The Killer movement speed stat spread


I would like people or someone to give me what the speed values are. I'll fill them in when im back on or you can copy what i have and paste the values. Thanks in advanced,

All Killers except Hag, Huntress, Tier 1 Myers & Nurse: 115

Hag and Huntress: 110

Nurse: ???

Myers Tier 1: 100?

Myers Tier 1 with Play With Your Food 1 stack:

T1 w 2 stacks:

T1 w 3 stacks:

All Killers except Hag, Huntress and Nurse with 1 Stack of PWYF:

2 Stacks:

3 Stacks:

Hag and Huntress with 1 stack Play With Your Food:

2 stacks:

3 stacks:

Nurse with 1 stack PWYF

2 stacks

3 stacks

Hag with Waterlog Shoe:

Hag with Waterlog Shoe & Play With Your Food 1 stack

2 stacks:

3 stacks:
