How long you're gonna bet for devs to buff legion?

I bet they won't even touch him in 2 years like they did with freddy
atleast 1 year, idk why there are so damn slow on doing balance changes but yeah...
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give them at least two years. most of the work they doing on this game is for cosmetics.
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Until they figure out how to change legion's power, that doesn't make him completely broken.
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Difficult to change legion as a killer since he can easily be broken you cant change to mutch Devs probably regret they ever made Legion honestly
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So... never?
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I just hope it will happen at all, I still have hope.
A few changes could already help a lot without making him broken, like giving him his old vaulting speed and running speed back. We already have 3 killers that can teleport and one with basically an infinite chainsaw sprint, so I do not se a problem with one that can run fast and far and that can't even down anyone with this power. It would at least give some map pressure. And the stun when the power is cancelled punishes way too hard imo.
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Btw is 3 stack PWYF on 115% killer faster than legion when using the power?
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They really need to scrap his power and come up with something else. Feral Frenzy wasn't interesting to begin with. Any killer can run and stab.
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In short: Yes! Legion in Frenzy is 125%.
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Legion needs more passive mobility/duration in Feral Frenzy so it can work as intended to spread damage out quicker, the ability already has too much counterplay and punishing aspects to it. On this topic, they need to buff Doc first because these killers run on similar time sink mechanics.
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I think most of us knew Legion got the Freddy treatment as soon as it happened. The "rework" left them in an over-nerfed state, and with all the other stuff on the dev road map, it was clear Legion wasn't going to see proper changes for a long time.
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The devs are too busy nerfing other killers to think about poor legion
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I quite agree with this lol
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Make it possible to down in feral frenzy again without add-ons, decrease the number of hits required, but don't change anything else.
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2 years after they've finished shoving legion cosmetics down our throat
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The only change I want is the missed FF attack issue. Don't end the power for a missed attack and he'd be all set.
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I think the only buff Legion need is the movement speed of Frenzy, needs to be much faster other wise you will only ever get a single hit unless they are grouped up. *cough big maps cough*
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LOL, yeah let me show you the Nurse, such a slight change where as a survivor you can still run in a straight line and not get hit. Let me show you Pig got nerfed 3 times and only got 1 buff, let me show you micheal he got a nerf as well.
You don't know Doc is getting buffed, for all we need they will most likely pull a legion on Doc, because he is the most "unfun" to play against.
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You don't know, they could get nerfed for no reason
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They already mentioned they are not exactly buffing doc, but making more "fun" to play as or play against. I guess the "Making him more fun to play against" is the main point for them
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Took 2 for ole Fred- so 4?
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From what I remember before they mentioned the Freddy rework is that they were going in order of release for the Killers. Obviously they skipped Nurse as they didn't see her as a problem and went to Freddy because he made the most noise. Nurse was next as she was second in making the most noise, now back on track they have Doctor. Next up will probably be Huntress unless the community is 100% sure she's fine as is, if she's good they'll move on to Leatherface and Hillbilly probably at the same time.
Saying all that, if everyone makes enough noise about Legion then they might skip a few Killers to help a Killer that really needs it.
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Except also the Doc is also one of the killers survivors DC the most in the game. Survivors claim that Doc is unfun to play against. Meaning there is a chance that the Devs may nerf the Doc.
Also I guess you forgot unlike ghostafce, Micheal starts out in tier 1 EW that has a 105% movement speed. And spine chill and premonition make it so its harder to get him out of EW1.
Exactly my point, the Devs when attempting to make a killer "more fun to play against" usually results in a nerf.
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he need a rework, simple as that, so yea 1-2 years
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Would a petition and a small bribe change the time line 💰😶
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With such a good name how can one not understand how different areas of a game are developed by different departments.