New Heights of Survivor Entitlement

Below is the endgame chat of my most recent game. The stupidity of the survivors speak for themselves, but I should put some things in context.
- I was not exactly trying to win. I had a chase daily for Plague and when the survivors started cleansing en masse I switched my mindset from wanting to finish my daily to wanting to teach them a lesson about why it's a terrible idea to cleanse against a plague until gens are all done.
- The entire game I was trouncing the survivors, I hooked them all twice and downed them multiple times after. I chose to let them slug it out as punishment for cleansing. The two that died did so as a result of their teammates not performing perfectly safe heals. They died despite me explicitly not trying to kill anyone.
- The two survivors that escaped only escaped because I opened the door and allowed them to, figuring that having been slugged for the past 25 minutes was punishment enough. Needless to say, I was wrong to do so.
I don't think I've ever seen survivors entitled enough to think of body-blocking as "cheap" or a sign of a low-skill player. This one caught me off guard guys, I don't know what to say.
The question is this: How do you get bodyblocked to get puked on and get 1 shot in the first place?
That being said, Idk, I usually just say GG and move on. Seems like they were new and didn't really know. You seem to have come off very hostile from the get go.
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You should have just gg’d and moved on.
Generally speaking yes it’s more optimal to not cleanse, but there are legit instances where it requires it. So I can’t really speak on the context of when because there are many instances where I would, because I knew it would save my team.
I say this as a Plague main.
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survivors can cleanse your talking like it's forbidden and illegal
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Well yeah, it was meant to be a harsh lesson. I'm definitely an a-hole and it's not like I'm their friend or anything.
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I mean, you're not being all that nice in chat yourself, either. You start out with something incendiary and then it just escalates, what did you expect?
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What I don't get is your condescending attitude. "Did you learn your lesson?" Like #########. Just play the game dude, you are literally coming off as an #########.
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Yeah you were a bit aggressive right from the start. I mean the survivors were pretty dumb dont get me wrong, but starting off like that definitely didnt help.
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Sounds like you were the toxic one here. Yeah, sure, their logic is a little warped or whatever but how can you expect them to not get defensive when you start out the conversation all condescending?
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Lol you must be a troll, cause you were the toxic one in chat
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It's not too late to delete this.
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So you are just an ######### to anyone who isn't your friend? You must be super entitled in real life based off that attitude.
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Lol i dont think they will
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You actually started this.
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If I'm being honest, you seemed like the instigator here.
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Yikes dude. Yikes.
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You clearly started this. I don't see the reason why you would want to provoke them and then post this chat here.
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... I don't want survivors to learn that lesson. I want them to cleanse so I get Corrupt Purge. That's the fun part about playing as Plague.
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Seems the entitled one here is you. Nice bait post, troll. ;)
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How do you expect them to react when u re being rude right off the bat! There was a rank 14 and a rank 10 on the team, you shouldnt feel proud about urself for killing them, neither should u tell people how to play their game, if they wanna cleanse let them cleanse. And from the look of it, u re not used to killing people if u felt the need to make a post about it. jeez
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Yes it is, we all saw it, OP shall be known as toxic man, showing off toxicity so much it became really contagious
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After reading it all for the 5th time, making sure I wasn't seeing this, now if you're a troll and I fell for bait, nice, but not at the expense of others so incase this was a troll, you're still an arsehole, if this isn't a troll, you give killers a bad name, especially to newer players, I don't care how try hard you played, just cause they're new doesn't mean go easy, screw that, but the way YOU started it and the way YOU provoked something from nothing, then say they're entitled? Nah, you're the entitled one here, how about giving a friendly hint, such as "yo a quick tip, don't do this at this point or that point cause of this reason" get thanks and goodbyes and gg's and move on, they ain't done nothing except make your game easier for you
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You started it, don't complain.
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I really don't think we need any more posts about people bragging how badly they behave in after game chats, so I'm closing this now.