I'm happy that exclusives are coming out, BUT the players that had these should get something BIG

Title explains it. Took a couple attempts to get the title to fit with the number of characters I could use
Eh, I own Padded Jacket and Chuckles. I’ve got no issue losing exclusivity on those. It was nice to have them, I still GET to have them. Just now everyone else does!
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I'm so happy that I will have the green one for Claudette. I always wanted that shirt.
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I spent £600 on a golden feng code, which was a big decision but I was okay with it and that it was my responsibility. However, I did pay £600 for this exclusive, and many people have spent money on these because of their exclusive ranking in the game. This feels like a kick to the face and thrusts a large chunk of their core consumers and loyal fanbase to the side. I have never had an issue with bhvr, through bug and unwarranted deaths during gameplay. I love this game, but this decision on their end is absolutely devastating and no compensation for such a drastic decision would be a final blow. They haven't done it yet, they can still make it right. Anyone who is okay with this has their reasoning or are just super happy about getting a FREE exclusive cosmetic which I would also be. But if the devs have wanted to do this, then they shouldn't have waited until after three years have passed, plentiful time for many members to lose money, it's just completely immoral.
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The fact that you had it first for years while others didn't should be enough.
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BHVR didn't sell them so there's no reason to give compensation. If you spent £600 on a cosmetic you deserve to feel kicked in the face.
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I tried to write my pov in the best way possible for everyone to understand and immature members like you just can't reply without insulting can ya. I spent money on the game because I love the game and they are isolating everyone who did. If you cannot accept this then piss off and don't waste my or anyone else's time by commenting stupid replies.
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That's a good point, and it is true. Nothing can change it. I still feel they should revisit their proposition though. Just my opinion.
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Not their fault you made a poor life choice.
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Also, I'm confused. . . if these "exclusives" were so rare and hard to get how are they alienating a "large chunk" of their fanbase.
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Do you even read my comments. Instead of insulting me for this just have a normal conversation like a normal human. Why is everyone on this platform so backwards.
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Your pov is dumb and pathetic they're just skins if you love the game as much as you say you wouldn't care that you paid £600 on something everyone else is getting for free.
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You don't think it's backwards to pay that much for a cosmetic?
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I agree. 1,000,000BP for each code activated, for example.
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The nicer way of saying it is they didn't sell it to you for that price, so that isn't really their burden to bare.
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And you're not being isolated you'll still have everything you had. What you want is everyone else to be isolated just so you can feel special.
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What do you expect you just told everyone you spent 600£ on a bunch of in game pixels...... You think everyone is gonna have sympathy for you?
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ok boomer
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You're barely making any sense. If i loved the game I wouldn't care that I'm losing £600?? What world do you live in mate? and no, I have a right to feel isolated for the decision made by devs this isn't a god damn concentration camp you donkey.
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You destroyed a man's very soul today
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@Squoose while it sucks you put out so much money for a code for an exclusive cosmetic you bought that from a Third party not BHVR. BHVR is doing this in part because of the predatory practice of selling "exclusives" to players. You did have it before others and you have that satisfaction. Hopefully you will learn from this experience and not sink that much money in a game that didn't cost 20 times that.
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Not when at my own decision. Have you heard of CSGO?
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Hold up.
You didnt spend that £600 on the game, you spent it on a cosmetic code for the game. Please stop acting like they are the same thing. That £600 did not go towards supporting DBD it went towards supporting the person who sold the code.
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I think thats the issue with his some players worked hard for these event cosmetics now they aren't special anymore. DBD is over a $60 game and over $100 if you throw in their cosmetic costs
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Definitely, believe me this went through my mind when I purchased, it's very expensive and much more than the game etc, but I had wanted it for almost a year when I bought it and me and my friends all bought exclusives at the same time, it was nice, we surely didn't think they had a time limit haha. You see, thankfully I wasn't scammed, which is what the devs worry for. In turn the only negative thing to come out of this is their decision to remove it from the game. Which can still be prevented. I am happy that I had experienced owning the exclusives of course. But you must see this is bittersweet.
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If you chose to spend that much on the cosmetic that's your own prerogative.
You got that from an outside source that pretty much had nothing to do with the dev so no you really shouldn't be compensated for it.
Can we please not have another Demon Hunter sombra incident
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Like Legacy skins?
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When did I say I spent £600 on the game? do correct me if I am wrong
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If you feel isolated that's your problem all I'm saying is you're a clown for buying a cosmetic for £600 and then not keeping that a secret
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Or are you picking a choosing from my comment to pull of an unwarranted response.
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You already kicked your own face by even making the decision spending 600 bucks for a virtual ingame cosmetic which is just a colour variation of an already existing base skin. Take this as a wakeup, you have some serious consuming issues.
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I'm sorry you feel that way
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Although spending £600 on an in-game item isn't one of my proudest moments, I still justify it. I wanted it, and so i spent my own money on it. I am allowed to? It took some time to convince me f buying of course, I'm not COMPLETELY insane.. but I don't think there was anything wrong with spending a substantial amount of money on something that would bring me joy, especially when I would never have thought that it would be taken away from me. I'd also like to reiterate- when did I say that I spent £600 on the game rather than 'on an exclusive code'. Don't pick unnecessary arguments when you don't need to.
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I own a few of these because of events I participated in. I felt the same way last year when they announced Hallowed Blight and Howling grounds cosmetics would be purchasable. It felt cheap considering some of the things you maybe had to go through for them(wait times, Howling grounds people breaking hooks, killers camping gens) but very few cared then.
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DbD is 20. The DLCs are optional.
As for the topic at hand, there is no right or wrong answer. Some people dislike the choice, others like it. The question is: are you empathic enough to understand both sides, and put aside your own gripes with it?
If they didn't make these exclusives available, those who don't have it or never even got the chance to have it will feel left out.
If they do make them available then those who did get them under the assumption that they were exclusive will feel like they've been betrayed. (However, BHVR mentioned that, aside from the Legacy skins, none of those cosmetics were said to be exclusive permanently.)
As a whole, I just wish gaming moved away from "exclusivity", and rather put things like these behind a goal, challenge, or grind. (Like the old Legacy was, and now the bloody clothing.) By not having exclusives in the first place, things like these would never be an issue.
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I'm sure you and your friends are pissed. At this point you need to accept it as a teachable moment for DBD and any other game you play.
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Indeed <3
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It's not being taken away from you though?
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@SpaceCoconut Peantis has said in a couple threads Legacy will stay exclusive.
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Ima be honest with you.
you spend 600 bux on a cosmetic and 0 of that Money went to BHVR so your argument is irrelevent.
But Since i got Claudette purple pants for free and Done others events with i thought was exklusive cuase i played this game for a long time it honestly Feels like a slap in the face to the people who are loyal to this games so i do agree partly
also the fact during events they make the cosmetics Already in the store but i understand they seen profit in that :(
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My money not going to bhvr doesn't make my opinion irrelevant, I put that there so people would understand where I was coming from. I wouldn't have included something in my 'rant' if I wasn't content with what it meant. I would much rather have given it to the developers if they had made that a possibility, but they didn't. Instead they wait three years to FINALLy decide to do something about the code selling, which evidently was far too long and far too many of their loyal consumers have been hurt buy this and their decision.
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You're correct, my bad. I'm just a little worked up about this.
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Sure, but it doesn't make for good optics for Event Cosmetics that can be described in the same way as Legacy Cosmetics.
With a big enough push, they might be in the future.
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If you bought it from a 3rd party provider then it was never promoted infact it was advised not too like most game devs who have skins in the game.
Spending that amount of money on it was a choice for and not something one should ever blame someone else for making. It's a good teachable moment.
Most of the skins in reality were dependant on where someone lived, luck in a giveaway and what platform they were on.
While I have 90% of them I personally don't care about them being given out as it's just a change of appearance and in no way impacts the gameplay.
I applaud how they want to treat everyone the same way and make it fair. It says a lot when a company could have easily sold them in the store and made money yet decides to give them away.
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I agree and even complained last year around this time when it was announced Hallowed Blight and Howling grounds Cosmetics would be purchasable it made them less special. Those previous events were so damn toxic on both sides. Event hooks broke, Event Gens guarded at the expense of the game, lobby times, bugged offerings etc.
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Whatever reasons you developed in your head to justify it: from a reasonable, logical and rational POV there is NO justification to spend 600 bucks in cosmetic. It's a luxury for rich people at best. Are you rich? No? Then get some help because I fear you can't control money. Or are you rich? If yes then it doesn't hurt you anyway right?
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An easy fix would have simply been to sell their own skins like a normal company would, devaluing the ridiculously expensive skins and being a lovely solution for everyone involved. However they wanted to bring out the exclusives for their exclusivity, to build an audience, hence why this all happened in the earlier days and they decided to stop creating exclusive skins once they had a large enough of a following. However, now they have the numbers, they don't really care if they throw some people under the bus to fix a part of their community that had been seeking some attention for a while.
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I wouldn't call not compensating people for releasing once-exclusive cosmetic items into the wild "a final blow."
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'from a reasonable, logical and rational POV', who the hell are you to say this? just because I don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean mine is any less of a reasonable one. Disagree all you want but don't you dare attack me and claim some highground of sorts. I've said what I've needed to say, I have justified my decision long before you wanted an explanation.
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If you've already justified your position, then don't let the fact that these cosmetics are being given away for free take that away from you.
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@Squoose I'm sympathetic to people who had the exclusives previously. It's honestly irrelevant how they got it (ex: if money was paid), however. These people did something that others did not for their code, in other words they earned it. I did not nor did the majority of people. Saying they had the satisfaction of having it while others did not is very weak reasoning. They should get something for compensation. I do get why having something others don't feels nice. I went for P3 Trapper(bad descision I don't regret) before putting BPs in almost anything else. It's nice, I earned that. Not too many have. I like to show it. Going to an event, traveling, or even buying the exclusives is still earning it.
I do like that they are lessening exclusives. Those are dumb. But, compensation should be paid.