Nurse is truly dead if no one plays her

I hardly see any nurse player after the update.
What's the meaning of "best killer in the game" if no one plays her, let alone using her to full potential?
If the nerf is that insignificant, and she still can 4k with ease, just need to wait for extra 3 sec each chase, then why no one plays her?
So i think nurse is dead, like the game dies
What system do you play on
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I'm on pc, i can imagine what consoles look like right now..
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Lol yeah I play on ps4 my rank is green so I have variety on killers and last time I checked I think I faced a nurse a couple of weeks before the rework
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Nothing else in the game is as blatantly strong as Nurse and Spirit. Nurse mains still had the option to abandon ship in protest over to the next most broken thing. I reckon once she gets nerfed we'll see a healthier spread overall, including both of them.
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So i guess majority of people want to play the most broken thing in game?
I wonder when those killers start to become survivor mains and play as full optimum SWF team with voice chat
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I'm admit i'm playing nurse just to suffer. I had no fun playing as her, but i still do it because I don't want the player base of nurse become zero..
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I never played nurse besides dailys so eh
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I have played against a decent amount of nurses since the patch.
Less than before, but she is not extinct. Yet.
That may change in a few more weeks as more people get tired of playing Nurse.
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I hope so.. because i never seen her after update except matchmaking occasionally makes me play with rank 20 killers
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I've seen a few Nurse's, I'm Rank 5 and can barely keep Rank 4. One Nurse I juked really hard but it was Yamoaka and I was at an amazing jungle gym. Another was really good but I don't remember the outcome of that match, not as many Nurse's nowadays. I've been seeing a lot of Ghostfaces, Mikey, Billy is even played less than Nurse from my own experiences.
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No, just that a large amount of people play Nurse only because she's the strongest thing in the game. Look at any competitive game, if something is considered strong it has a cult following that will drop it the second it's nerfed.
If you've ever heard of the Johnny/Timmy/Spike theory, Nurse players (and Spirit really) are largely Spikes.
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The most common killers I see played these days are Freddy, Huntress, Trapper, Spirit, Plague, Ghost Face, Myers. In about that order.
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I stopped playing for dedicated servers, I receive quite a few delays when I blink (100 ms) and a strange bug when walking at 300%.
Since the update, only one nurse has touched me, and it was very bad (I imagine I used to play with addons).
I played it 10 ~ 15 times since the update, the only thing that bothers me / frustrates me is that if you can't hit, the survivor only by giving W you can lose it, so I started running stridor + spoon, many survivors play hide 😂.
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1) Servers suck. Unless you live next to one of these datacenters your camera jolts everytime you blink and gets worse the higher your ping goes.
2) Running in straight lines is the only skill require out of survivors now to waste the Nurse's time. Something that would of got you killed before is now a viable tactic.
3) 99% blink charge. Oops you didn't wait long enough. You just wasted 2.9999 seconds and can't even blink far enough to catch up to that survivor.
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You can literally run from one side of the map to the other in a straight line before the nurse can catch up... this is without the speed boost from being hit.
She is dead against competent survivors.
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That's why nobody plays her anymore, people don't have fun playing a 96% speed killer with 6 seconds cooldown on her full ability.
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The devs will learn..only question far will they drag the game down before they do?
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This just makes me feel like a hipster. Been a Freddy main for a year now. I remember right after his rework, seeing PLENTY of ppl using Freddy profile pictures all of a sudden
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This argument can still be made toward stacked sfw comms. Only it goes a step further, being a loophole around an intentional design of the game, being that you have little to no communication. Heck, you're technically not even in a team, just a group.
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I salute you Freddy mains who stuck with Freddy before it was cool!
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On top of that she still has a fatigue ??? who ever is the developer that did this really needs to step away from the balance team cause there horrible.
Right now nurse is 100% unfun slowest killer, 3 negatives for using power, add-on depended now, (mainly cool-down) no fun
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Went from "Oh wow... A Freddy... You never see one of those..." To "ANOTHER Freddy? -DC-".
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already doing it lmfao
few of my killer main friend including myself already abandon the killer side.
this patch is truly survivors heaven, I'm enjoying winning every game with my buddy.
No nurse and spirit getting nerf, only ######### m1 killers, simply gen rush them and win, ez
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The fatigue is not on top of the 6 second cooldown. The cooldown starts when the fatigue starts.
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I'm your polar opposite.
I hated Freddy before it was cool to hate Freddy.
I just don't like being unable to see him before I'm found, and I dislike being unable to juke him after I'm found.
Hipster Hi-Five there my friend!
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Why play her when spirit is better
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I mained nurse before the nerf and i'm still performing with her on red ranks. I mained her because she was the strongest killer. Now i'm maining her because i feel bad for her. What am i?
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I only can speculate, because I prefer Hag. But when I run survivor, I see basically no nurse beside the one of baby nurses.
I think, before the rework, she was some kind of prestigious killer, the hard to master, unstoppable if mastered kind. With the "promise" broken to not touch her base kit, I can imagine a lot of nurse players are salty and feel betrayed by BHVR and the devs. A lot of them dedicated a lot of time to learn her, prestige her and get everything on her. They didn't care too much about the add-on changes, because good Nurses often didn't even use add-ons. Omega-Blink or 5 Blink for the memes or to be extra sweaty against SWFs on red ranks.
Now this all is gone and even the Nurse, they worked all those years to become good at is out of the window. The nerf to her cool down add-ons (you could play pre-rework Nurse with them) possibly was the straw that broken the camel's back for most of them. Now they have to relearn her and all the investment in her is just gone.
But maybe @Peanits could give some statistical insight on how many Nurses are played after her rework until now. If it's just confirmation bias or if their numbers really dropped.
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A butthurt Spike with a little bit of Johnny.
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Thanks. <3
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I just don't think nurse was ever fun to play as. I did not come across any nurse since update yet
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I've played a lot of Nurse since her nerf. She's near unplayable due to dedicated servers more than anything and I can give you several examples as to why:
- Almost every time you blink, you will experience rubber banding and teleport back a little bit, which more often than not will cost you missing a hit
- You can get stuck in things like trees and various other objects where you literally cannot move at all until you blink again. I've experienced this even after hooking someone, which once again, more often than not will cost you missing a hit.
- When you go for a blink lunge sometimes you'll get an M1 without the lunge, again, costs you missing a hit.
- When charging a blink it can glitch out where you can't actually blink, instead, you have to let go, watch as you don't blink, stare at your hand holding what looks like 20 blinks now, and start over.
- Unrelated to Nurse, but Survivor movement is a lot faster since dedicated servers when it comes to doing things like a 360, and you can get spun incredibly easily, which hurts Nurse a lot as if you miss, you'll get punished heavily.
You have to deal with all of what I listed before you can start judging how the nerf is, which to me it doesn't feel like the worst nerf at least for good Nurse players, but hey I can't confidently say that because of dedicated servers.
Add-ons can also help a lot with making the nerf not feel as significant, although I'm not sure if it's enough to turn me away from playing Spirit simply because Spirit doesn't feel nearly as bad to play on servers.
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still it is but just weaker than before
which strongest if you used to her but not massively op like before
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If you are playing her on the highest level you would know what she is now. I played with base nurse against a rank one 4man with all 5k hours+ three months ago. Matches like this show the viability of a killer. I mean they won easily against me that time, but because of my mistakes not because nurse wasn't good enough. The current base nurse is not viable anymore, her conclused movement speed without addons decreased about 50%.
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i'm looking forward to seeing nurse pick rate from devs.. after they see the statistic, i wonder if they will say "pretty good job so far" again
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I have played 45 survivors matches in the last 2 days at rank 1-5 in EU, and I have seen only one Nurse. Instead I got 19 Spirits, most of which didn't have tier 3 perks, but were actually solid at mindgaming.
My guess is that Nurse-mains switched on to Spirit now.
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most people in dbd not reached theoretical skill cap of nurse but they, no, we all killed most rounds and we all knew it
so nurse "main" players, they never had chance to test how decently skilled before this nerf
because it didn't matter before, personally i did all killed like 90% after 5h practice of nurse
now i don't think that easy but still thinking better than spirit but, much harder than spirit
this is better than billy vs spirit, because billy is harder than spirit but weaker than spirit
so i think nurse became fair right now
remember this question
what killer viable without addons?
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I wouldn't say she is dead but I when I play her I have to really focus and push myself.
I still can do well against the best survivors but what's the point? I can play my trapper and get similar result and if survivors want to finish the game in 5 minutes and escape with keys then I can't do anything about it.
She is the most taxing killer for me with not much payoff.
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yep since last week I saw maybe 1-2 nurses shes dead :(
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huntress is weaker than billy, but have higher skill cap, so is it okay to nerf billy?
Doctor has higher skill cap than most M1 killer, and yet he is one of the weakest killer. So other killers should be nerf? (Devs are not saying they are going to buff doctor, they said they will make him more fun to play as or play against)
BTW how many nurse out there that can kill your team faster than spirit now? If like you said she is stronger than spirit, then why people abandon nurse to play spirit?
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"pretty good job so far" for devs, by making no one plays her anymore. They killed her...
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Which means high skill, mediocre reward. Good job devs
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yep only now versing bunch of spirits with prayer beads at red ranks and billy. Spirit is getting nerfed too looks like they like to cater survs alot
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Since the nerf I versed like 2-3 nurses. One of them was legacy p3. In all matches I was able to outrun the killer for ages, something which isn't even possible against wraith on bloodlodge lol. We got always 3 survivors out, it's piss easy now.
Nurse is dead, I don't play her anymore and it's no suprise noone else does. Her basekit change is overkill.
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What are you on about? Spirit is stronger now, no doubt!
And once spirit get nerfed the survivor matchmaking will get longer cuz many will switch role.
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You guessed right, many did (including myself). I wasn't playing spirit at all before, now I P3ed her during the double bp event and I'm just playing her. Not touching Nurse anymore.
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The answer is that ALL killers should be viable, without being forced to used single use items.
How about we make toolboxes, or survivor add-ons, single use too? and then gimp the ever living hell out of repair speed so you REQUIRE a toolbox to have a chance.
Seems fair to me
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Post edited by redbeard92 on3 -
Fun fact: Nurse can blink through the exit gates any time throughout the trial.
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I haven't seen many nurses recently, even before the patch went live. I just don't think she's as popular as the community seems to expect