What percentage of your games are ruined by DCer's?



  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I would say about 30% are ruined when I DC. The rest were like ruined before that.

  • Spellls
    Spellls Member Posts: 7

    I get dc'ers a lot, but I also get kicked a lot so I know that not all of them are people just bailing.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    That's not how that works. That's called false equivalence and it makes your argument bad. These two things are not the same.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    5 minute timeout would still result in longer queue times. Not insanely longer but still longer. People would still DC and instead of just staying to wait for the 5 minute queues a lot of them will just go and play something else. 5 minute dodge timers don't discourage people from dodging. it just lengthens queue times for them and lowers the number of people playing by a bit. LoL has a 5 minute dodge timer and people dodge constantly. It doesn't discourage it almost at all. LoL has the playerbase to get away with shrinking number of players. DBD does not

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Instead of punishing DC'ers how about they just go back to the revisions of the game where players didn't want to DC.

    1. Nerf BBQ
    2. Remove Hatch closing.
    3. Extend pallet loops
    4. Stop spawning the killer right on top of a Survivor
    5. Come up with some sort of mechanic that gets rid of Slugging.
    6. If a player get mori'd Give them something awesome for it.
    7. Revert Exhaustion status perks and Decisive.
  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I think most people would deal with longer queue times to avoid dealing with DCer's.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    So reward the behavior of DCer's with a list of absurdly pro-survivor changes. Briliant.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    No they wouldn't. When queue times were bad you already had people in high ranks not playing the game because they were having to wait 10+ minutes to find a game as killer. It would just result in a ton of people swapping to survivor because the queue times would be faster. You would have a large swap to survivor and would either not have enough killers or they would have to lock/limit the number of people playing survivor. You also ignore the fact that people not DCing doesn't make them better teammates. They will still be equally as useless if they are forced to stay in game. They will just find different ways to die or will soft int/troll until the game is over. They can't stop this from happening unless they just start punishing players for doing badly. Which they can't because they would be left with no playerbase. There is nothing they can do as developers to make people not ######### teammates or to make people play better. There is nothing that can be done about it and it's something you just need to accept as a part of the game.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    Except all of those changes only favor the survivor and cause a severe imbalance in the game, specifically to areas of the game that the killer already struggles in. Are you rank 20 or something? Or do you just miss the good ole days of being so broken that a killer was a 0 on the threat meter

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    They honestly just need to better incentives for players to stay in game. If I'm vs a killer I hate playing against and get insta downed when the match starts, saved, then insta downed and slugged, what reason do I have to stay in the game? I'm not going to receive any points and am almost guaranteed to depip unless the killer plays like complete trash. If I'm going to get virtually no points nor will I pip or safety pip, I have no reason to stay in the game. There's nothing rewarding me for not disconnecting or immediately suiciding out of the game. If I don't know the other players I'm not particularly worried about their experience if I'm having a really unfun game that won't benefit me at all. I would rather move on to the next game where I can get points and gain something from the game. They need something in place to keep people from leaving in situations like this. The battle pass xp will likely do it for me. Even if I don't do well, I still get some xp towards the unlocks for the pass. As a punishment they could take away xp from the battle pass for people leaving. Also, they could take away xp from the battlepass if you do really badly in a game. This would target both people soft inting and people who are just generally terrible at the game. They would have to figure out what the threshold for what they consider to be bad play. You want a good balance of reasons to stay in game and decent punishments for leaving at the same time. If they just punish, the game will start to die because people get frustrated and gain nothing from playing out those games.

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    I'd say around 25% of games I can't be healed, another 50% is getting hit thru pallets and add 50% of potato teammates that can't even push thru ruin let alone loop a bad killer. I d/c in all of the above because I'm entitled to do what I want <3

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    If they stay in the game, at the very least, they can be killer fodder. Other games do not suffer DCer's like DBD does. I don't have a problem with queue times. I do have a problem with wasting my time and depping because someone started a DC party.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Other games don't have a DC problem, they have a soft int problem. Soft inting is when people purposely lose the game but in non obvious ways. In DBD this would be popping gens on purpose, sandbagging, revealing other survivors locations to the killer, etc. This isn't a huge issue in DBD yet because the people who would normally do it just DC or suicide instead. Games where players can't just DC have a much higher rate of this issue. DBD won't be any different. A lot of the players who are forced to stay will just take it out on other players. So you will have longer queue times and you will still have a relatively high number of ######### games (relative to the % of games with a 1st hook suicide or DC) You will still have "ruined" games. They will just be ruined in a different way.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Well I was a bit naughty today. Had 2 GhostFace dailies to do (Sacrifice 2, kill 1 by hand).

    Burned a green mori...hooked one...got unhooked...downed her again...mori in progress...she d/c. Then another survivor d/c. Two left. Hooked one in basement. Hid inside cabin for last survivor. Chased them as they were about to enter basement. Downed and hooked. 1 kill and 2 sacrifices accomplished. 90,000 extra blood points in the bag.

    But I felt a right swine.

  • jackrach24
    jackrach24 Member Posts: 6

    Sometimes it's not on purpose I played 5 games and in all it said I disconnected with the host when I never have

  • Pleebean
    Pleebean Member Posts: 22

    About 20% of my killer games are ruined by dc's, even if I play pig or wraith.

    My survivor games about 50% once I get higher in rank, if I stay in the lower ranks about 10%.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
