Non-Exclusive Cosmetics

While I can understand the sentiment behind trying to prevent their resale, it bums me out that some cosmetics are being given out freely.

I understand and am happy for those players who might not otherwise have had access to the cosmetics, but it has made earning them less special.

For me in particular is the Huntress' Hound mask.

During this event, flashlights and pallet stuns made killers drop survivors at anypoint during the pickup animation.

It was a nightmare scenario that many players were completely baffled by.

Even through this nightmare people earned the related cosmetics.

This is what made this cosmetic special for me in particular.

The stun issue made it a monumental task to accomplish and I felt a special sense of accomplishment and the mask has been a part of my Huntress' look ever since.

Now, it's just given out.

Again, I understand that reselling codes was an issue, but why are event skins being included?

I'm sure people are going to say I'm trying to be elitist or trying to feel special holding onto a cosmetic that they didn't get a chance to earn... But isn't that the same as the Legacy cosmetics?

I missed out on gaining those because of when I started... wouldn't the same logic apply?

If you give away event cosmetics to everyone... I'd ask that you unlock legacy for everyone also.

This would also solve the problems of lost progress for those who had legacy and lost it at some point in time.

There are few proud moments I have in regards to this game... thank you for lessening its meaning by releasing the cosmetics for everyone.

Please do the same for Legacy if you want to be consistent with this decision.



  • Mr_Digi
    Mr_Digi Member Posts: 141

    Regarding the codes for all exclusives, steam have a option to disable codes... They could just disable all codes so no more codes would work. That would fix the selling issue...People sell the codes because the devs are making them... Just stop making them, cancel all active codes. Thats the onlo thing they needed to do. Now they are just ruining the point of exclusives...

    But its good to know that we dont have to put in hours to get stuff in the future. because after a while it will just be given away for free anyways

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't remember devs to ever say that cosmetics that were given out by codes will stay exclusive forever. If you have any clip or devs post where they said so please share it. They even made almost the same looking cosmetics for lot of them just so that people don't feel left out (Chuckles and Iron Chuckles for example). So no promises broken here.

    Unlike Legacy which devs specifically said many times will stay exclusive forever. Once it's given out for free to everyone nobody will ever wear it again since there are far far prettier cosmetics and it actually makes it super easy to spot you as survivor and killer which is bad.

    Tbh I wouldn't really mind if they did give legacy to everyone ( I have 1 piece myself) but devs promised to never do it and they would be kinda breaking their word if they did it which would make them look bad.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I like how you didn't read the whole thing and still responded ;)

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I understand that you lack empathy, but don't try to tell me how I should feel about something just because you feel differently.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    What are you reffering to ? Call me dumb but how is giving out code exclusives the same thing as giving out Legacy which was said to be never given ? Or is it something else that I missed from your post ?

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    An event skin is different from a skin gained from a code. I'm primarily talking about an event skin.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    @Peanits Are you able to comment on whether the cosmetics will appear in our Steam Inventory? Or will these be released in a similar form as the Charity Pack, where it is a downloaded DLC?

  • John_Doe
    John_Doe Member Posts: 236

    Just remind yourself that its an awful cosmetic and if you feel differently the fact that everyone will have it shouldn't bother you

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    You can give them all the information you want, I mean a match only lasts 12 minutes. But don't tell me how I should feel about something.

    Matches can be hard, some can be absurd. With the changes made and every survivor bringing flashlights it really was a nightmare for the matches players had to go through during the event.

    It was very difficult and frustrating to endure, but I did and earned something.

    Now it's just being given out.

    Obviously it doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me. Leave me alone to vent about the change.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    @Peanits Is the black and red Infected shirts coming to console at all? Those are still PC exclusive.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yea, you had 3x as many days without the patch as you did with the patch, I'm sure you did ALL your coins in the first 4 days.

    and then of course you have to sneak in the "if you're giving these super EASY to earn cosmetics away you should also give everyone the incredibly tough to earn legacy, that has been promised 100s of times will never be given out again".

    It's clear what your real motive is here.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Declares that somebody lacks empathy, then in the very same sentence says "don't tell me how I should feel." ?

    You can feel however you want, but @SenzuDuck doesn't need to let you rewrite history to smear the devs.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    The black & red nea shirt is a staff exclusive, if you're lucky enough to become staff maybe you could be the first console player with it? :D

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    No the Infected shirts. The ones with the Left 4 Dead symbol on them.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Didn't they go live when Bill was released? I thought that was the plan anyway. Might not have been negotiated as they were tied to joining a L4D group on steam.

  • A_Crow
    A_Crow Member Posts: 193

    I lost my bbq cosmetics a while ago so it'll be nice to have them back. I understand why some people wouldn't like this though.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    they actually said that the event skins are not coming back (like the huntress one) so they lied again to us. so the promise with not bringing back legacy means nothing

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I suppose I should have used a full sentence in that post...

    You have a point.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited November 2019

    because they said no. no means no. reason? because. there is your answer.

  • CosmicGuy
    CosmicGuy Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2019

    And I understand your position on this, but not 100%. While it is true that you never stated that the item will always be exclusive, the point of a limited time cosmetic is that if you earn it within the stated period, you won't be capable of doing so later.

    At the end, we are all just talking in gray. I understand you want all players to have the same opportunities while eliminating the issue of people taking advantage of exclusive items, but I personally wouldn't ignore players who earned them through dedication and I would give something to them to keep that item distinction.

    Anyways, I hope you consider this at the end. Thank you again for your continuous support.


  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    No to people who didnt earn it. They said multiple times in the past they're trying to restore legacy for those that lost it. And if they can restore lost event cosmetics and identify who earned them, why not for legacy and stay true to their words?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    They aren't "identifying" the lost event cosmetics, though, they're flat out giving it to everyone.

    I assume the difficulty with legacy is if you had it, there would be a flag set on your account, would probably look like

    "Legacy_Head_Meg ✓"

    The issue lies in a save issue that was once present in steam that would clear the flag, and without any way of telling who actually had the flag enabled before the save issue anyone who wanted to would be able to request it, it sucks but it is what it is.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    They also said that event items weren't coming back but here we are.... imo if they're going to do this it needs to be done right.... if there is no reward feeling for playing the game and if everyone is a winner and no exclusives are to be in this game..... legacy needs to be given out as well....

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I really don't like the fact that someone feels "special" because he has something that not everyone has. I mean, this is very common in the fortnite community back to the time that not everybody played season 1 and 2. Look at me, I'm a OG!!!! You better respect me!!! Bullshit.

    Come on, it's just cosmetics.

  • deriasb
    deriasb Member Posts: 34

    "I can understand that, although the people who did earn them got to enjoy their exclusivity for over 2 years. You got to have something special that whole time, and now everyone has a chance to get legacy as well". :)

    Same logic here for legacy am i rite ? it's not fair for people who did spend time doing the event to give them for free , if you're given event things for free , might as well give legacy skin for free , and any kind of legacy skin for free , you can't nitpick only those skins will be given for free , you either give all old event for free , or you don't. it's not fair at all

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2019

    I don't have an issue at all with the decision if it makes it more fair for all. It's just a skin afterall.

    My only concern is the current and past ones earned with the serum as they wont be due to being on the store.

    Future customers won't be granted the current ones for free due to the store so it still creates a divide between old and future customers.

    I think if the reasoning is to make it fair for all then the earnable game event skins/serum past and future should be either available free after a time frame or put them on the store so it's always a level playing field no matter when you bought the game.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    What about the people who have lost their Legacy? I've seen a few cases of people losing their Legacy, submitting a ticket, and getting no response from the Devs.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    It's very different, though.

    With prestige back then, no one knew the game would last this long, the grind was 10x as long as it is now, and you'd ultimately just reset your progress without the chance of a reward, no one was prestiging because they thought they would get a highly exclusive cosmetic, they prestiged because they loved playing the game and wanted to grind and complete.

    With the events we knew of the prerequisites, we knew what we were getting, and we can see where the game has come from and mostly where it is going.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    I meant people who reported that they lost event cosmetics. They would get them back. Not talking about the ongoing free cosmetics for everyone.

    Everyone can request legacy, but some actually had proof that they had legacy. From the few thousand that earned, a few hundred lost it and a lot quit the game. I can understand why you dont give it to everyone who asks for it, but if the proof is there, why not restore it for them? You feel kinda cheated, when they told you to work on it, you give them all they want and they just say nope.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    When I was on the PS4 it was nice seeing a Billy with the Pro-Pain Hammer because I knew that player had been playing for as long as I have, they were cool to me because I knew they earned it instead of buying it. I switched to PC and now I don't have my hammer, on one side I am happy to get it back (despite me never playing Billy) but on the other I am sad that nothing is special anymore.

    It's kind of like the Withered Blight skins this year, maybe people earned those skins in the Rift or maybe they just wasted money on them to get them faster but after the Event everyone will have bought them; there is no way to know who earned and who bought them.

  • deriasb
    deriasb Member Posts: 34

    Does that matter thou ? they were rewarded for prestiging during that time , event if they didn't know they were going to be rewarded , it's the same thing , played the game during a limited time , and got something . EVEN if the grind Was hard af and long boring ######### , it was a limited time thing , doesn't matter at all , event were a limited time thing if they were easy or hard it's same thing , you were able to get something because you played during that time frame. If they're giving out things to people that didn't play the game during that time , might as well give the legacy skins away or give the opportunity between a time frame again to get them.Honestly the only reason they're giving away most of those skins , is because a lot of people lost them , and there are no ways to know who had them (or it will take a long time to know who had those specific items).

    You either :

    A) Don't give them at all.

    B)You give every previous event / timelimited grind thing for free to everyone.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Consoles had a memory leak for the entire event, causing crashes every other game. Literally. You're underselling how broken the game was during that time.

    The one thing i looked forward to in this game were events and unlocking cool event skins. This is a pretty big slap in the face after nerfing michael last patch needlessly guys.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    He's not asking your point, he's conceding that point.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @SpaceCoconut I couldn't earn the Huntress Wolf Mask because the game was literally unplayable for me as killer during the event. There was basically an 80% chance that the game would crash when I got my first event hook. It's completely unfair that I lost out on this cosmetic because the game was broken.

    If they had a new event where I could earn I'd be happy to do that but they never did another event so here we are.

    By contrast I was able to play survivor and got David's jacket, and I have no problem with people getting access to it for free.

    Even the Hallowed/Withered Blight cosmetics are not special. Anyone can buy them at any time.

  • browalker15
    browalker15 Member Posts: 93

    I commend you all for trying to keep your promises. But why can't you just make the exclusive event cosmetics to be purchased in the store with shards and auric cells instead of being free overall? That way players still have to earn them like the rest of us did during the event to get them.