Stop nerfing everything survivor related


I'm a survivor Main, and I am sick of this game by now. I'm tired of all the nerfs survivors have to deal with. First you took away most of the pallets, then changes to perks, pink brand new part changed, now insta heals are gone as well. (insta heals are supposed to heal you instantly and not give you a borrowed time effect after and only after the killer hits you within a specific time, if not, you're dead) I don't get it. Why!?

Why don't you get rid of moris or rare to ultra rare add ons from the Killers? Or nerf them..

Just stop with all the nerfs to survivors.

I am tired, really really tired.

And don't you dare to tell me to stop playing now..i love this game, I just can't handle another nerf.



  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Sir you may have forgotten the "/s" in the end. Some people might actually take you seriously.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Bro, if you want og bnp we killers main are fine, just bring back the first down mori. :)

  • Bigyo369
    Bigyo369 Member Posts: 78

    OK, I'm not sure if you are serious or not, but if yes, do you really think the thing were fine as was before? Like seriously, doing an entire gen with one add-on, negating the killers whole chase with one add-on? I agree that moris have to be changed, just like keys, and the devs are doing a good job at balancing the game imo, and they are nerfing killers too, if you would play the killer side too you would know that.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    when you though you could read a funny sarcastic post but see this...

  • KattyKat
    KattyKat Member Posts: 30

    No, I'm just afraid that getting rid of the key is their next goal, if so, I'll stop playing.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Keys does have to be nerfed. Not removed. Same with Moris.

    Its basically a free escape if they find the hatch. Same with moris being a free kill for the killer.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    lol are you whine about most op thing before nerf and still it is,

    now i prefer pills more than syringe but still bottle is massively op

    git gud bro really i wished this post was joke

  • stonecold
    stonecold Member Posts: 39

    @KattyKat everybody thought it was a sarcastic post because of how you think survivors are getting nerfed too much :3..

    Trust me you shouldn't play killer then if you can't handle that level of frustration. It's even worst for killers.

  • KattyKat
    KattyKat Member Posts: 30

    I did play killer as well. And yes, its very stressful.

  • Rinthespooki
    Rinthespooki Member Posts: 255
    edited November 2019

    You forgot instablinds making flashlight saves require no timing at all.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I can smell your bias from here son.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327
  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    From survivor to survivor, the game will always change, we are SURVIVORS we change, we adapt, we survive.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    These changes were made so that the game isn't like how it was in 2016 for both sides. Even though the devs are taking a extremely long time to do so because they keep adding new content which most of us don't want right now.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Stop whining, you can still survive without all of the pallets. How would you like to play killer with only 4 generators? If you think about it styptic agent was actually buffed because of this since another health state cant save you from the chainsaw, but endurance can. if we changed everything back the way it was nobody would want to play killer. Just because one person isn't having fun doesn't mean they should stop making changes.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061


    I'm also a survivor Main, Survivors are broken and deserve the nerfs.

  • I'm tired of seeing posts like this. The game is not killer favored, and thus by needing survivors makes it even. You talk about old brand new parts, but don't remember how killers would disconnect. You talk about instaheals, but not how much frustration they would gibe the killer. Sometimes up to the point of rahe quitting. You get looped for 3 gens, and then someone Instaheals them. You are so angry that you just pull the plug. THAT is why they got needed. People like you need to stop.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    The team just made it possible to heal in 6 seconds with the green medkit.. for yourself..... what the hell?

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    Hey want rank are you on killer again?

    Rightttttt lol. You know good survivors win games constantly back to back. Hell i win games back to back in green ranks and im not even that good. Why don't you?

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited November 2019


    How many hours do you have playing killer and what rank are you as killer?

  • Dumithicc
    Dumithicc Member Posts: 11

    Ex survivor main, I stopped playing because it was boring for me. Too many toxic teammates that would leave you to die, and too many times I've been camped by a ######### killer at the beginning of the match.

    I moved to killer because it was way more fun. I honestly don't know what most killer mains moan about when it comes to their matches, as long as I get 2 kills I think the match is well done. I've never once had issues with keys, considering you can literally see when a survivor has one.

    Solo queuing survivors have a huge disadvantage when it comes to playing, which is why a lot of people use the SWF option. It's better to know your teammate has your back, than constantly get left behind. When you're killer you dont have to rely on strangers. That's another reason why I switched.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Tamping down on really pernicious mechanics is good for the health of the game. Moris ought to be redesigned, too.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Nurse just got the ultimate vibe check and failed for starters

    Syptic Agent is actually really strong

    Alot of survivor perks got buffed with the recent update

    Mori's are not OP

    Hawkins has a literal pallet army

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I don't like the borrowed time medkit addon. Seems like a pointless change to me. Brand new part should be gone. Ebony Mori should be changed to 2 or removed but two would probably still be a bit op.

  • Alis_Prospero
    Alis_Prospero Member Posts: 11

    I'm tired of all the elitist comments, this games community is disgusting.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    @Alis_Prospero It's not elitist... but if someone only plays one side and complains about that side being nerfed they have no idea how the other side plays or their experience. Therefore doesn't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to complain about nerfs and balancing the game around both sides.

  • Warno221B
    Warno221B Member Posts: 17

    Cannot take this post seriously. Couldn't stop laughing, survivors have only had a few things nerfed, which were needed. Killers have had much more nerfed and will probably be nerfed in the future.

    As a killer and survivor main, the killer side has had much more changes mostly nerfs. Most recently nurse was nerfed regardless of the fatigue she suffers after blinking. Most survivors are entitled as hell.

  • BirdmanOwO
    BirdmanOwO Member Posts: 43

    Well, the problem is that with Green or Pink Mori's, you can get one person out of the game pretty early, which is quite massive. Pink just gurantees a 3k as long as the survivors aren't good.

    I honestly think Moris should be on the last hook and give more bloodpoints than hooks do. That way, a Mori doesn't ruin a game early for survivors, while rewarding the killer with more BP. They could even buff Green moris to two survivors, ajd yellow to any survivir hooked twice.

    The only problem I see with my proposal is survivors suiciding on second hook to deny BP, but the survivors would lose BP as well.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Here is a thought. "No perk", "no item" and "no offering matches", the entire match is fought on skill with no buffs available to either side. That might make an interesting challenge.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    Lol. “this might even expand your horizon regarding balance”. I’m so glad someone said something along these lines

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    "I'm a survivor Main"


  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Quiet, I still have the hope of infinite nerf.

  • Matias_Paul
    Matias_Paul Member Posts: 8

    The only thin i agree with is to get rid of ebony moris, they are so cheap, killing is so simple that way, is the same thing as old BNP bc it allows the killer to finish his objective in less than 5 minutes without that much effort

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    As survivors, do you know genrush?

    Each survivor wants his 3 chases without tunnel or slugging but with the time of the gens that is not possible.

    I've had games where they destroy the ruin the first 10 seconds of start, and after 2 minutes they already have 3 gens (I'm talking about the survivors who use urban evasion, those who don't like persecutions) ... The time that you lose alone searching for them is absurd (By the way, I won this game with slugging at 4 and let them bleed on the floor as punishment).

    I usually use ebony when I see 3 toolboxes, they want to finish the game fast, just help them go to the lobby faster.

    Both parties have their unbalanced rights (infinites, haddonfield - balanced landing, ebony, genrush, keys).

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Trust me you need to play killer if you think "they took away most of the pallets" I've still counted +20 pallets on certain maps. There are more than enough. I try to play both sides equally and killer is usually far more stressfull. Only thing that pisses me off as a survivor are OTHER survivors when they DC on first down and therefore make it very, very hard for remaining survivors. But i recommend for you to play killer at least to rank 8 ish to see it's not so green other side of the fence.

  • Cl0wned
    Cl0wned Member Posts: 6

    Wow, you're not used to actually having to play the game are you?

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    As a surv main those changes were needed , instaheal yeah I was completely bs when u down someone and other comes and uses a syringe on the downed survivor and yeah gotta chase him down again , BNP too unfair af to get 4 gens right off the start , not even gonna talk about the insta-blind even do I am still mad about the fast vault nerf nobody ask for

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    you had me until the mori part... Even I can acknowledge how OP and unfair moris are. At most the ebony one should do what the ivory one does. Theres no logical reason why we should be able to just remove someone from the match after just one hook - let alone remove all 4 after they've been hooked once. I dont understand the fun in that. Even with sweaty SWFs I like to win fairly.

    As for Hawkins - it has pallets but only one of them is actually safe. Any other pallet is an instant hit.