In your opinion...rank the killers from best to worst, or favorite and least favorite.

or this
This is my list...I didnt know where to put some of them.
Freddy, pig, spirit, huntress on S the rest idk depends on who you play against, that's my opinion
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Favourite: Jack the Ripper
Least favourite: Harold Shipman
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S- pig, hag, plauge
A- spirit, wraith, legion,
B- doctor, nurse, trapper, huntress, clown, freddy
C- ghostface, myers, demogorgon, leatherface,hillbilly,
(List based off favorite)
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S - Wraith, Ghostface, Demogorgon, Legion, Plague
All killers I currently main.
A - Huntress, Hillbilly, Pig
Killers I used to main, can still have some fun games as them occasionally
B - Trapper, Freddy, Myers
Killers I've considered getting good with but never have
C - Spirit, Bubba, Doctor
Played very rarely, usually just for dailies
D - Nurse, Clown, Hag
Killers I will get absolutely destroyed with and are only played for dailies
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You put Myers in C tier for favorites? -.-
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i spelled two words wrong wow 🤔
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S: Nea
F: every other killer
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but nea is my fav survivor tho
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How's your experience with legion?
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My top three and my mains
1) Amanda
2) Legion ( I don't play specific one I play them all interchangeably especially now that I got a Julie skin I actually like)
3) Demi Logorgon
Alternative killers
4) Wraith
5) Ghostface
6) Hag
7) Doctor
8) Myers
Others Killers
9) Billy
10) Huntress
11) Freddy
12) Trapper
13) nurse ( would be higher but I'm a baby nurse)
14) Clown
Most hated Killers
15) Bubba (sorry Groot)
16) Plauge
17) Spirit
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I loved leatherface, but got tired of being looped to death. So I switched to spirit, and mainly play her. I want to main leatherface/ghost face but I'm tired of losing so often. I like the challenge of nurse, winning with her can be really rewarding.
Hillbilly is strong but I really hate how the camera shakes while he runs.. kinda weird pet peeve, but oh well.
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Hag is my favourite by a long shot. I like traps in general and hers are unique and really fun to use.
I also really like Trapper (my “main” before I tried Hag), Ghostface, Spirit, and Legion (preferred old Legion, I didn’t use Frank’s Mixtape).
I don’t like Nurse because I find her too hard (console...). I play almost everyone though.
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for me Huntress , Spirit , Hillbilly , Ghostface , Freddy those are my top5
else i enjoy play pig alots.
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you grammar good🙃
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Im playing with you im being toxic
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Wow i was supid..
Anyway right now I feel differently about some killers.
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Favorites: Pig, Legion, Nurse
I like them: Trapper, Huntress,
They're OK: Wraith
Least Favorite: Hillbilly, Nurse
No Opinion cause I don't have them: Literally everyone else.
Why is Nurse on there twice you might ask? Well, because when I'm on point with Nurse or get gen grabs she is by far the most satisfying killer in the game. But on bad games... no killer will have you feeling like you are flopping around like a fish out of water faster than she does.
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Favorites - Myers, Demo, Doctor, Bubba, Billy, Freddy
Like - Wraith, Oni, Nurse
Ok - Huntress, Deathslinger, Trapper
Dislike - Ghostface, Legion, Plague, Pig,
Hate - Spirit, Hag, Clown
Post edited by Owlzey on1 -
I like Spirit, Pig, Plague, Nurse and Huntress even though I'm garbage at the last two. Ghostface and Myers are fine but I don't have a lot of perks or time on them, and I will never touch Clown or Freddy again, both of them can get deleted from the game.
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Ranking the killers how much i like to verse them or how much i like to play them?
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S- Playing them most of the time
A- They fun too
B- Daily rituals or I'm just get bored of those 6 favorites
C- My aim sucks, I don't wanna learn Nurse, don't really enjoying Pig's playstyle, Spirit is just guessing game with survivor
D- PlaG is just boring and Freddy too but also my frame rate in the Dream world sucks
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From favorite to least favorite.
Clown is the only Killer that I can reliably 4K with at red ranks (I still think he sucks though). Legion, Pig, and Wraith are also cool too.
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All Time Favourites (P3 All perks):
- Trapper, Deathslinger, Freddy, Myers
Favourites i play less (P3 All perks):
- Clown, Doc, Hag, Spirit, Pig
The ones i enjoy from time to time:
- Billy, Demo, GF, Plague
The ones i don't like that much:
- Legion, Wraith
The ones i hate:
- Oni, Nurse, Huntress, Bubba