teammates end up losing because of bad me.

    I walk a very fine line, but those are the reasons why I care about rank.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited October 2019

    Do you really want to leave the last survivor to do two gens alone or hide until found again? We’ve been here before. It’s that or waste 30+ plus minutes looking/ waiting for them to get to three. So might escape through hatch , but also forced on a timer. As a survivor it was ridiculous having to work down gens alone and evade the killer simultaneously to be able to have the opportunity to get hatch. Or even the staring contests. I much prefer this new implementation to the former.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Yes the hatch mechanic was horrible before. Killers just have to get out of the mindset of considering 3K + hatch escape as a defeat. It would be nice if the emblem system didn't reward slugging for the 4K though.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That's my feeling as well. My goal each month is to get back to purple ranks to avoid idiots.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Yeah that would be a lot more realistic as far as how games have been panning out since the new endgame timer mechanic as far as gameplay.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I sorta care too

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,956

    to each his own I find red ranks as both sides not fun

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    That’s fine too! I don’t think anything less of people who don’t care and just play casually.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited October 2019

    Ugh I can smell your stench from here!

    In all seriousness everyone (even the people who do play casually like me) care about rank to some extent.

    For example I do not try to get to rank 1 every reset because I simply don't play enough games or care to, but I do try and get out of yellow and green ASAP!

    Edit: Spell check

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    The best I ever managed as solo survivor is rank 3. I have no clue how its possible to reach rank 1 as solo since the team mates skills you get vary SO much. Currently sitting again at rank 4, struggeling to even stay there cause I keep getting matched with purple or even green ranked killers who tunnel and face camp.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    You can get there if you keep grinding it out! Use the games where you’re tunneled to work on your loops. Don’t be bashful about running DS or BT! It’s an uphill journey, but you can definitely make it to Rank 1 as a solo.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Imagine justifying a badly designed game mechanic with lore.

    I know it’s way better than the old waiting hatch game, it’s just stupid not pipping because last survivor takes the hatch, and you get silver emblem instead of iridescent.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I cared about rank to the point that i wanted to get away from the stupid survivors... now i learned that rank doesn't matter because there is no escape from the stupid.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I care about rank a lot as survivor. Not because of status or anything, but because of who you play with. Much better to play with decent survivors and a killer who doesn't rely on camping/tunneling than potato survivors and a camping/tunneling killer.

    The ranking system is cruelly ironic because it is very difficult to double pip as survivor. As killer it is pretty easy if you have a good game and as killer there is no benefit to ranking up because you will just go against better survivors

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    I respectfully disagree. There’s a clear change in the competency of survivors as you move up to Rank 1.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    Can you actually articulate why it’s not okay to cite the lore when talking about the emblems? Can you explain how the killers that do play optimally seem to end up at Rank 1?

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Not on ps4, i'm rank 5 and getting match with other purple and some red ranks and it's just awful

  • Aeon
    Aeon Member Posts: 41

    I make it to red ranks every month which tells me that rank is meaningless. I'm average at best.

  • newduls
    newduls Member Posts: 90

    The ranking system rewards cooperation by the survivors and the killer.

    If the killer doesn't camp and tunnel and methodically hooks each survivor , such that everyone is on their last hook at the same time, at which point if they escape it doesn't matter to much.

    Meanwhile, the survivors should play slowly, respect the threat of the killer. Heal themselves when injured, etc. By doing so, by the time they die or escape they will surely pip as well.

    If both sides play their part everyone gets a bunch of blood points and a ranks up.

    I'm not talking about cooperative farming, in which both sides are aware its a joke. Though this can be done as well to accomplish the same task.

    In any case. Playing more selfishly will result in a more uneven distribution of results. Ranks will be lost by 2 or 3 of the survivors and the killer will safety or derank as well.

    Killers can't rank up without giving the survivors every chance to escape (with the exception of brown ranks, where because you often 4k without a single generator being done you'll 1 pip). Which is troubling since there are emblems which cannot be effectively achieved without the cooperation of the survivors, especially at high ranks.

    Survivors can rank up however, by gen rushing and leaving, simple because of the way the emblem system currently distributes rank points.

    I could break down the flaws in the current emblem system and its contradictory nature with the killers version which promotes quasi cooperation, while the survivor version promotes a gen rush for a possible rank up and quasi cooperation (less obvious then gen rush and more difficult) for a guaranteed rank up regardless of death or escape.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    I’m following you all the way until the part about survivors being able to pip by doing gens and leaving; that part isn’t accurate. The survivors suffer from the same required cooperation by the other side as the killer. Really great explanation of the flaws, though!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,105

    I've always been pretty competitive too, I like winning in games. I've been red rank in both sides. I think that you should receive a rank up if you escape as survivor and if the killer 3-4 kills. The emblem system should only apply if you end up losing on either side and all it should ever decide is whether you deserve to stay in same rank or derank. The higher rank, the stricter the requirements should be. In every competitive game, There always only ever be one winner but for some reason, DBD allows both sides to be winners/Losers and that doesn't make much sense. Maybe one day they'll end up fixing it so that Winning and Losing means something and rank gives some minor reward.

  • newduls
    newduls Member Posts: 90

    1 or 2 of the survivors can by doing gens and leaving. Especially if no one gets hooked.

    Iri light is 270 which is

    all survivors get 25 points for all the gens getting done and 15 for the exit gate opening. So you start at 35. Dull totems are 20. And you get up to 33 points for being in a chase while others repair. So 270 is pretty easy as long as you do 2 gens and are active doing other things.

    So Iri is going to go to at least 1 of the 4 survivors maybe 2.

    Unbroken is an iri as long as you don't get downed or hooked. So Guaranteed 4 if you do gens and leave without interacting with the killer at all. Light can still be 4 because you can do 2 gens and 2 dull totems and you've got 275. So 8 points is very reasonable.

    You start with 35 points in benevolent, so you you only need to heal one person to get silver and get silver, which puts you at 10 points. This will get you all the way to rank 8.

    After r8 you need 12 points to rank up. So it gets harder to rank up without cooperating and playing right and of course r4 to r1 its even harder. But the survivors at this point were trained to gen rush...

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,710

    I'd care about rank more if had rewards to it and wasn't so easy to rank up. I play the game semi-casually as survivor and end up dead most games and still end up around rank 5 before it resets again, just playing a couple times a week for a few hours. Do a gen with prove thyself, run the killer for all of 10 seconds, get a rescue and bam, you've pipped or at least a safety. With the new extra points coming up so it becomes easier to get boldness and survival, it'll be pretty easy to almost guarantee pip.

    As killer it's a little harder since if you do too good you only safety and other times dc's mess you up or you get steamrolled.

    While it's true that the better your rank, the better the chance of finding good teammates becomes as well as better killers, it's still just a sign of how much you play rather than pure skill imo. Plenty of good players in crap ranks because they only play on occasion and I've seen god awful players in decent ranks that just play a ton.

    Nothing wrong with being proud and happy with your rank but I just can't see any reason to since you just end up facing the same killers over and over and it becomes boring without any reward. I like facing the spirit; I don't like facing any killer 5+ games in a row.

    I do get the competitiveness as I'm also competitive but I normally only get sweaty as killer and that's only at certain times. On survivor I just try to have fun and mess around while still playing. Just my 2-cents on the matter.

  • OriginalSin
    OriginalSin Member Posts: 22

    I lean towards am I getting better and am I earning decent bps. That being said, it's nice to move up the ranks because that means I am getting better and making decent bps.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Nothing wrong with caring about rank.

    I just don't like working so hard for something which is supposed to be a pleasant diversion. You're right in saying there are no freebies at Red Ranks and everyone plays super sweaty.

    It's just not for me.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    As a solo survivor I share the same sentiment as you with reaching rank 1 every season. It definitely is a personal goal of mine to reach it at least once per season. As a solo, I'm sure everyone knows how much of a gamble everything is when it comes to your team mates and the type of killer you get. I can definitely say without a doubt that teaching red ranks every season teaches me a lot of new things and how to properly manage my time in game. There are not a lot of variety in killers at red ranks, so it's definitely an accomplishment when you can escape the hardest of killers on a trial.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited October 2019

    As far as I've been aware totems give Boldness, not Objectives. I could be wrong, but I was pretty sure it was boldness.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    What else exactly do you base game Mechanics on except for lore?

    Lore and the theme of the game is integral to good games. Only crap bottom of the barrel crap games don't have a good theme and lore and are basically just reskins if every other game out there.

  • newduls
    newduls Member Posts: 90

    they give objective points.

    20 for dull and 50 for lit.

    though I haven't personally checked the numbers in game

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217