Dwight mains rise!

Show those other players that lockers are a force to be reckoned with!
Use Head on, Quick and quiet, Inner Strength, and maybe DS for the sweet 8s stun!
So rise up! and hide in lockers to your heart's content!
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We need bald Dwight reverted to the way it looked before legion patch
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If it ain’t Dwight it ain’t right
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*peeks out of locker
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Dwights are wise beyond their years. They knew the power of the locker before everyone else. Lockers can now heal, stun killers, expose survivors, block bbq and chili etc......Dwights knew they were something special.
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Baby Dweets still have yet mastered the locker play tho.
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As a Meg main, I'm gonna break all the totems and chests and distract the killer for 6 minutes so you guys feel safe and forcefully obligated to do a gen.
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Fat chance, nerd. This comment brought to you by the Ace Gang.
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Who‘s Dwight?
cheers from Kate 😎
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That's mighty Dwight of you.
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Feel the MIGHT of DWIGHT.
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We all know this is how it would be.
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Dwight is best boi