This game I seriously swear to god

This game is absolutely pathetically survivor sided it's that survivor sided it's unfreaking believable. Killers have absolutely no power against survivors.
- Constant loops
- Hex smashers
- Flashlight spammers
- Brand new parts etc
- Dead hard
This is beyond a freaking joke and the best thing is that the developers are still messing about with killers. Destroying the only powers they have against survivors. Shock horror because survivors say so. Why can't the Devs just give us a game which is fun for both sides and more realistic i.e. making the killers the power role not survivors
Not just what's in that listing either
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Yeah, it's constantly hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the survivors have all the power in this game and are the ones who get to have a nice chill match. I play as killer and it's go go go from the second the match starts, constantly chasing, hitting, downing and hooking. Go find a gen to smash and repeat, not a second to stop and catch your breath. Then when my brain gets so fried from the stress I switched to Survivor and it's like a ######### stroll in the park. Take a nice leisurely little walk through the woods up to a gen and sit down and hold down a button while occasionally tapping another button. Hear that the Killer is coming and go duck behind a tree and take a crap for a minute, maybe run away and smash some pallets on his head and jump some windows. And survivors honestly wonder why Killers face camp sometimes. It's not always that they're being dicks sometimes they just want a moment to catch their ######### breath. Although admittedly I have absolutely no idea how they would change this dynamic.
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Catch Breath
You can't be for real here. In a game that rarely lasts over 10 minutes, time for catching breath is between the games.
The fact that the sides play so differently makes this game, and this may come as a surprise to you, more diverse. First play one, then the other. Wow, what an idea.
Are you also the type of guy who signs up for a marathon only to complain to everybody that you don't get to take a break every 5 minutes without losing the marathon?
constantly chasing, hitting, downing and hooking
Not enough time for watching clouds pass by eh? Maybe dream about playing a fishing simulator.
I'm sorry for the rant but this is probably the most ridiculous thing I've read on here so far, and the competition is pretty damn tough I'll tell ya.
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Dude there are ways to counter all of that:
Constant looping - put Brutal strength on to clear out pallets more efficiently.
Hex smashes - run Hex: Thrill of the hunt that way you know if someone is touching your totem.
Flashlight spammers - if they are constantly blinding you put on lightborn so they can't do anything or put on Franklin's demise and make them drop their flashlights.
Brand new parts - there is not much to do about that except dying light or hex: Ruin but if more than one survivor brings a brand new part on the same generator run discordance
Dead hard - once you know they have dead hard just wait for them to use it again then kill them or if they're injured while working on a generator with dead hard then run mind breaker so they won't use dead hard
I know you probably know all of this but don't blame the devs for survivors playing like that.
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All I'm saying is and it seems odd the side that should feel pressured, the survivors, literally get to do what you just said. Sit and watch the clouds pass by while they hold a button fixing a generator.
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The Devs give them the tools which effectively make them toxic
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Today had a very bad day on DBD. The survivors are so strong right now. I play against tournament and optimal teams. Who thought that hawkins was strong against hillbilly with BL. Yes you heard me right i've been looped with balanced landing on the two servers room.
BL on this map is very strong, This map is known to be bad for survivors which kind is but with BL it's another story. BL should be next on the nerf list i guess.
With all that the bad framerate that occur on PS4 and slow sensitivity make the game so unplayable. The framerate is so bad that survivors is running faster than me.
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I don't support this, the devs took away some of the most powerful tools from the survivors A.K.A Instaheals, nerfed MoM (which indeed was BS), made DS a timer perk etc, playing solo survivor still feels much more frustrating than anything and yeah, you're gonna always find toxic SWF bunchs that tend to be frustrating to play against. But also they tend to make stupid mistakes due to their confidence and you can exploit that.
I doubt this game is survivor sided at all from my point of view.
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What else would they be doing? We've been asking for more objectives for a long time now.
But at some point the survivor will get away from you. You can always only chase one guy and good teams will obviously rotate who is getting chased and which gens are done if you let them.
If you'd turn it all around we'd have the same discussion, only that the thread would revolve around survivors being a joke. Weirdly tho I see solid gameplay from both survivors and killers in top ranks.
Do you understand that gameplaywise it's not possible to have it the otherway around?
It was the same in Friday13th Game where they actually had more than one objective, and people could rush that too. Jason too had to be all over the map. You have to fight for your control over them, it can't be handed to you. Survivors also have to work. If they do nothing but stare at clouds as you say then they will lose against any killer who knows what they're doing.
The argument that you "just want to chill" as a killer is weird.
Again, when I as a survivor win the chase against you and you lose me then guess what? Ofcourse I'm gonna be able to do whatever I want. But what do I want? Get the hell out of here of course and so what am I going to do? Do gens and save teammates who will hopefully do gens too. If you want it so they can't do that then you're not having a game here.
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Good survivors still control everything. They control how much time a game should last (Gen Rush), They control killers power (Plague), They control how killer should be nerfed (Nurse , Spirit and next Hillbilly).
And you are telling me that the game is not survivor sided. I laugh because most player on these forum that play killers don't have my survivors. When i read your comments he look like you get potatoes he happen to me sometime but mostly i verse the best teams we can get on DBD.
Trust me good survivors still control how the flows should be. I do admit that DBD have never been so much balanced than now.
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Toxic and sweaty swf is my only issue with dbd atm. And Nurse being boring now.
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Someone just had a really bad match
Take a breather comrade
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And here is the problem, especially with many people on this forum.
"i.e. making the killers the power role not survivors"
They should balance it, and not make one side the "power role". So many Killers here in this Forum are very upset of not being Overpowered, thats all.
Look at people like TrueTalent.. he is constantly complaining in almost every match... there is almost no game where he is not saying that this and that will be so hard, and survivor have the upper hand etc. And in the end he ends up more often then not with a 3 or even 4K... And lets be real here, he is not even a top tier player.
It is true, that Survivor might still have a small edge over many Killers (beside Billy, Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, Freddy and Hag) but some here act like, it is pointless to even try getting a kill here and there..
Im considere myself a mediocre Killer, still managing almost every time 2-4 Kills in Red ranks.. even doable with weaker Killers like Legion, Bubba and Leatherface.
I dont wanna bash the OP or any other Killer, but please stay realistic.
The game is not perfectly ballanced, but far from, what some here say.
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Balancing a game sounds easier on paper than in practice, but I hold my point that this game has lost that tremendous survivor sided logic, the pallet vacuum is gone, the window blocker happened, bloodlust happened and so on and so on. It used to be the most demoralizing experience for killers and that much I can see for myself.
However, whenever I play as a killer I didn't have that many issues and most of all, there's just no point sweating it off in this game, there's no real rewards for pipping/ranking up. If you get gen-rushed with ruin that pops off in the first couple of minutes? Tough luck, just move on to the next game, or play something else instead.
This game is notorious for producing really bad vibes and give some frustrating experiences which I do not recommend at all, so I'd stop playing altogether for a while.
Also being a good survivor is painful if your team just screws everything up such as wasting pallets, not saving in time, or just urban evasion around the corners of the map, which is my solo survivor experience and you can't just rely on yourself to do everything.
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Well that was a pointless humblebrag. How the hell can you consider yourself only mediocre if you win every single game in red ranks, 2 kills equaling a win, even with low-tier killers? I'm not trying to be an ######### and agree with everything else you said but no reason to say you're mediocre.
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Do you know what else they dont fix? Teaming with the dang killer.
If I send a report of em teaming with the killer or the killer teaming with the survivors they better be banned. Cause I'm done dealing with em.
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Well, the reason for that is because i honestly think i am not a good killer and that i have still a lot to learn. I often do mistakes, which a really good killer main probably wont do. I am not bad or anything, but there are definitly better killers out there then me.
All i wanna say is, you dont have to be a god tier killer that you stand a chance against good survivors. So it cant be THAT broken.
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Well he have been proven again and again that if a good team do gen properly and the one chase drop every pallet. Guess what they will finish all gens by the time you destroy every pallet.
I play many games even friday the 13th who had a tough balancing for Jason was fun at least. DBD isn't fun at all when getting beaten like never. Balancing can't be good for DBD because there is too many biased people, People that think BL on haddonfield is actually balanced.
Insta-heal is still strong just more skill involved except for purple one that is better than before. BL create infinite by itself and Nurse is not there anymore to counter these against the best teams. It's a video game man a PvP one the goal is to win, If killer can't win consistantly even by trying so hard that's not normal.
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What is winning to you exactly?
A killer should know when to drop a chase rather than insist on it, I've seen a plentiful of games thrown out like this where said killer would get, at most, 1 person killed because they neglected to change targets to the "weakest" link in the team.
And I've yet to meet people who believe Haddonfield is balanced, everyone I've seen is against such map, if not, they're obviously pretty biased.
As one mod once commented, the game is meant to be a 2/2, escape, and kills, a 4k is meant to be really hard to achieve and it's not for anybody, it either involves crazy good survivors on your matches, or you're just messing up in something from your playstyle, whatever it is, attempt to adapt to new strategies.
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To clarify, good survivors on comms can break the game. Your average solo survivors typically don't. In fact, solo survivor is a slaughter until you get to purple ranks. I usually make it to red ranks in both killer and survivor, so I totally get the frustration on the killer side. But as a solo survivor who only SWFs with comms on occasion, solo survivor has it really rough right now. Solo has never been a worse experience.
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just get gud lmao.
btw nerf billy. he downed me. I dc’d to show he’s op.
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For me winning is 3k and 4k , 2k is a draw , 1k and 0k is a lost.
I give myself 15s if a pallet drop or a hit haven't happen that means that i'm doing a mistake. Once the chase take too long i drop the chase. Now the issue is that others survivors all pretty much play the same so. I know how to play properly before you ask, I know which side to rotate on Jungle Gym same for t-wall l-wall. Mindgames doesn't work on my survivors at least not on the strongest loops.
So i don't what to say. except of course i'm not the best top tier killer of course but, i'm clearly not as bad as that.
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I agree solo survivor is more of a challenge. And since voice comms is a good way for an SWF team to communicate with each other its not going to go away unless they stop people grouping up to play with each other. And, has often been said, this will greatly affect the game.
Some people have suggested flagging a player if they are in a group.. the problem is killers would more likely consider if they want to go up against an swf team or not.
Its the same argument used about showing the killer to survivors before the match. Survivors would consider if they wish to face off against a certain killer or not.
At the same time a solo survivor may also be trying to progress certain master challenges which can get somewhat frustrating. The "complete in a single trial" one objective ones seem to be easier, as in "gank someone from a generator from behind" for one of the killer master challenges.
Imagine if a survivor master challenge was "survive and escape unbroken in a single trial" it would mean as soon as you were hooked it would be all over you couldnt complete the challenge and I suggest some players might simply dc at that point.
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While the game is survivor sided, none of the issues here are real
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I mostly run Ghost Face and have no problems getting 4k's. I think it's mostly in part to having no terror radius. But when I run any other Killar it's mind numbingly annoying
Anyway I feel that a lot of the problems with this game though stem from SWF's, having the ability to call out the Killers position and coordinate saves is honestly what takes the fear factor away.
No reason to run Bond or Empathy, because you can call out where you are. Might as well toss out self care too. They can also set up Head On play's just to bully the killers.
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killer: *gets 4ks almost every game they play*
also killer when they lose 1 game: “hrismfkemflp jesus this game is so survivor sided omg!!! Nerf!!!”
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wait complaining about brand new parts my god 25% of a gen the horror
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It's funny when I 4k a few games in a row and then completely lose one round and get the obligatory "######### killer" "noob" treatment from the survivors.
We get it, you're hardcore.
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- If your getting looped constantly you've got a problem with killing survivors
- Flashlights are easy to avoid if you look away
- Brand new parts can..... ok there's no way to help with that
- Dead hard is the worst perk to complain about cause you literally wait till they use it and NOT swing and you've gottem
- It's killer sided so you might wanna think about what killer your playing before you cry about it
- Have a good day/night
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This is what i should've typed
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I agree with this so much. Any killer with any lick of skill can shut down any survivor. This game is balanced on the 10% toxic players. Most games r filled with random solos. Or casual teams. And then the killers just camp, tunnel, slug, with op addon and offerings. It's very annoying how much I read in the forum how the survivors are the power role gtfo here with that.
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Head on plays r not bullying.... agh so dumb it's a strategy to help prolong loops. And that means two people aren't doing gens.
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Red ranks this happens to me and my team 95% of the time. SURVIVOR SIDED NERF!!!
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And I would agree with you if the one your chasing pulls it off but if your being led into between two players its bullying and more than likely swf.
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I guess we will agree to disagree
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I agree with that.
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This sounds like someone got bullied and lost a few games in a row. Petition to nerf survivors; sign below
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I think the main issue with this game is map design.
Really skilled survivors can take advantage of the map and effectively steam roll most killers.
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I absolutely love all the comments which seem to be so so survivor sided coming from survivor mains. People like some of you survivor mains who think so survivor sided deserve to be camped at tunnelled a lot of the time. That's why there is a rise in camping and tunnelling cos a lot of the time killers just cannot be bothered going through the same trashy notions of loop and teabag, loop and teabag, loop and teabag thinking you guys are hot stuff. Well guess what you aren't the only reason you have the upper hand is due to how survivor sided the game mostly the maps (haddonfield) and the tools that you are given by the Devs to promote toxicity
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You need to chill, it's a game and nobody here as far as I'm concerned has said anything about bm'ing killers or teabagging them to tilt, also survivors aren't the only side that can be toxic as you are promoting in your comment to camp and tunnel people who just happen to think differently, just take it easy.
EDIT: Random typo.
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If only you put all of that effort into getting better at the game instead of crying here which isn‘t gonna help you at all. But thanks for the entertainment i guess, seeing killer mains cry that survivors are OP is something that rarely gets boring to me.
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Just because people disagree with you they are going to be called the main of the opposite side you play and biased? One could say the same about you and disregard your opinions just as easily :/
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The problem isn't the Survivors, no I'm not going to say ''git gud'' like everyone else on here is either, the problem is that the Killers aren't strong enough to deal with the problems laid before them. Some of them are, Freddy, Spirit, Hillbilly, Ghostface, maybe Nurse(I never play her and rarely see her anymore) but others just don't have enough in there base kit to truly tackle the challenges Survivors put you through. Long post ahead, not sorry.
For example, The Trapper was one of the original 3 Killers and he was never designed to be able to deal with the Survivors, his power is good but when the game was officially released his base kit and entire power was not made for this game. When this came out loops would have 3 ######### windows on the same wall and Survivors had no Medium Vault just the fast, how was Trapper who had incredibly slow setting speed and hold 1 trap supposed to deal with that loop? Was he supposed to put 1 trap down at a window and then watch the Survivor go back and forth through the other 2, no Entity blocker btw. Also, that is 1 loop on the map and 1 Survivor, there are still many more loops and 3 other Survivors he would have to deal with back when the game was released. He was not made to be good or handle the situations Survivors put him through when the game was released, that says something.
Clown is good in chases, he is designed to slow down Survivors and confuse them in a chase and down them with ease. Well the other 3 are on gens. Clown has nothing in his kit to distract or slow down Survivors he is not chasing and his only pressure is to down people quickly but that isn't enough, every Killer has more pressure than he does.
The problem DBD has is that they haven't been making Killers that can deal with the problems Survivors give them, they aren't designed to be strong enough. If all the Killers got an upgrade to their kit then it wouldn't feel so Survivor sided. Trapper got upgrades, just as Freddy, and Wraith did but Trapper is still crap because he was never meant to be in this game, he was the OG Killer for the game and it was not designed around him so he needs the biggest upgrade of all. Nurse and Spirit were over-performing so they got kicked down a bit and now Doctor is next for those upgrades, maybe.
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Well when in doubt call the entitled survivors card when your bad at killer
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I'm sorry but it sounds like you are just bad at the game.
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I think it's killer sided until you get to high ranks. Then talented survivors begin to control the game.
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to put it simple yes this is true. and that's why it is so hard to balance a game with so many skillsets in play for every role. Read: it's impossible
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Constant loops, know when to break chase.
Hex smashers, it's gonna happen, they're high risk perks
Flashlight spammers, do you mean just constant clicking or blinding? If they blind at pallets, they don't gain as much distance, clicking is annoying but doesn't achieve anything.
BNP, toolboxes in general suck, but there's slowdown perks for a reason.
Dead hard, bait it out