Easier to pip at high ranks as survivor?

I just hit red ranks since the new patch... I pip every game because of BBQ and Chili. Work a generator until someone is downed - hide - rescue - rinse and repeat. I get red Altruism every match and usually Red for generators as well...


  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    I agree . It is easier to pip at higher ranks and red ranks. I'm currently rank 4 (haven't really been pushing for 1) and it is easier to pip, but I think it's easier because we're playing with people that know the pip code. It's nice playing with people that know how to not farm, heal within heart beat, do gens, run inside BBQ and chili and everything a good survivor does . The 3 randoms I play with are a big help to my pipping. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @RemoveSWF said:
    It's always been that way.

    Low ranks suck for survivors. High ranks are fun.
    Low ranks are fun for killers. High ranks suck.

    True at rank 1-2 is where it's really fun to play since both sides are good. The survivors know what they're doing and don't run around like level 20's in full view of the killer. At rank 3-5 you get that all the time or those that quit the moment they get downed 1st time.

    The killers hardly ever camp other than when gates are powered and they want that 1 sac which everyone is fine with. Both sides are equally devious and sneaky with how they move and what they do. You really learn a lot more on how to play the game better as well.

    Because the level of play is so much more consistent you can experiment on loadouts now and I dropped UE for SO which has been kinda interesting to run. I actually found myself chasing a Hag who was chasing someone else to get stacks other day.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @qpwoeiruty said:
    I just hit red ranks since the new patch... I pip every game because of BBQ and Chili. Work a generator until someone is downed - hide - rescue - rinse and repeat. I get red Altruism every match and usually Red for generators as well...

    Its the same on low ranks.
    Its way too easy to rank up, but on the other hand this game is competitive and this way killers can have some fun on high ranks too. Imagine if only optimal survivors would be hovering at high ranks..... all killers would either play nurse or derank^^

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I don't wanna rank up so easily. I'm not gonna enjoy anything rank 3 and up😭😭😭😭
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @TheXenoborg said:
    It's easier to rank up as survivors in general. Only way to rank up as killer is to camp and tunnel and I hate playing like that.

    That's not really correct, I've played against quite a few of the same killer from ranks 10-1 as we all leveled and very few of them camped if ever. As for tunneling you bring a flashlight and or tea bag repeatedly well expect to get tunneled.

    As far as pipping easily it still depends at 1-2 on map and killer whether you safety pip or rank up or depip. Ranks 3-5 are a nightmare to rank up and stay gong given teh ahem quality of survivors that want to play like it's rank 15-20. Then you add in the lag switchers, hard core campers and the dreaded Nurse with hacks of some kind. The last is really rare but I've run into more of those than normal nurses at 1-2.

    At ranks 1-2 it's mostly Billy, a few Leather faces, Freddy's (shudder 4k pretty much every time), Huntresses who all seem to have to camp. The exception to last is the rare 1 or 2 that don't and even then they almost all seem to have iridescent axe heads and almost never miss. You also get lots of Trappers, Pigs and yes Hags.

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    I may have spoken too soon lol... Played yesterday about 10 ish games... pip'd two, followed by two killer DCs, two survivor DCs (no pip/black pip) eventually i ended up rank 3, but due to circumstances not revolving gameplay lol i should have made it to rank 2 probably.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited August 2018

    yea since the 2.0 patch piping as a survivors way to easy. they should revert it back.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2018

    It's because all the ######### camping killers are stuck at lower ranks because camping only barely gets you a pip, usually only a safety pip. They plow through the bad survivors but once they get some decent ones they struggle to do anything because they are incompetent and don't understand that it's easier to pip if you leave the hook and chase people, even if you only get 1 kill. You can't get caught against these killers or you depip, so basically from rank 15-5 you have to pip BEFORE you get caught or just never get caught, which is easier said than done.

    Case and point last night I had a game as Freddy where I only got 1 person by the end of the game, but I got 1 or 2 hooks on everyone, chased everyone, kicked gens, etc. I got a pip plus like 3 ticks over, only 1 kill. Hell I will flat out carry the last guy to the hatch if I had a solid game (basically a 4k) and STILL double pip. Killers that wait out the hatch are morons IMO because chances are they double pipped anyway and are just wasting time.

    It's why camping/tunneling is for scrubs.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Survivor is easy to rank up since day 1.
    If you "fail every single round because of your team", it's time to question your own abilities.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @thesuicidefox said:
    It's because all the ######### camping killers are stuck at lower ranks because camping only barely gets you a pip, usually only a safety pip. They plow through the bad survivors but once they get some decent ones they struggle to do anything because they are incompetent and don't understand that it's easier to pip if you leave the hook and chase people, even if you only get 1 kill. You can't get caught against these killers or you depip, so basically from rank 15-5 you have to pip BEFORE you get caught or just never get caught, which is easier said than done.

    Case and point last night I had a game as Freddy where I only got 1 person by the end of the game, but I got 1 or 2 hooks on everyone, chased everyone, kicked gens, etc. I got a pip plus like 3 ticks over, only 1 kill. Hell I will flat out carry the last guy to the hatch if I had a solid game (basically a 4k) and STILL double pip. Killers that wait out the hatch are morons IMO because chances are they double pipped anyway and are just wasting time.

    It's why camping/tunneling is for scrubs.

    This is so true and the only ones that get away with it are the campers that use hacks like the one I had early this am. Had none of the following perks yet was playing like he did, BBQ, Whispers, Spies, Insidious. He had Agitation III but was running like he had rank Iv, Iron Grasp I but it was like III. He had Territorial Imperative an can't remember the last one. He didn't have any of the meta perks but yet always knew where people were. Didn't have Insidious yet could turn invisible.

    They camped and got all 4 kills and I was last person because he saw me through 2 walls of house, 2 pillars, 3 trees, and 2 rocks. I got ran down like he had BL3 in 5 seconds from when I saw him. I've run into the same hacker constantly getting multiple sacs by camping at high ranks.

    I've had other campers who can only get more than 1 kill if they're Huntress with iridescent and they sit just out of terror radius.Since the Tinker rework the others that used to rank up by camping don't anymore.

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    Update, pipped like 7 games in a row to rank 2, 2 pips from rank one. Last game of the night I play good, feels liek a double pip... one dead, one downed as I opened the exit gate... I keep pacing back and forth on whether to go save them, as they are middle map, but I already know I have red emblem, and Im pretty sure i also have the double pip. I take to long to make the decision and he's hooked. Blood Warden + NOED... he comes and knocks me down and hooks me dead. End screen shows I was an escape point away from the double pip and rank 1 lol... live and learn.