Strengthening THE DEMOGORGON


You will never encounter DEMOGORGON when playing as a survivor.It's too weak so no one is using it.

When will it be strengthened?

Please tell us about the DEMOGORGON Sacrifice rate.


  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Demogorgon is like the hag, no one knows how to use him correctly. It isn't because he is weak, he is underestimated.

  • XxkuroxshiroxX
    XxkuroxshiroxX Member Posts: 76

    But I encounter him pretty often on Xbox in the green-purple ranks

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Demogorgon is actually pretty strong, low A-tier, high B-tier. Demo needs a lot of technical prowess and prediction to perform well, from knowing is a survivor is going to bait Shred, to where the most optimal place for portals is. I perform pretty well as Demo in red ranks, it comes down to effectively knowing where and when to place portals, and not getting greedy with Shred.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    So if no one is using him why do I keep seeing them in my lobbies?

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140
    edited November 2019

    Try double movement addons from one portal to another or you can do 1 movement addon and 1 takes longer for survivors to close portals addon. The movement addons actually make it significantly faster.

    Put portals near generators and use your Mouse2 to check to see if anyone is near the gen. The survivors are forced to either close the portal (which is why having a takes longer for survivors to close portal addon is nice) or ignore the portal and do the generator. Just remember you got to activate the portal to be able to see if anyone is there.

    You can also try Save the Best for Last. Shred doesnt take away stacks so you can hit your obsession with Shred. Its also nice to hit a non-obsession then at times they normally dont get far enough to vault/get to another loop before you can try to Shred them down when you got some stacks.

    Pop goes the weasel also works well on him. As for loops, when a survivor is going for a loop and youre are just out of Mouse1 range, fake a Shred and they will normally try to juke which can help ya close the gap. You can also use Shred to force them away from a window or path into a more unsafe area. When you shred towards the window/path, your body is now in the way so they cant juke and use the window anywhos.

    Hope those help.

    Edit - Also, if you are on a hill or high ground you can Shred off it for some great distance but there is a problem hitting a survivor if you Shred off high ground. So, dont try that cause it probably wont connect.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Depends if you want to be toxic and constantly finish game with 3k, or if you want to play her( yes it has a gender i think) more advance?

    People would usually set up a portal and use whisper or any perks to locate if someone is coming to Unhook someone. By doing that, after make your choice activate use your portal and you are pretty much ensuring you get 2k. Then just repeat.

    Example: A

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    I wish demogorgon had a longer reach when shredding off a ledge

  • NumB_16
    NumB_16 Member Posts: 78

    I dont play him more cause of his annoying footsteps. The shred hitbox is weird: Sometimes it looks it should've hit and it doesnt, other times it looks like it shouldn't and it hits.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited November 2019

    not really lul, demogorgon is strong and really nice. Idk why noone is playing him thats a myth for me. I play him sometimes, my reason I dont play him that often is because I like Spirit and Trapper more.