Legacy (kind of) idea

I got an Idea. People keep asking to "bring legacy skins back" but we all know it's not a good idea so I thought maybe they could do recolors of legacy skins like blue or even pink and put them in the store. That would be cool imo, what do you all think? Let me know
I kind of like it but it still lowers the value of the actual legacy skins.
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Just curious on why you think that? IMO it's like golden feng. This skin is (or was) worth like $800+ but it was just a recolored
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Except almost no one wants the legacy skins because of how they look, they want them because they don't have them.
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Not true tho. Legacy is a real nice looking cosmetic
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even thati love pink it wouldnt be good idea like @Adriang14 said it would lover value of legacy, and players who play the game when grind was hard as hell should have somthing special just form them as a thanks for staying
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By creating different colored legacy skins, ones that could look better than the original, it makes the original ones feel not as rewarding because there’s a replacement that you can just buy.
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But Bhvr never sold it. It was for events, people sold and scammed with codes and such.
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They're recolors of base game cosmetics. A few of them look alright, but every character has much better things to work with especially after the Store.
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I didn't think of that. What if they made it a reward for archives or something like that?
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That's your opinion tho
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It's really not.
There's a reason most people with Legacy don't wear them all the time, myself included, and it's not just because they don't want to be tunneled.
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Having legacy doesnt mean you're gonna wear them every game tho. You can't wear 20 cosmetic at the same time
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legacy of any kind wont be in db devs made they promis to players who stay with them since the begining and they wont break that promise
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nope, no legacy, no recolors, the devs have stated this multiple times... just find a cosmetic you like and roll with it.
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The only thing I know they stated is that they wont bring regular legacy skins back. Never heard of them talking about recolors or anything like that
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I'm fairly sure that there was a discussion sometime back in which peanits said they would not even do recolors of them.
perhaps I am mistaken, as I can't recall which thread it was on. it was a few months back and there are so many threads on this tired topic.
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Maybe you are right, I didn't find any thread speaking of that so IDK.
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there are sooo many "legacy" threads that it would likely be hard to find.
even aside from the devs opinions, I don't see a point in a recolor of legacy, it's just another way for players to try to get a skin that is the most exclusive in the game.
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I would expect them doing something like that since they are gonna give all of us free exclusives tho.