Some fair suggestions

zzee19 Member Posts: 48
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

Few ideas:

  • killer spend few seconds to damage gen, survs should spend few seconds just to stop regression. And this time can't be addable - u need to spend all this time like killer do.
  • gates opening should not be addable in progress /or killer should be able to regress gates.
  • healing progress also should be slowly regressed if it is not fully healed.
  • more gens with less repairing time - it will change survs sitting/repairing time to seeking/movement.
  • Legion changes - every time u are damaged by ff u should spend more time to heal mending.
  • Borrowed time - minus few seconds after each activation
  • DS is active for all time after unhooking till another surv is hooked.
  • Your choice (pig perk) - no screaming after unhooking
  • Exposed, Undetectable and other statuses are not visible for everyone.
  • Timers are not visible for everyone.
  • Make surv roles - healer/stealth/runner/tech + combinations, which caused effects on perks, you can use. Event items for that healing, repairing roles. Items are durable and doesn't disappear. It will make more interest in survs gameplay.
  • You can't repair without role toolbox, common or any other toolbox. Same for healing.
Post edited by zzee19 on


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    • it’s a popular opinion, and yet, developers said that we killers should be happy that gen regression can instantly be stopped (to run the super op overcharge i guess);
    • nah, i don’t think it would made much different, unless with very close doors;
    • nobody heals anyways;
    • if they add more gens, every map should change, it would take to long (and also more gen/more gen time isn’t the solution);
    • legion would be still pretty bad, he hasn’t a real power to help him in chase;
    • i didnt understand;
    • i can already think of many exploits;
    • only hex status should be affected;
    • make your choice is fine;
    • timers are already not visible for everyone;
    • a change too big after 3 years;
    • huh, no.
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,687

    I think you are a Killer Main.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392


  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    Timers like Freddy's dream, Plague infection are visible.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I think it's somebody who plays both roles.

    "more gens with less repairing time - it will change survs sitting/repairing time to seeking/movement" and "DS is active for all time after unhooking till another surv is hooked" aren't good ideas from a killer's perspective.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Concerning the OP's ideas, this is the only one I can agree with:

    "killer spend few seconds to damage gen, survs should spend few seconds just to stop regression"

  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    These suggestions are ideas, not a finished form of implementation. And my main goal is somehow to make survs more individuals, because all survs are the same - no difference in gamepla, they need something like power/buff/sickness. Killers are much more interesting, after u tired from one killer - just pick another, so after some time u get bored from surv gameplay, u have no variants. And also I like if u can't see an information about u or someone else on the screen (statuses, timers), because it makes game more horror-like in my opinion.

  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    As for me, it is more interesting to look for a totems on map, it could be a mechanic to find some details on map or something like that. Also about DS - I face situations when killer just wait that minute, if everyone will know it is working different - no waiting, just go and find somebody else.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    If the devs can turn "heal" into "mend" if another survivor is affected by "deep wounds", then I'm pretty sure "kick generator" could be replaced by "overcharge generator" if the killer is affected by "overcharge" and the generator is affected by "regression".

    Isnt that only like one additional condition added? Or better ~ignore "cannot kick" if killer has "overcharge".

    It wasnt added yet because "waaah tooo OP" facepalm


    Amazing how vehemently survivors are against stopping that tapping against regression