What was your best moment in Dead by Daylight?

So, since I noticed there has been a couple of angry threads in the forum. I'd figure I create something that's a little bit more positive, just to remind everyone of why they love Dead by Daylight.

Let me start.

I was playing OG Freddy in one of the Farm Maps, I had just killed a Meg who was chasing me around for a good while when I noticed that the gens turned on. This Meg was my obsession and I had just gotten enough stacks for Remember Me to max out on stacks.

At this point I already killed the other two survivors, and the last survivor, Quentin, was running for the exit gate as fast as possible. The gen he completed was literally right next to the exit gate and I hooked Meg on the other side of the map.

I panicked and walked to the exit gate as fast as I possibly could. I know the Quentin is already touching the lever because that's what BBQ showed me for 4 seconds. So he possibly could have gotten 4 seconds on the exit gate.

At this point, Remember Me haven't been nerfed to 16 seconds yet. So I had an extra 4 seconds to spare to stop him from opening the gates.

As I was approaching the gates, I heard the first siren. I got closer and closer. Then I heard the second siren. Quentin didn't even care he was about to be put into a dream anymore. He wanted OUT!

But just as the gates were about to be open, he fell asleep and I grabbed him off of that lever. I literally screamed in victory as I bring the Quentin back to a hook and finish that game with a solid 4k and a double pip.

I don't think anything in this game has ever topped off that moment for me in Dead by Daylight.

So now that I've shared my story, why don't you share to me your best moment in Dead by Daylight?


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Being under tremendous pressure from a Hillbilly on asylum. Only me and one other survivor left - already been hooked twice and facing defeat.

    Retreated in to the asylum and opened a chest. Key! (wasn't even running Ace in the Hole)

    Looked round the corner. Hatch! So just by chance I escaped and the other guy did too. It was very memorable for me.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Blair Witch moment, went down the basement to find all 4 survivors facing the corner of the wall.

  • Starbricks19
    Starbricks19 Member Posts: 74

    I was maining doc at the time, first survivor going Down was not to far from basement so why not hook him there? Done, leave basement because I am a polite crazy doctor, do some patrolling and the survivor is still hooked down there. Something ain't right here, I rush back to basement and looks like no one is there, keep walking and there you go, 1 was looting the box, other 2 in the far corner, get the looter first, hook! Then chase one of the other 2, got him, I grab him and rush downstairs again.... Hooked the third, now time to end this... Here is where amazing happens: not one but 2 survivors in front of me just unhooked them self at the same time, the rng!!!! Incredibly they both stand still, they didn't run away... I was loughing out loud, I guess both of them did the same... I let them go!! End up 2 died and 2 run away! Lot of fun

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    I've had a few but can't really remember too many of them but I have a couple that come to mind

    One guy got killed mid-game we ended up down to one gen with billy patrolling them. Billy ended up slugging and I was the last one alive with billy on my tail. I managed to lose him at the killer shack long enough to go towards a survivor. I healed the guy and dead-harded just as billy swung so he missed. Billy then chases the guy that got up and he dead hards a billy swing and makes a pallet and loses him in the corn. We then got the other guy up and we all healed to full.

    Billy still had us good with the 3 gen strat but I ended up finishing it in front of him after he hits me once instead of chainsawing, dead-harding to miss his next swing and then leading him around long enough for the others to get the door open. He got me and camped me till death but it was super worth it. Very exciting game and good plays from everyone.

    I also had a game with my buddy and we normally play dwight with a beanie, pizza backpack, and pink pants. Had some random guy put on the outfit as well and then we memed a bit together in the beginning. The killer was bubba and hooked the other person before coming over to us. He just stared at us and we slowly walked towards him and he backed off and shook his head. We ended up memeing most of the game and farmed a bit. Best part was me and my friend decided to die from end game while slowly stalking bubba and the random joined us, even got a few screenshots that the bubba sent to me. Funnest game I've had just memeing around by far.

  • AGuyNamedKane
    AGuyNamedKane Member Posts: 71

    Hooking one survivor in the basement only to find all three others hiding in lockers in the basement. To this day I'll never understand why none of them left the lockers and tried running away, but I ended up hooking all of them in the basement. Match took only a few minutes and it was the only time it's ever happened to me. Was about fourteen months ago.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    This, I was being owned by red ranks whyle being a green rank and one survivor decided to stay and teabag me... Wrong choice mate...

  • RatedRCriddler
    RatedRCriddler Member Posts: 14

    My best moments come from meme games. When everyone has a laugh and doesn't take the game seriously. Just after Stranger Things came out, my friend and I were facing a Demogorgan. After a few minutes of fooling around the map, He led us to the gas station on the Autohaven Wreckers map. He went behind the counter and pretended to be a cashier. Little things like that always put a smile on my face.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I was a baby survivor, and one of my first games was against Demogorgon (I'm fairly new, about 120 hrs). One exit gate was open, the other survivors out of it, but Demo was guarding the door and he already closed the hatch. I went for the other door and almost had it open when he found me. Thing was, instead of grabbing me he panicked and did his shred on me- hurt but I was still up. I opened the door and used dead hard to close the distance before he recuperated, but his cooldown ended and he shredded again- knocked me right out and let me escape crawling. Closest game I've had!

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    My best game happened recently as Freddy on lampkin lane. I went against a 4 man swf who all sacrificed pustula offerings, all 4 had toolboxes (2 bnps, 1 generic toolbox, and 1 for sabo). When I first found someone, first thing they did was sabo my closest event hook. Then when I downed one, there was someone waiting at the next event hook, and sabo'd it by the time I got to it. I was forced to down her and let the guy escape my grasp, then two gens popped. They forced my to slug by going directly to a corner where there were no hooks. But I got someone in the Haddonfield basement. And since there's a gen on top, nobody was able to get out safely. I ended up getting just two of my 5 event hooks, but killing those chumps was uber satisfying.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    One recent one that comes to mind is when I realized "Hey, I finally really know how to run this loop efficiently, to the point where the killer gives up and leaves!"

    But for real, my biggest one is going to be when I finish unlocking every teachable perk. I'm 1 survivor perk and 1 killer perk away from doing so, after a year of playing (more on that tomorrow, after I'm out of forum jail).

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    I was working on the last gen and my friend went down at a pallet by me and our random teammate was also down next to me as well (it was a huntress) so I 99'd the gen and she picked my friend up and I ran and dropped the pallet down on her releasing my friend and I picked up the random and finished the last gen all in that one moment giving everyone adrenaline.




  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Shortly after the Pig released, I managed to down this really cocky bald-dwight right at the exit. He was the last one I needed to chase out.

    I put a trap on his head, then stepped back and said out loud to myself

    "Choose your fate"

    My intention ... if he didn't move, I'd let him bleed out. If he crawled to me, I'd hook him. If he crawled out, the bear trap would take his head.

    He was screwed either way - it was up to him to choose his fate.

    He chose the beartrap. LOLs were had by both myself and all the survivors in chat afterwords for my diabolical cruelty.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    My best survivor moment was when I was facing a Pig as Quentin. I was looting the chest outside of Freddy's room under Badham when she just ran around the corner and stabbed me. I just took the hit finished my Pharmacy search and stared her down. She left and eventually I got hatch.

    Best killer moment was part of a match on Crotus Prenn . I had lost a survivor and couldn't see scratch marks or hear anything. That's when I saw the crows. This survivor had left a trail of disturbed crows all the way to the shack. So I just witnessed a murder of crows fly down in a wave that directed me to the shack. I didn't think to check the lockers but the post game "You haz wallhax" told me the birds hadn't led me astray.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I've had some good ones. One was when I was going for the "sacrifice one survivor during the EGC" challenge. Playing Spirit, I managed to have three of the survivors dead on hook by the time the last gen popped. I had NOED. I really wanted to get this one Claudette with a flashlight who'd been rather annoying during the match. Well, I see her at the edge of the exit gate; if I hit her she'd fall right out, so damn, so much for that. Except, when I walked away, rather than leaving, she started running in circles at the front of the exit gate. So, I phased behind her, and surprise! NOED. I got to sacrifice her and complete my challenge. I was sooo happy.

    Probably my absolute favorite, though...

    At 10:36, I spot the only survivor I haven't hooked, yet, a Claudette. She's running towards the exit, and it's one millisecond away from opening, she's gonna get out and I'll have only hooked three of the survivors...

    Well, it's worth watching what happens.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    Had a match against a Freddy on Grim Pantry. I was the last one left and hadn't been hooked. He downed me as the last person was dying, he picked me up and realised there was no available hooks nearby. He drops me and just looks at me for about 3 minutes, he then leaves to look for hatch, he finds it and my Adrenaline procs, I accidentally run towards him but he doesn't hit me. I loop him at shack and he doubles back and loses me. I then manage to get to the other side of the map and open the door before he gets to me. (Don't have a vid of it at the min, but I'll add it if I remember.)

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Not my most memorable, but my survivor highlight of the weekend was going for Adept Bill.

    I open the gate, and hang around a bit. Mostly cause I'm dumb. I'm healthy. This trapper walks up to me at the gate and BLAM! noed. Oook so i still apparently don't understand how this perk works.

    He just stands there defending the gate (pretty sure the other 3 ppl are just bonding at the other gate) he puts a bear trap down, picks me up and drops me further from gate. He then proceeds to keep his back against the opened gate.

    I pop unbroken, this you shall not pass mofo steps in his own trap and i sidestep him out the gate. Total lawl ochido video clip. Adept Bill indeed!

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Too many to mention but this was just two days ago and comes to mind. Being able to escape but knowing if I play it right with this d strike I'll save Bill too. Probably wouldn't have tried it if I remembered she had unnerving presence on.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Everyone was downed, I had found the hatch but Freddy found me. The remaining survivors were about to bleed out. It was my first hook so I tried to unhook myself.

    It was a perfect coincidence.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    I was running a two man swf with my buddy against Pig, just before her EGC nerf. Timer has 1/2 left and I rescue my friend, heal with We'll Make It, but he still has a trap on his head. He runs for the last box to check. Pig starts crouching near my friend while denying the last box, trying to get a head pop. I try to distract her, but she only wants the head pop at this point. I check the typical Badham boiler room hatch spawn, and of course it's there. I run for the open exit and he runs for the hatch. Piggy realizes what is going on and gets the first hit. My friend gets to the preschool, mindgames her at the window outside, and uses Lithe to break for the basement. We heard the *THUD* from EGC as he jumps through the hatch. It was crazy!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited November 2019

    Either Hag's, and thus, Hex: Devour Hope's release or Wraith's Add-on rework.

  • BhSMRT
    BhSMRT Member Posts: 32

    The day I quit :)

  • Psychopathy
    Psychopathy Member Posts: 21

    Best moment? Running an ace, with tier three plunderers and AITH, and I found a flashlight. I gave it to the survivor next to me, who was working on a gen. Later that game, I was downed, and left, because I was the obsession- Killer thought I had DS, I didn't. I was picked up. And then, I get downed again, and he starts to carry me to a hook, my second, and the one I gave a flashlight to took a hit, and helped me wiggle off. And then, the third time I was saved, the killer picked me up, and the one with the flashlight got a blind off, letting me escape. Three saves, and I never got hooked a second time. Everyone escaped.