Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Can someone please explain nicely the best way to play against the Plag?

So I play often but I RARELY ever get the Plag so I had honestly no clue until today, when someone took the time to be rude through messages, that you shouldn't cleanse. I am pretty decent at the game but I just never took the time to learn how to do well at the Plag when I see her the least. I'd rather not get messages from people saying I am **** and don't deserve my rank because I didn't do well against a killer I rarely play against. I guess me being rank 7 I should "just know," but I don't. So please any info I could get I'd greatly appeciate.

Side note: I feel like like it should be obvious to every human being no matter the game that you have your good days and your bad days playing. Like today I can't win for losing, but the other day, I was pulling off the most awesome and insane stuff. I don't message people who do genuinely awful things or are horrible sports or teammates being rude. I never understood why people do. Like just be annoyed and move on. It is just a game and you make it not fun for yourself taking it TOO seriously.

Rant over 😅


  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Most of the time it is best to stay infected... due to it being easier to loop am m1 killer than dodge her projectile damage... it always depends on the situation tho.

  • stylisticx
    stylisticx Member Posts: 44

    Thank you, I'll try it the next time I see her whenever that is. I always thought that being infected mattered, until today ??‍♀️

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    It always depends.. if the other survivors cleanse it forces you to cleanse.. goodluck.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Typically if it is a map with a lot of low walled loops ie. Wreckers we just stay injured. High walls or indoors cleansing is a pretty good idea.

    If playing solo I just stay injured until someone else cleanses.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    This, this, this. There is a time and place for cleansing and not cleansing. There's no 100% foolproof Plague strategy. If nobody on the team can loop, you're going to get wrecked by staying injured and you're better off taking your chances with cleansing and immersion. There are certain maps that are difficult to hit Corrupt Purge on. Rule of thumb: if it's a bad Nurse map, cleanse. Hawkins, Lerys, Haddonfield, MAYBE the Game...cleanse.

  • stylisticx
    stylisticx Member Posts: 44

    Thanks, though this makes me even more mad at this person because we were on one of the maps you mentioned AND everyone else was cleansing except this dude ?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Keep an eye on how many pool auras you can see. If the next cleanse is the last pool, do it no matter how sick you are. It will force her to become corrupt straight away, and reset all pools which basically loses her 5 uses of corrupt. If you're lucky others will realise this has happened and you basically have a reset on whether anyone is going to cleanse or not.

  • stylisticx
    stylisticx Member Posts: 44

    Thanks. Very helpful and I'm coming to the conclusion that this dude himself doesn't really have the best idea

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    I typically stay sick against Plag until at least two gens are done. At that point, I will try to cleanse in a pool that is near a completed gen, or in a corner of the map. This works best, in my experience, because she has to go to what is essentially a dead zone of the map to gain her power. She'll waste about half of her Corrupt time simply heading back from the fountain and finding a survivor, and if that survivor is halfway competant, she'll waste her entire power with one with, maybe no hits. There are some maps, like the Swamp maps, where it seems like every fountain is in an obscure corner with no gens near, and those maps are where you can render her power almost useless.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Short answer:

    Learn loops, and stay vigilant. Only cleanse when you HAVE to.

    Always look out for Plague when you're sick, and be sure you can out manuever her. Stealth will not help, your coughing and vomiting will be heard easily. If you really need to cleanse, do so in corners of the map and/or by finished gens.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,079

    My personal playstyle when I know I have a good team.

    - Don't cleanse when there is no reason to.

    - If someone is on a hook, one should cleanse on a pool as far away as possible from that hook.

    - When you hear the "drrrrinnng" sound, play super stealthy for the next minute, Plague can be seen easily because of the sparks which get out of her head. After that, she wasted her corrupt Purge and maybe everyone can cleanse at certain times as long as there is stealth involved while she has Corrupt Purge

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
    edited November 2019

    Oh the strategy against Plague is a little complicated, but once you learn it, it becomes fairly easy to master. Ok, so first thing, you load into the match, you first have to determine if it is a Plague in order to immediately start the strat. If you hear water running or see a fountain, then BINGO! you can start the tactic. Alright, so second thing, you need to stop what you're doing and press esc; then you press the "leave match" button and click it again; and now you have countered Plague 100%. Now whenever you're faced with this challenge again just repeat the process, although be careful because it may vary based on what map you're on and what perks you have attached; but the basic idea should remain the same.

    Hope that helped ;)

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    You want to run loops really tight so she has a hard time infecting you. Good plagues will just tag you and leave you, though. Cleansing is okay but you have to do it far away from where she is. Ex: cleansing across the map from a basement hook could draw her out making a rescue easier. You can also cleanse after all the gens are done, but this could quickly K.O. your teammates.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If she does not have Thanatophobia, then play as long as you can without cleansing.

    If she does have Thana, or you are in a position where you are forced to cleanse (eg. death hook, another survivor already cleansed, etc.) then just hide for a bit after you hear her take a fountain. Drop pallets early and try to go for loops with high walls that can protect you if you find yourself in a chase.

    If you are in an SWF (or just with a group of smart survivors) you can force her to into Corrupt Purge by cleansing at all the fountains. Doing this is actually very bad for her, because the activation is beyond her control and she loses all her fountains in the process. You reset her pressure to 0, but you have to be careful to not do it when she is in a position to go after multiple survivors. One way to force this is to get sick, do a gen, cleanse, return to the gen to get sick again, and cleanse again. If all of you are sick and cleanse, with 1 or 2 of you doing this trick, you can force the fountains to reset easily.

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 134

    General rules to follow vs a Plague:

    • Cleanse if you're on death hook or all generators are powered and you need to escape.
    • If you do cleanse, do it as far away as possible from objectives, this forces Plague to leave everything important just for a power-up.
    • If you cleanse, then don't do something that immediately gets you sick again, as it ruins the point of cleansing. I see this a lot where people will cleanse and then do a hook save on someone who's sick, making the cleanse pointless.
    • At the start of the match, avoid getting sick at all costs as Plague getting everyone sick is her number one priority. This means avoid touching infected objects and also getting hit by her vomit, which leads into my next point.
    • In chases at the start of the match before you're sick, treat Plague like Huntress, and break LOS on her in a chase constantly, take corners very sharp, use walls, crouch behind objects when necessary, and be aware of what's infected like windows and pallets so you don't get sick by accident. The longer she can't infect you, the more time she wastes.
    • Once sick, don't try to be stealthy vs Plague, you're incredibly loud even with Iron Will and she can find you easily through the coughing and also green cloud of sickness around you.
    • If she has corrupt purge, then treat her like Huntress again in chases.
    • Not many are aware of this, but pallet stunning a Plague while she has corrupt purge will cause her to lose corrupt purge completely. A good Plague won't ever fall for this, but it's still helpful to know.
    • If Plague does take corrupt purge and there's no easy escape like an exit gate or hatch, then treat it like a tier 3 Myers and go into areas Plague shouldn't be patrolling, like an already completed gen, this way she has to commit away from her objective just to try and get an easy down on you.
    • If other teammates cleanse when there's no reason to, then you should cleanse, and try to get sick again, then cleanse again so that you can hopefully reset all of her pools and give her just one power-up for 60 seconds. This will take more than one teammate to do, though.
    • Be aware that many loops in this game Plague can't mindgame because she's way too tall, so just tilt your camera up a little and see if you can see her.
    • If you feel like corrupt purge is about to end, but you're not sure, then look at her censer, if there's still red particles coming from it then that means she still has corrupt purge.
  • Dryhigh
    Dryhigh Member Posts: 116

    It depends on the Plague build really, She has add-ons that give her corrupt when a Gen is finished easily allowing her to snowball. A lot of it is about identifying the Killer build and countering to survive. whatever you do enjoy the game and try not to let Toxic players get to you. you'll just keep getting better :)

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    I think people rule out cleansing too much. The plague is a double edged sword of a killer, but cleansing is much better against a plague then people give it credit for. You could be one shot all game, make tons of noise, and do everything while sick to give no chance of hiding or escaping a Chase (unless it's haddonfield or the stranger things map with the infinites), or you could play like normal, but go up against a killer with what is essentially a shotgun as a weapon with the way she can just spread her corrupt purge around however she pleases.

  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    I have never personally played against her, but from what I've seen, its important to find good hiding places early on. Also, attempt to figure out what most of the perks in play early on. If shes running BBQ or Nurses, its good to know that right away. Also, trigger as many hex's as you can find early on. This will help your friends know that they're are multiple hexes in play.

    A lot of tips above work for most killers.... For Plague specifically, try to use smaller characters so that you can easily escape her vomit.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Bring all the vomit bags and anti-sickness pills that you can carry!