Free exclusives? Are you kidding?

This is one of the stupidest ideas, devs. Why I took part in EVERY single event in the game if new players will get exclusives for free now? Why I even tried? You guys should do more events with exclusives and don't give them to people for free! Now I don't even have to attend in events because every single skin I can buy in the shop...
I have exclusive skins in dbd and Paladins, I don’t understand the obsession with them staying exclusive, they’re just skins and I’m completely fine with everyone getting them.
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I've never understood the idea of wanting ######### 100% exclusive
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This guy is litteraly complaining about gaining free stuff. bruh
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Dude chill, let others enjoy skins
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Its to look different than everyone else. If everyone gets/has the cosmetic you don't look cool you look the same as every other player.
Most people were first introduced to this in Halo 3 with Recon/Flame helmets. The people who had those stood out.
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I feel bad for all the people who spent like $1000+ to get golden feng mins
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The skins are trash compared to the store ones
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I own full Daddy Jake. I’m totally fine with losing the exclusivity on him. It’s a cool pair of skins, it’ll be nice to see it more than the very rare times I play Jake.
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Well they were time exclusive ones. I'm personally not mad, because nothing is taken from me. But I wouldn't have minded, if they would have put them for Shards only in the shop or something like that.
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I’m all for the exclusive skins being made available for everyone.
For those who may want to make the switch from console to PC or vice versa, maybe this will allow them to if they didn’t want to leave behind their event items.
Also gives new players who missed out on the events a chance to have the cosmetics, and like the devs said, people can’t sell these “exclusives” for a ridiculous amount of money anymore.
If anything, I don’t see why anyone should be complaining about this. They should be happy for the community.
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I'd say the difference with Recon was that they eventually released it publicly and you could earn it doing hard achievements, it's not like there was only a month long window before it disappeared forever. I earned it and then eventually the devs just gave it away to everyone which made me salty to be honest because nothing was stopping people from just unlocking it with the achievements. Same goes for Legacy, just make it a really hard achievement to get it now like Prestige 3 all survivors and killers, only people who have played thousands of hours will have it keeping it prestigious.
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At least I'll finally get my exclusives back that somehow disappeared from my inventory. However, I'm fine if they make it available for everyone. I'm not a big fan of time limited exclusives.
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The Horror!
Now all the console players who went to the conventions but never got skin codes will be given those skins for free.
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Not everyone can afford the skins/cosmetics, and some peoples Mummys take away their pocket money or are not llowed to purchase stuff on dbd, so lets think about those who can't afford to buy skins...not everyone is able to so free skins for the win!
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Okay, then stop participating in them and give them your money, just like you said.
I don't think they'll mind. 😊
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everytime BHVR does something like this I believe they care less and less about their veterans, more specifically console players.
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Let me translate:
"I didn't read the reasons why they are going to be free AND I think I am entitled to them being exclusive forever."
Sad really.
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What did I miss? What are we talking about?
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I'm glad to finally have a way to get these on PS4, but still like the idea of exclusive content. It's always cool to see unique special items in a game and know that the person played during the eligibility period or accomplished some in-game feat.
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because people spent a lot of time to get them. Imagine if they would give legacy for free. It's special cosmetic for old players and it should stay like this. If you would have lot of hours in dbd, you would understand
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a lot of my friends lost their exclusives too. Devs are too lazy to fix this bug so they are giving exclusives to everyone I'm laughing XD
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There are literally so many cosmetic options in this game though to put together something unique.
I have event exclusive skins and I don’t care. I know I earned them. I don’t need to prove it to anyone else. Everyone having access to them after this amount of time is perfectly fair in my eyes.
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This. These are fake items that you don't even actually own. They don't impact your gameplay, and it's insane that anyone lets them impact their enjoyment or happiness this much. They are not accomplishments in any way.
You took part in them. I assume you enjoyed them. Those memories aren't going anywhere. This is the actual important thing that you should take from these events, if anything.
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Well, it's not like everyone will use them anyway. I don't even see people wearing them, everyone is wearing their favorite outfits that they bought. It gets the outfits more love to people who can't afford it. I'm glad this is happening. :)
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You don't understand. What's the point of events in dbd now if these skins are in the store? I don't even have to participate in events because I can buy every skin. I think the better idea would be if the skins from events would be exclusive just like it was for example with David's jacket. That's my award for spending my time to get that jacket. And now people are going to get it for free just like that.
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ehh if you would have a lot of hours in this game you would understand
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I love that if people were being this ######### in opposition to bhvr there'd be some action taken.
But since they're carrying water for the devs we have pages and pages of bullying lol
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I'm not selfish and I never was. I want to get rewarded for playing in this game. I give them my money so I want something from them. Just like with ranks. Rank means nothing. Even the worst survivor in the game can have 1st rank.
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You should be getting a special Artifact version of the item if you own the exclusive version, so it wasn't all in vain.
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Yes, you would understand my point of view if you would have lot of hours in this game. I enjoy this game when I'm getting rewarded. If you're happy that people will get skins that you were trying to get so hard on events for free, that's your business. Idc.
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So you want to get an exclusive even though they're doing this to get rid of exclusives? That's completely contradicting what they're trying to do.
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Not really. It's just a unique item teir that says "hey, I got this through the event/code/whatever". It's already in the game for some items (such as the streamer items that were later included into the charity case)
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I feel like cells or shards are more likely to happen. But I doubt even that.
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Well, I mean, they won't get the item "just like that" they'll have to buy it.
And, the point of events is to have a little something new or different for you to enjoy as part of the game. These should not be the make-or-break factors in whether you enjoy playing Dead by Daylight.
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Ugh. Terrible.
I feel sick just from reading this.
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You're black too, mate
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Sorry I think its sickening to gatekeep and think that stating that someone "hasn't played enough" to "get" the ridiculous anger people are having over cosmetics they don't actually own being provided to everyone.
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I'm sorry you're so upset by a mirror friend
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I'm sorry you're so upset by a mirror friend
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I’m not even on PC and think it’s bs. I see the amount of money people pay on eBay
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*gasp* oh no, you're superiority complex of being more important because you have a bunch of pixels is going away! So sad, everyone cry for the little kid, his morale needs it.
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As someone who grinded out the events to get these, yeah the exclusivity is gone and it's eh, but it's good everyone gets it. It's just another cosmetic. It's good everyone's getting it. Some people want it because they want fashion. Understandable.