Just had 12 lobbies dodged
Feelsbadman literally an hour looking for a match and everytime I got in one... The killer immediately dodges.
Why stay in the lobby that long? Just leave and restart matchmaking.
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I'm not... I've had multiple killers dodge. Everytime I've found a lobby the killer immediately dodges.
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Oh, are you on console? I assumed you were on PC, where if the killer leaves, the lobby stays open.
In that case, maybe wait till the last 10 seconds to equip items/addons.
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I've never had so many lobby dodges as I have in the last week or so. It's been incredibly frustrating.
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Rank reset. Just played killer and ran into some incredibly toxic SWF. Going to admit, they got to me. I don't blame killers for dodging if they suspect that garbage.
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So much for the power role. And the devs do absolutely nothing to deter this toxic bullying behavior.
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Dodging happens on both sides... To some degree at least.
If a full 4-man rank1 SWF on voice coms with items joins my lobby and one of them has a name that suggests that they're toxic - then I will ALWAYS bring an ebony mori to make things "fair and balanced".
This exact team joined my lobby today. I know all of them. They're all 2017 players just like me and red rank every season yet they disconnected during the offering screen because of the mori - canceling/dodging the match that I had to wait several minutes for.
One of them often plays killer himself and typically brings moris combined with Ruin+Noed against RANDOM SOLO players with NO ITEMS and ALWAYS tunnels off hook (it's the guy whose name suggest that they're toxic what a surprise isn't it?) yet he called me out for bringing Ruin and Mori... As Leatherface... Against a fully prepared 2017 rank1 SWF team with meta perks on voice coms with items.
I (obviously) responded exactly what I said above: Imagine disconnecting against a Leatherface as a fully prepared Rank1 SWF team on voice coms with items.
He reacted: You're just a low skill killer main. You don't deserve any kills.
Obviously I try my best to forget that kind of disgusting self entitled players so I can provide solo players and "casual" SWF players an actual fun game but sometimes toxic people can get annoying especially if they just cancel the match / dodge me last second because they basically "demand" an easy win.
Lobby dodging/match dodging is just as lame as it gets.
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I don't have these problems, even when I play with a full SWF group. We get dodged occasionally, but that's it. Don't bring too many toolboxes or a key and you should be fine.
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I say lobby dodging 3 times in 24 hours should count as a disconnect, and punish disconnects harder.
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I do the exact same thing with a full SWF. I play any game to have fun, not to get wound up.
Post edited by TunnelVision on1 -
I've only dodged a handful of times, but i've started the dodge any lobby that has more than one surv called "Hex: [something]" as they always seem to be the most toxic people.
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No killer should be forced to play against your SWF with map, key, purple toolbox with speed addons.
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And if a survivors dcs after a moris, they are toxic
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As a killer main, I hate it as much as you. I'm still gonna play it though, makes me try to get better.
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People are force to do the old switch-a-roo, well survs are.....last moments before game begins they switch to the character they are wanting to play with exuiped tool boxes etc to hopefully avoid some of the dodges.
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You can't do that though! It's somehow considered a exploit and somehow, toxic!!!!!!1111!!!
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I understand what you are saying, but in red ranks there is no getting better than them. If a SWF team is playing optimally you pretty much have zero chance to win unless they make mistakes.
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Needs and must though, helps with not getting dodged.
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And if a survivors dcs after a moris, they are toxic
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Happens to both sides sadly. Have you ever tried putting on a cypress mori and watching how many times you get sent back to the lobby when the game loads because someone quit? I had 20 dodges that's my record as killer just for putting on a cypress XD
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Maybe the dev's just adjust killer movement speed based on overall suvivor rank? Lol. That might shake some heads at higher ranks.
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The first time I ever used a Mori offering literally every player in the match dc'd as soon as the kill animation started. How petty that someone would rather forfeit bloodpoints and depip than let a killer use a Mori.
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To make the killer lose the same time they lost when they joined an a lobby they couldn't win
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So it's the entitled survivor mentality then.
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More like the mentality of the person who played when brand new part was a whole gen and tries to understand why people dc when you use a "simple" offering.