Ruin vs Corrupt Intervention
- Works immediately to stall the game
- Forces Survivors to move around more often early on
- Gets removed by late game
- Has anti-synergy with each other
- Has more total stall
- Requires active effort from Survivors to remove
- Survivors looking for Ruin are easier to find due to them running around
- Better on small maps
- Duration is inconsistent
- If they can hit greats consistently its effectiveness is reduced
- Can increase your patrol times if you defend it
Corrupt intervention
- Has a consistent duration
- Synergies with Setup Killers and powers or perks with tracking effects
- Reduces patrol times if Survivors work on generators
- Better on large maps
- Immersion hard counters the effect if you aren't a setup Killer and you don't have tracking abilities
- Anti-synergy with totems
- Doesn't require active effort to remove
Ruin is better if:
- Your Killer has no tracking tools or short patrol times
- The rest of your build is chase focused
- The rest of your build contains other totems
Corrupt Intervention is better if:
- Your Killer is either a Stealth Killer, a setup Killer or has built in tracking
- The rest of your build includes early game tracking
- Your Killer has large patrol times
- Ruin is generally better on high tier Killers such as Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly due to their usually high speeds. Since tracking is a limiting factor moreso than patrol times Ruin works better with their kits
- Corrupt Intervention is better on low tier Killers such as Trapper or Wraith due to having more utility focused kits. Meaning that tracking is less of an issue and pure consistent stall is much more important
- Corrupt intervention can also be used on any Killer to it's full effect with the use of Whispers
- Ruin tends to work better on Killers that it does not synergize with compared to CI on Killers it doesn't synergize with
To be more specific on which Killers are best with which perk (before taking into account other perk combos):
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Huntress
- Billy
- Leatherface
- Clown
Corrupt Intervention:
- Hag
- Ghostface
- Myers
- Doctor
- Pig
- Wraith
- Trapper
- Demogorgon
Preference (Works well with both perks):
- Legion (Has Tracking, but needs to find someone first. Can go either way)
- Plague (Uses setup, but requires finding someone to make use of it. No tracking abilities until set up.)
- Freddy (High mobility for patrol times, but also traps to make use of setup time)
You CAN use either perk on any Killer and get results. But some Killers make better use of one perk over the other, and that's what this list is trying to sort by.
Neither perk is objectively better overall. Ruin has the best stall potential and is easier to capitalize on usually, but CI is more consistent and works really well with utility powers.
I personally think they are both trash at red ranks if you aren't playing as top tier killers or as killers with high mobility. I usually play m1 killers because most killers are just m1 killers (I don't have a killer main, I like to play with every killer available) and I'm still trying to find a way to make them more viable at red ranks. Ruin and corrupt do not seem to be good enough in my opinion, specially when you get to play in maps that are too big.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I manage to get a 2k, 3k or even a 4k, but I also get stomped more frequently with killers like Trapper, Clown and Michael.
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I mean these ARE low tier Killers we are talking about.
A single perk can only do so much to help, no matter how much synergy they may have with it.
It's not that the perks are bad, just that low tier Killers are low tier for a reason and as good as these perks can be it just isn't enough to make up for the difference.
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Though you should be able to get results with Myers at least. He's no top tier so I'm not expecting you to get 4k's with any real consistency or anything like that. But with the right build you should be able to at least get 2k's most of the time.
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Corrupt is good only on setup killers, so hag and trapper. If survivor really wanted to win they could just legit wait, doing nothing for 2 minutes, then start working on gens. As killer you need somehow to capitalize on this time.
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Correct in terms of reasoning but not quite in terms of conclusion.
Hag and trapper work with it.
Freddy and Demogorgon also place traps and thus work for the same reason.
Stealth Killers are extremely hard to hide against making the odds of finding a Survivor that does not want to be found much higher.
Doctor hard counters stealth
Whispers also makes finding immersed Survivors much more plausible.
Otherwise it's why I had the line about Ruin being better when there are no Synergies in play. Spirit for example will struggle to capitalize
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on0 -
Oh yeah.
If your going primarily for emblems rather than Kills then Corrupt is just better nearly every time.
The OP is geared towards maximizing your Kill rate so the suggestions are made accordingly.
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on0 -
I think Corrupt Intervention is overrated because survivors can just go and work on the other 4 gens without any penalty, plus, depending on what gens are blocked, it can literally help survivors to avoid a 3 gen situation and I say no to a perk that has the potential to help survivors.
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Check out Otzdarva. He hardly uses ruin and mains Trapper, stays in red ranks.
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2 things.
1 - If they work on gens with CI up the Killers shorter patrol times means they will be interrupted much faster, which is a bigger deal than the stall you get from even Ruin. Saving time for yourself is the equivalent of removing that time from the Survivors due to it improving your tempo, so it's kinda like Whispers in that sense, except it stacks with Whispers really well too.
2 - CI insures that there are 3 gens that are close together that won't be worked on at first. That means they are MORE likely to 3 gen themselves because there are literally 3 gens blocked off close by at the start. You can start a 3 gen without even having to guard the 3 gens at first.
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Makes sense. On a Killer like Trapper Corrupt Intervention works better and someone who mains trapper will have learned how to cover for his weaknesses as best as possible.
Trapper is very unique in terms of balance. Most weaker Killers are weak because they don't have enough tools or their power isn't impactful enough. Trapper's power is impactful and covers all the bases you want in a power, he's just weak anyways because the power has an entire list of drawbacks too it. This makes it tricky to compare him to other low tiers despite him clearly not being a high tier.
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Actually, in my experience with Corrupt Intervention, the spawns of blocked gens more helped survivors to prevent a 3 gens situation and you can still only chase 1 survivor at time, while the other 3 can still repair gens without penalty, so yeah, very overrated perk in my opinion.
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I have seen this happen before but I feel it is map dependent for this to happen, on some maps, mostly farm, the Gens are spaced weird and put in odd places and since it's furthest from where you spawn this can actually block Gens very far apart and thus forces Survivors to work on clustered Gens. In that sense it denies the 3 Gen start at the end game but forces it at the start, same scenario but only in the beginning.
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I don't get the fuss about about corrupt intervention on hag. It can gaurantee you set up time but during those two minutes, people are likely to spy on you and figure out how you prefer to construct your web. Or you can get some dickhead with object who sabotages your set up while everyone else hides. I can only see it working well with whispers, otherwise I'll just stick with the rng ruin gives me. Sure, it can be destroyed in the first 30 seconds but that's like, 1 in 6 games on average for me. It usually lasts long enough for a hook.
I currently run dying light, thana, ruin, and some form of tracking perk on hag. It's performed pretty consistently so far.
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CI and Ruin/totems can be used together, I kind of disagree with you there. If you have both then you just slow them down even more on the few gens they can do. I imagine it would go like; survivor spawns near blocked gen, spends time searching for open gen, starts repairs on open gen, gets Ruin skill check, goes looking for Ruin. Where without CI you just skip the first 2 steps there.
And if you have say Devour Hope, if you get some good RNG and your totem is near a blocked gen that means it won't get found so quickly, so it can benefit you there.
Though I do see your logic in thinking this, I wouldn't say it's really that bad to run CI with totems. It might not be optimal, but it's definitely not detrimental, and if you get lucky it could be very beneficial, more so than just one or the other by themselves.
Good analysis though. I personally have moved away from Ruin on my killers because at red ranks on Xbox most survivors just plow through gens anyway, or find the totem in 30 seconds. I find the Sloppy/Thana/Dying Light combo to be significantly more effective at slowing the game, even though it takes more effort on your part and a bit of time to get rolling. But once you get 4 tokens on DL and at least 3 injured, the game just STOPS for survivors. And for killers like GF or Spirit the fact they are always injured too makes it just that much better.
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If people are looking for totems then they are waiting out Corrupt Intervention at the same time, thus if they counter Ruin by going over and cleansing the totem then they are also countering corrupt Intervention at the same time by waiting it out. And by making them run around at the start of the game a Survivor will see more of the map and is more likely to find a totem before any generators have popped or any Survivors have been downed.
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Doesn't matter. Having your traps down is always better than not and if they are spying on you then they aren't doing generators so you're just getting free chase potential.
And if an OoO user is trying to remove your traps then you can just teleport over and hook them.
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I don't think you've actually played against an aggressive team that knows how to play offensively against hag if you think it's that simple, tbh.
1) her teleport hits are great but they are also really inconsistent given that her forward momentum is halted upon teleport
2) Someone who's popping your traps would wait until they're confident you couldn't teleport back or if they're was a strong loop nearby
Ulysses' team has curb stomped a lot of premier hag mains this way, even if you try to force a survivor off of a tile with a trap they can send in another teammate to pop it and there's little she can do.
Hags counter play is literally to bully her lol
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I would rather use whispers or discordance than these 2 perks. At least whispers lasts the whole game
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I like ruin much better, because whenever I use corrupt people just hide for most of the perks duration. With ruin people usually start doing gens or look for the hex totem.
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Which is both the core upside and core downside to the perk.
If they hide and you find them anyways you can easily hit them. But if you don't find them then the perk is wasted unless you are a setup Killer.
My recommendation on when to run the perk is already geared accordingly.
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Those perks don't slow the game down so they aren't comparable.
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IMO, It totally depends on the PLAYER'S play style and not the specific killer. I use CI when I want to maximize chase & hooks (not set up) very early in the game. I am on the hunt to make the best out of those 2 minutes.
In a "successful" trial by the time CI is done with, I already had at least 2 survivors on hook. This cuts down the "pressure" of chase and down or slug for later.
I will admit though, I specifically use it on Clown and Plague. I find to be very successful with these two specific killer specifically for "hunt and hook" early on play.
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Some Killers have synergy and others don't. You as a person may be able to make more use out of one perk over the other given the rest of your build, but that doesn't change that a Killer that Synergises with one of these perks will get a bigger benefit from using it.
Playstyle matters, but objectively speaking it's the Killer that decides the potential strength of the perk. The playstyle just influences how much of that potential is brought out.
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I know, but i just don't like perks that slows down the game (except CI on trap killers)
Because IMO finding, chasing and downing survivors as fast as possible is the main way to slow down the game
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That makes sense, but you are limiting the gens they can do under the influence of Ruin with CI. So if you get a group that chooses to do gens through Ruin you still have fewer gens to patrol, and if you use a different totem, like I said, it can benefit you if the totem spawned near a blocked gen as it won't be found as quickly.
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The point isn't that CI with a totem can't work.
Just that the power of CI plus a totem is less than the sum of the perks.
In otherwords for example, the stall from ruin and CI is less than the stall from ruin plus the stall from CI.
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Well that may be true for CI and Ruin combo, but I don't see it for totems in general. When survivors see CI they tend to want to rush the first open gen they find and are less concerned with totems, so if you have Devour there is less of a chance they will be looking for it or stumbling across it too early.
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Not really.
If you don't have CI or Ruin the Survivors will see a gen and immediately hop on the gen, thus spending almost no time searching for a totem.
If there is ruin they obviously might look for it.
If there is CI then at the very least some of them won't be able to hop on that closest generator.
They will either:
A - Look for an unblocked generator, thus increasing their odds of finding a totem while they are looking around
B - Decide to wait out CI and thus probably look for totems because they have nothing better to do
In both cases but especially case B Survivors are far more likely to find your totems sooner than otherwise.
This is only good if you are running Haunted Grounds