Please change the hatch.

The hatch should be able to be opened again once the killer closes it without a key, add a progress bar for 30 seconds or something. With skill checks obviously. It's way too easy for killers to guard the doors and most often than not your gonna die if the doors spawn close. (Most of the time they do)I just find it unfair on both sides if they close the hatch


  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Sadly it wont happen, they changed the hatch because of all the hatch stand offs and holding game hostages now, i guess it is a game of luck and chance but it's better then how it was. :)

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Idk 20%ing a door waiting for the killer to come and than going for open is pretty effective.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I go for 100% and get hit with noed as said gate opens. I should stop doing this.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Maybe we should remove hatch. It causes a lot of problems nowadays.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Lore wise it would mean the Entity has gotten wise to the survivors using it and closes it up for good.

    Gameplay wise Survivor frustrations would go through the roof.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited November 2019

    I never liked the hatch change honestly. It punished killers for exceedingly good games well above the standard when hatch wouldn't spawn without 2 gens being done.

    On the other hand I know why it was changed for the EGC otherwise survivors could still hold the game hostage against the killer.

    Realistically I would like it so keys dont spawn in a trials chest without a person with Plunders looking or someone bringing it in. Also remove Gates being on the same wall on maps.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    It really wouldn't.

    It's way too easy to get a 4k as a killer when you find the hatch, since the doors will most likely just spawn right next to each other, and all you gotta do is walk halfway there and halfway back then chase the last person off the door.

    I get that the odds are stacked against you but seriously, it shouldn't be punishing you for not finding the hatch immediately after the 3rd person dies.

    I just find it unfair and unfun just running to a door and not even being able to have a fair chance to escape.

    Even as killer I find it unfair to the survivors when I close the hatch and the doors are next to each other.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    And yet the killer can turn the game around entirely and kill all four survivors if they play their cards right at that point.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Nah, the current system forces some sort of end to the match which is the entire reason why the hatch and endgame was changed in the first place. I don't care if people want to cry about being "robbed" of a kill or escape, as long as hatch standoffs or survivors hiding forever instead of trying to do gens has a time limit put on it by EGC it's fine by me.

    Yeah, the killer can stand on the hatch and not close it but at that point they can't really cry if the survivor decides to waste their time without being a giant hypocrite. They can press one button and put a time limit on the match, if they don't and the survivor decides to stealth around forever that's their problem.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I suggested the same a while back.

    An action similar to the break out of beartrap action. Very low chance of opening the hatch but a viable option if the killer is hard patrolling the exits.

    The odds of breaking hatch open in my suggestion was like 0.2%.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    It just depends on how many survivors you already killed, if it's 3 or 2 you'll have a good chance to kill them.

    But with the last survivor with the hatch closed you have a 90% if not more chance to kill them

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I think he understands that, but we're talking about the scenario where the killer can keep both Exit Gates in LoS.

    Sure, it's supposed to be hard for the survivor to escape because they failed, but it shouldn't be impossible due to luck. ?

  • I think it would be more beneficial if the aura of the Hatch was shown to the Survivor for a few seconds after the second to last Survivor is killed or sacrificed. At least now the Survivor will have an actual chance of getting there first.

    I'm still a relatively new player, I've only been playing for about two months now and I still have yet to make it to the Hatch whenever I'm the last Survivor left.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited November 2019

    "Whoever finds the hatch first" is not an accurate and balanced factor for who gets the close/escape.

    Survivor A and B have died; Survivor C finds the hatch before the killer; the killer downs and hooks Survivor D for the first or second time; Survivor D struggles for 60-120 seconds while the killer looks for the hatch; the killer finds the hatch; Survivor D finally dies; the killer gets to close the hatch and there's nothing Survivor C can do about it despite having found the hatch first.

    Here are three different ways that I could see the Endgame being more fair (and possibly more spicy):

    1. Both the killer and the survivor can bury the hatch in leaves.
      1. Whoever buries it can still see the leaf pile, but the hatch/pile is invisible to the other team (if buried by a survivor, all survivors can see it).
      2. Once the hatch opens, the leaves are removed and the hatch is visible to all players once more.
    2. A chest with a guaranteed key will spawn once the hatch has been closed.
      1. The closer the gates are to eachother, the further away from the gates the chest will spawn.
      2. This chest is not affected by Plunderer's Instinct or Pharmacy, and the key is destroyed if the survivor disconnects, dies, or escapes.
    3. If the survivor fails to open an exit gate after a certain amount of time has passed their position and well-being are compromised, and if the killer fails to down the survivor with that advantage then their target has one last, narrow window to escape.
      1. When the Endgame Countdown reaches 15 seconds remaining and there is only one survivor alive, that survivor's position is revealed via a loud noise notification and they suffer from the Exposed status effect.
      2. The survivor's aura is revealed at 10 seconds remaining and both exit gates start opening.
      3. At 5 seconds remaining the survivor is granted the Hardened status effect.

    Not all of these changes need to be implemented side by side, and the actual numbers can be changed.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    ECG introduced "RAGE QUIT BY DAYLIGHT" It literally was the only security net we had for terrible team mates and random, CLUTCH escapes.

    Sure, the 45 minute hatch stand-offs were interesting. I've been on BOTH sides of it. The survivor that cannot find the hatch keeps the game going, and the 2 with an EGO that wont just end it. I always thought that they should have done AWAY with the killer's ability to GRAB a survivor from the stand-off so it would have been DONE and Over with. As well as the survivors that "butt Dance" at the doorways for quite awhile.

    ECG could have been RESOLVED with

    1 ) All generators completed. The Collapse BEGINS. 5 Minutes to LEAVE.

    2 ) The last remaining survivor triggers the hatch to OPEN.


    • The killer may NOT be able to grasp a survivor during a Hatch escape.
    • The killer can no longer close the hatch.
    • The ECG runs just like it did in Beta. Where NO SURVIVOR scratch marks were visible.
  • Just looked it up on the Wiki. Hadn't even played as Bill or explored his Perks yet. I'll use it by using him and see if it helps. Thanks!