BT should not give safe hook after the hit and here why.

If you say that BT can't guaranty a safe hook after a hit then you can prink perks like MoM back and the devs can create more survivor perk that works around the safe hook. And before you say it BT will keep safe the emblem and the point you will normally lose from an unsafe hook.
The whole point of BT is to guarantee a safe rescue. I'm having a hard time understanding why you think it shouldn't count as a safe hook if they get hit. Sometimes, if the killer is camping, there is literally no way to ensure a safe rescue.
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No BT will still give BT but it will not count as safe hook.
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The purpose of BT is to guarantee a safe unhook, it is fine.
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Borrowed Time
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I mean the scoring . BT should not give safe unhook in the scoring event.
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That is like me saying that noed should take away your points for hitting people, leave the bp alone.
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I say if the do it then devs can make MoM more usefull and they can create more perks that wotk with this idea ( to get an actual safe unhook).
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I really dont understand the mindset of "give people less bloodpoints!"
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If anything I'd prefer the change bt so stealth killers can't negate it.
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because it only encourages unsafe hoor rescues and usually leads to the unhooked being tunneled and killed early on, which is no fun at all for them.
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No you don't understand.
Sometimes there IS NO SAFE RESCUE. It's just not an option. You therefore need BT to make those rescues safe.
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This is a non-issue.
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Again you can use BT to safe and have the full effect but you will not get the event "Safe unhook".
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No, it shouldn't. You just wait 15 seconds before hitting the survivor who got unhooked and in case he has already used his ds he's dead. Nice try tho.
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Survivors already gets screwed by the blood point system so leave BT alone lol
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Survivors have a very good amount of blood point so if you lose 1000 from one unhook
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But why? All that does is discourage people from even attempting the save even if they were prepared for it. Makes no sense.
Would you rather...
A) Sit on the hook for 2 minutes and die because no one wants the unsafe hook penalty?
B) Get yanked off the hook and given BT so that you have a chance to get away even if the killer is camping you?
I'd take option B any day. Heck, they don't even need to have BT honestly, because you could have DS or Adren or something else to get away. Anything, ANYTHING is better than sitting on the hook and dying because no one wants to save you.
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I get something like 3 times the BP from playing killer, for about the same work! And that's on my Jumpscare Pig!
Playing an average Doctor game nets me about 50,000-60,000 BP because Killer+Distressing. Survivor though? Gen-jockey Blendette. Not great in a chase, but I can stall a bit. Generally about 12,500. 20,000 if someone brought a team BP offering.
And you can't use the whole "killers wait longer for a game" argument either here, because I'm rank 6 Survivor and rank 10 Killer. Wait times are enormous for higher ranks.
I get what you're trying to go for, but no.
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"All that does is discourage people from even attempting the save even if they were prepared for it."
I guess this is the point of this idea. Of course this does not make any sense at all.
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that is SOMETIMES right, but usually the perk just encourages some WGLF davids to rush in and hookfarm the poor dude without even giving the killer the chance to leave.
this leads to them being tunneled and killed very early on for something they dont have any control over, which is BS.
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they wont do it without tho, since they wouldnt get their safe unhook and therefore gut their emblem, gain a lot less points and dont get their WGLF stack.
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You get the full effect of BT but if a killer hit the survivor that you unhook you lose the safe unhook score event. Only that , this idea is so you will not rush unsafe unhook in oder to use your other perks for free.
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Well killer must gain more BP because killer is 1v4 , killer do more job than you and have more presser than you. You chose doc one bad killer that can only farm ( like legion).The 50-60 k are 25-30 with out bbq so you play a good game with 9-10 hook that last about 15-18 min and you have at least 3 gen for about 7-9 min of it. If you do the same for survivors then thoes survivors must have around 18-20k atleast. Now i don't know about you but thoes points are very good for 1/4 of the work.
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Solo player here. Leave BT alone.
Gotta admit that I love the suggestions to take things away or nerf them instead of players thinking of how to adjust their playstyle to account for the things they don't like. That goes for both sides. I have to look at both sides because I do occasionally break out Legion or the Hag if I'm feeling extra salty about life and need to laugh at myself as I try to do well. Some things survivors complain about are in the same category: change thing K or S mains don't like so that I don't have to bother adjusting my strats.
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I don't have BBq on my Doctor and suriviors have to do as much work as the killer some games. And I don't farm.
I play both sides equally and all I can say is I don't have to worry about Borrowed Time because I know what I should be doing as killer.
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This is so untrue. Majority of the time when the killer sees you made the save with BT, they will come after you instead. Not to mention sometimes rushing those saves with BT is a smart play because it puts pressure on the killer.
Again I would rather get farmed with BT than sit on a hook until I'm dead. One scenario you have a chance to escape. The other you are just dead, period.
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You begrudge BT granting an extra 500 safe hook points? Bloody hell you are the Scrooge of Dbd.
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I think the idea is backwards. Survivors don't make enough BP as is. I can make so much more playing killer in the same amount of time if it weren't for the dreadful queue times and the reason the killer queue times are dreadful is because people know this and are trying to play killer!
Not everyone plays in a SWF and almost every team/group has one or more "weak links" and therefore 1 or 2 of the survivors work harder than the other 1 or 2. Usually only 1 or 2 of the survivors can "loop" and they have to take the brunt of the killers attention or spend their time getting the ones that can't loop off the hook.
BBQ doesn't just stack points, it gives you information. WGLF only gives you stacks, stacks that are not always easy to obtain. I can agree that sometimes if you have a really stealthy survivor or a really good team, it can be hard to get all 4 stacks of BBQ, but that is not usually the case. As a survivor, unless you stalk the killer or get lucky, it can be very difficult to get all 4 stacks each game without unintentionally throwing the game by wasting time to get those stacks. The stacks happen naturally for the killer. People have to get hooked close to you or you have to abandon gen times to make sure you beat other survivors to the unhook. If the unhook is not safe, you get no stacks. Protections hits that are not under a hook are hard to get. Freddy and stealth killers make it hard to get BT to proc and will easily deny you the "safe unhook".
I personally don't see any need for nerf's to WGLF. If anything, it should do additional things like BBQ does. What that "thing" is, I don't know, but it should do a secondary action like BBQ.
And whether it is a popular opinion or not, I don't think their should be a "terror radius" requirement for BT. It think it should just proc regardless.
I agree the old BT was unfair towards killers when it protected both the unhooked and unhooker, but it also a one time use perk.
BT sucks for a killer at the end game when a person is unhooked near a exit gate, but NOED sucks for survivors. It's tit for tat. Each side has advantages and disadvantages. Killer is now more fair than it has ever been. Survivor has gotten many needed nerfs. I just think you are barking up the wrong tree about this one particular thing. Anything that reduces survivor points is a bad idea IMO.
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Yeah we understand. It's just a really dumb idea.
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I do, after a while reading this forums you realize the "us vs them" mentality is prevalent, which is sad.
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This thread seems to have been made out of spite and not indicative of any real issue with the game. If this were the old BT where the unhooker also gained the affect your argument may have merit. With the unhooker being vulnerable there's risk involved in doing unsafe rescues. It's not as brain dead as being portrayed.
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This post doesnt make any sense.
BT is a perk designed to help with camping so you can get a safe unhook which helps with emblems and tokens in WGLF.
You are wanting those who use it in a legit way to be punished simply for using the perk when someone is camping so removing the sole reason for it being part of the game in the first place.