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is demogorgon strong or weak? (feels longer then it should be)

so many of you viewing this will immediately say that he is strong. but he's the thing i figured out something about him it turns out he is to my knowledge the easiest killer to loop and predict

the reason being is of his loud footsteps that tells survivors thats he is near by (this is because his portals give him a short time of the undetectable status effect) but what i found out was that his footsteps were both directional and they can be heard during chase allowing you to know exactly were he is and it also tells you when he doubles back allowing you to make the safe play at pallets were a simple mind game can lead u right into the killers hands

another reason that he may be weak is because of how his portals work since you need to place them down and then teleport to them to get information it makes setting up a bit of a hassle and the fact that if survivors dont remove your portals then they will stay there permanently forcing you to put the portals in very strategic places in order to use them effectively but if they do cleanse the portals you are more free to use them and they allow more pressure that you can use to slow the game down

the demogorgons pounce attack is very good and very strange at the same time because of how weird both the animation and hitbox of the attack can be sometimes it feels as if you hit them but they just walk though you then sometimes you'll miss and for some reason it will hit also you can have the survivor right in front of you and the survivor can make the slightest movement and make you fly far away from them causing you to need to chase them longer because it didn't hit but of course this is arguable his strongest part of his power because of the way it counters loops that other killers cant win


  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    I used to enjoy demi when he was released. But i spend more time frustrated than i do actually enjoying him.

    Hes loud. Which i love his roar. But i cant stand hearing his stomps the whole match... And while i should be thrilled to find a survivor. I instead now cant hear anything whatsoever besides his chase music. And his stomping.

    His portals take time to set up. Which in some trials at least 2 or 3 gens may or may not haved popped by the time you have them feeding you information. (And sometimes its a gen that was near the unactivated portal..)

    I honestly only play him now for dailys lr for his shred.

    But i cant say if hes strong or weak, i just have a love/hate relationship with him.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'd say Strong. I haven't had any problems with inconsistent Shreads and his portals are excellent for starting chases.

    Yes his stomping is loud, but you shouldn't really play him like a stealth Killer anyways so if you're already not planning on getting the jump on them then when you don't it isn't an issue. And during a loop your Shread more than makes up for loud feet.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2019

    He's strong. He can use his portals to surprise Survivors and start chases. Shred can be used for catching up and ending chases quickly. I would like to see something for Shred's charge speed though. I don't mind if it's through add-ons or a base kit change. I just feel like it takes a little too long to charge up a Shred and most Killers with a damaging power have something to decrease their charge time, so why can’t Demo have anything like that? His footsteps are also way too loud from the Killer's perspective. All I hear when playing as him is BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM and it gets in the way of other sounds that I might need to hear.

  • Cyro
    Cyro Member Posts: 79

    From my experience of playing a lot of him he's honestly a snowball killer.

    In a lot of my red rank games if you haven't got a good chase in very quickly after setting up your portals with CI then you're in for a hard time (same can be said about any killer though), the best results I've got out of him was when I used his abilities to quickly snowball from hooks to gens and keep applying constant pressure with his shred and his portals.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Personally as my only p3 killer he's kinda frustrating how inconsistent his hitbox for shred is since sometimes I can run a loop the survivor can move half an inch then I hit a wall or the side of a pallet and how short the range for basic detection is or how I don't know when his portals are in the middle of being broken until it's broken

    I personally have a lot of problems with him and dropped him

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671


    Super loud, large for loopability and his lunge is way too easily avoidable and predictable for not even being a 1 shot and having a heavily punished recovery.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    I thought he was amazing when he came out, i mean he has SO much going for him but....i don't know it can be kind of underwhelming.

    Def not weak, for stronger than like Legion, clown or even doctor but nowhere near top tier. Just middle of the pack which isn't a bad place to be

    I mean i DO get happy when i see him as a survivor so i guess he's closer to needing a buff than a nerf but then again a lot of people not properly use his portals

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    He seems pretty strong when in the right hands. I'd say a little higher than mid tier.

    His lunge hitbox is also kinda broken. Can't interrupt him with a pallet the same way you do with a Billy, he hits you anyways despite not visually doing so lol.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I think Demo is more on the weaker side. And I believe the killer community believes the same.

    When he was new lots of people were playing him. But after the novelty faded and they unlocked his teachables he is practically extinct. People either don't find him enjoyable to play as or think he is weak.

    I'm guessing a mix of both, but more on the latter. I get a Demogorgon maybe once in 50 games these days. Nobody is playing him. The ones who did, are probably playing Freddy instead. Freddy is basically Demogorgon but better in every way.

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    I’d say weak, his pounce is very situational, and is only good for mind games or stopping a Survivor from making it to a loop or pallet last second. I also find most survivors always assume there is a portal nearby, so even a well hidden portal with his Red Moss add on will not allow you to get the drop on Survivors after a teleport.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    He suffers from trapper syndrome portals take to long to set up, on top of that his portals completely useless until used, the amount of time it take u to set even 2 portal up a gen or 2 have gone off, then there added part u can keep putting portals down unless survivors have cleanse one of his portal should be like hag traps, so imo he very weak

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 92

    im just gonna say I've tried using his portals in two ways. the first way i would hide the portal near a gen so when i teleport i can get the drop on them. but this way failed because the survivors didn't know i was coming so if the gen was 99% they would finish it instead of being scared off. which in turn made me lose almost every game with that strategy.

    the next strategy is putting the portals right under the gens for detecting survivors. this worked! it allowed me scare survivors off and get pressure. the only time it didn't is when they cleansed the portals because when they did that i lose pressure and need to walk all the way to the gen to put it down again.

    one strategy i want to try but i haven't yet is putting portals around the map to create a sort of web like experience hag players do. so i can traverse around the whole map and create pressure by just getting around quickly and cutting people off . sorta like how Freddy can use it in chase to come at a weird angle to make survivors come to you but instead you come out of the ground randomly and spook them.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Sometimes he feels strong, sometimes he feels weak. His Shred is map and loop dependent and his portals either are amazing or either do nothing. So it's hard to tell, especially when few people play him.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I think he's average. He got massive counterplay and is in fact a worse Billy or a worse huntress with bad mobility.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Demo is a pretty strong killer with the right kit. I use BBQ to know which portal to go to after hooking someone, Nurses for its general usefulness, Enduring to challenge pallets even more with Shred, and Devour Hope for easy 1 hit downs from stealth. Corrupt Intervention is also really useful for Demo to set up portals without having 3 gens pop.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Shred sometimes auto aims towards a nearby window or wall when my sight is clearly on a Survivor. It's frustrating, his Bloodlust feels non existent sometimes and as I've not got save the best for last on my bloodweb I just keep prestiging him. He kinda relies on certain perks to do well.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I just started playing him so this is just first impressions.

    He seems a little on the weaker side in general, but it depends. Shred is map and loop dependent; portals can help with map pressure if you know where the survivors are/want to be, so they are best used with other detection perks/add-ons. At base they don't do much unless you really are on the ball with predictions.

    If you end up on a map with a lot of strait shots however shred makes all the difference. SO overall I'd say can maybe use a slight buff, but seems ok.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I'd say his shred is pretty strong but the portals are just weak.

  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    I personally don't have the stramger things stuff yet.... I am getting it soon though.... From what I've seen he is very powerful

  • ZeroDivide
    ZeroDivide Member Posts: 40

    Hes definitely on the weaker side of killers.

    Hes big and easy to spot, easy to track, has an easy to predict and dodge lunge as long as you dont try to pallet stun him. His tunnel power is weak, especially as once they are set survivors just dont cleanse them and soon they are in a useless spot.

    And all of his perks suck. Every last one of them.

    The only thing demi excels at is basement camping via tunnels and make your choice.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Demogorgon is just as strong as Huntress, but less map dependent and less situational.

    Playing him is like Huntress. You can bait a pallet down with faking his power, cut some loops with his power, and make survivors try and dodge and herd them to where you want them to go.

    He is a great and fun killer to play as and against. Only change I’d make is lowering the sound of his footsteps on the killer side. It is WAY to loud, I can’t even hear the survivor footsteps over my own.

    I’ve found his portal to be a bit weaker than his shred ability. Portals are basically only useful for map control.

    Even saying all of that, he can still get stomped by a decent team.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited November 2019

    Nobody plays him anymore, really. Like 20 spirits in 30 games.