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Rip the Nurse..

sorry for my english,

i played nurse alot after and before the nerf , gotta say she was boring as F,

we asked you before BHVR not to touch this one killer for alot of reasons , but no, you think that was better, i think no one will play her again , i know i will not , bcuz now it's too frustrating and boring to play her, instead of consecrating on the survivor you need to considerate on a bar to get full , what a time waste for the muscle memory practice and for the p3 with all perks BP.


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,090

    It's different but if you use an addon for recovery speed on her blinks she's basically the same as before the nerf. At least from what i've found it's a bit better. My feelings on it are i don't like the blinks having to recharge but it's not super bad.

  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    you still need to keep that bar in your mind even with these addons, you say it's not super bad you wait until you play against a swf with (DS,Bt,dead hard ) like i did, in a bad map and see if you ever will play her again :)

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I don't think the devs will change ANYTHING of nurse in at least the next year. They ignored legion for a decade already. They are concentrating on other killer instead of reverting their mistake. Whyever.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    hopefully devs will jump in a thread soon and answer

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    Nah. The Devs ignore Killer complaints for years while speed-fixing anything Survivors whine about within days.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    @MightyDwight One can hope right? :) at least the data should show a major drop in nurses, hopefully that'll make them realize the add ons were what everyone were whining about and not base kit

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    Even if they do, it will take them years to 'look at' her again.

    I mean, look at Legion; he's still complete garbage and he's STILL seeing another upcoming nerf instead of being buffed.

    So even if they admit they are wrong, they won't fix her until maybe 2030. 2025 if we are insanely lucky. Like 'Kobe off of 50 hooks in a row with 0 luck addons, on the first try' lucky.

    (Out of curiosity people who are math-smart; what are the odds on freeing yourself from 50 hooks on the first try, in a row, at 4% per hook?)

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    @MightyDwight Yeah I know what you mean lol but I'M STILL HOPING lol

    regarding ur math quizz, the odd's are still 4 % aren't they? :D the chance doesn't decrease so for each hook there's a 4 % chance

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    The Nurse is still the strongest killer in the game on PC. Her kit now feels much more balanced and fun to play. She has been considered to be the most OP killer in the game since her release. She obviously is going to feel weaker after a nerf. She is just less OP than she was.

    If you had never played the Nurse before this nerf, and put time in to learn her, you would think she was OP compared to all the other killers. You don't think she feels as fun now because you have experience playing her when she was stronger.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    This is exactly what is happening. If nurse had never been added to the game and the next killer announced was this version of the nurse all the players complaining right now would be happy that they "finally have another viable killer in red ranks". It's so absurd that it is funny.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    BHVR Devs: Nurse and Doctor add-on rework, only their add-ons are getting changed.

    Killers: OK fair enough.

    BHVR Devs: Reads forum threads about survivor mains crying and complaining on how Nurse "breaks" the game.

    BHVR Devs: Let's nerf Nurse base-kit don't for the casuals worry we'll get away with it like our secret Pallet buff, Decisive Strike buff, Borrowed Time buff & Enduring nerf.

    BHRV Devs: Leaks some info on upcoming PTB.

    Me: Read some of the add-on changes to nurse, these are decent but are ok.

    Me: Sees what BHVR is doing, Add-onless nurse is the most fair version of nurse you can play as and against. A couple of weeks later reads the full add-ons changes, ok these add-ons are 💩 and for add-ons are the ultra rares don't feel anything special.

    BHVR Devs: Q & A yea people said that you couldn't do anything against a nurse such as break line of sight or properly lose her. So we'll add this for counter-play but don't worry it won't be game breaking.

    Me: As a competitive player you created a character that's depended on their ability to traverse the map since they're slower than base speed, needs to use ze ability in order to catch up and damage your opponents & is a risk and reward character. By adding restrictions to the power your giving "counter-play" for the non optimal players who don't deserve it and should learn from their mistakes rather than having everything handed to them and "fixing a non-existing issue"

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Although yes the nurse is still the strongest killer but here's the thing, she's restricted AF. Only reason people will say that the power "balanced" is that either A. casual survivor mains or B. You don't see the bigger picture. By adding this restriction you're limiting the full potential of the power and giving "counterplay" to players that don't deserve it, not to mention the nurse is probably the only killer where you need to use your power as she's slower than 100% & on paper 6 seconds may not be a lot but in a game where time means everything then there's an issue.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I doubt it. People would call her OP in the first 2 days, but then they would just call Nurse another add-on and map reliant killer. Because that she is now.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I just had remarkable success with Spasmodic Breath and Bad Man's Last Breath. Just hit someone, switched targets to someone who was doing gens, kept everyone injured and got 4k. Granted, two survs didnt know how to run from nurse, but it wasn't weak.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    What do you mean by her being "restricted"?

    By adding this restriction you're limiting the full potential of the power

    Yes... This is literally the definition and purpose of a nerf...

     and giving "counterplay" to players that don't deserve it

    What player doesn't deserve an opportunity to counterplay a killer??? Do you think a killer should exist that is nearly impossible to counterplay?

    Regardless, all this nerf did was make it slightly more punishing for a Nurse to make a mistake. It makes it so killers tha make several mistakes with her in a game can't get carried to rank 1 anymore by using her unless they improve.

    After 2 blinks, the nurse fatigue is 2.5 seconds. You have to wait 3.5 seconds after fatigue to get both of your blinks back. 

    If you use both recharge add-ons, you need to wait 1.5 seconds after the blink fatigue to have both of your blinks back. Now on paper, 1.5 seconds might not seem like a lot, but in a game where time means everything, it's essentially nothing and like the didn't nerf her in the first place.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    The fact that the Nurse moves slower than 4m/s or 100% forces her to use her power, by adding this 3 second recharge per blink not only 'restricts' her on how to use the power but allows the survivors to make mistakes that usually wouldn't happen against pre-nerf nurse and questionable plays, also the nerf still is impactful even with recharge add-ons not only this but the nurse is still inconsistent on certain maps or debris.

    • "What do you mean by her being "restricted"?"

    No no no, I don't think that any killer should be nearly impossible to counter. I was meant to say that the non-optimal survivors aka the bad survivors shouldn't win against you if your the more experienced player.

    • "What player doesn't deserve an opportunity to counterplay a killer??? Do you think a killer should exist that is nearly impossible to counterplay?"

    🤣 Please tell me in what way does the nurse carry killers to rank 1??? First off not many people will want to play her as their first couple of games will be trying to understand the blink range, time to blink, what obstacles you can't blink through etc. Second mot many people are able to play her due to either the low FOV or Motion sickness from the vignette during the fatigue. Last Nurse had so much counter-play before this nerf examples: Dead Hard, Stealth Perks; Premonition, Spine Chill, Urban Evasion, Iron Will, Light Weight, Information Perks; Alert, Dark Sense. I can go on and on about how many counters there were before this nerf. (I wish that my simple 1 mistake didn't cost me the game or I can get hard to counter second chance perks :>)

    • "Regardless, all this nerf did was make it slightly more punishing for a Nurse to make a mistake. It makes it so killers that make several mistakes with her in a game can't get carried to rank 1 anymore by using her unless they improve.

    My thoughts on your reply I understand where you're coming from but you clearly don't understand where i'm coming from, I'm looking at this nerf from competitive and logical POV. Not only you restate the key aspects of the comment and state the obvious details I already know of. Most likely I wasn't more clear on ze comment

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Gotcha. Yes it absolutely restricts her power, that is indeed what they were trying to do. That should theoretically allow survivors to make more mistakes than they could against the previous iteration of the nurse. I think the issue was, even if the survivor was the more experienced player and played perfectly, they would still lose to a good nurse.

    Please tell me in what way does the nurse carry killers to rank 1???

    You already agreed with me that she is still the strongest killer in the game after multiple nerfs, how are you denying her ability to carry people to rank 1? I was speaking from personal experience with the rank 1 comment. I've only ever gotten to rank 1 killer back in the days where I pretty much only played nurse.

    For the 'counterplay' perks you mentioned, none of them really counter the nurse more than they do any other killer.

    If you were actually looking at this from either a competitive or logical point of view, you would understand that after the strongest killer in the game receives a nerf, and still remains the strongest killer in the game, that they were certainly overpowered before the nerf.

    Aside from anything related to the Nurse, DbD just isn't built to be a highly competitive game. The core fundamentals of the game, especially the asymmetrical aspect of it, make it impossible to ever become an 'e-sports-esque' type of game. That's an entirely different conversation topic though.

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    @BlackHack I'm sorry if you didn't like the changes osama.

    but i know exactly what is your problem.

    both of us are from iraq. and both of us usually get a 100+ ping on the best servers. sometimes even in middle east ones.

    the problem isn't from the nurse nerfs. the problem is from the dedicated servers. trust me. I was just like you. also a nurse main a long time ago before she was nerfed. and I've tried her (before the nerfs) on the first ptb test of the dedicated servers. and i can guarantee to you that even if the changes were reverted. nothing will change. playing the nurse with that ping will still be frustrating.

    I even tried to play omegablink with an eboni on the dedicated servers. and i barely killed 2 people. keep in mind that I've Never lost with these add-ons before.

    the problem isn't from the nurse. the problem is from the dedicated servers. if the devs disabled even. i can guarantee that you're going to enjoy your times with the nurse again. and barely feel the difference.

    but for now. and due to our high ping. both of us cannot play the nurse because of the dedicated servers. and if they didn't disable it and didn't fix it too. the only way we'll have fun with nurse ever again is to travel outside of iraq and get to a better country with a better internet. better than the 3G connection we have (for anyone who's reading this. in iraq. we don't even have 4G yet.)

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    Fragile Wheeze/Dark Cincture or any combination of that and Ataxic or CBT is where it's at and gave me very good results-- I won almost all of the games I played last night and tonight. I did get a 0k and that was because I brought myself to Lery's and used Anxious Gasp and Bad Man Keepsake, then went all-in with the slugs because I wanted to gamble against a guaranteed 2k. Range add-ons seemed good as well.

    The biggest issue I had was with some dedicated server BS and a couple times when I couldn't use my 2nd blink. Not sure what that was about. At least the warping is gone.

    I won't argue with someone that says she's not as fun as before, but she's still feels like the best killer to me.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    This is the problem tho

    Being FORCED to use a green and yellow addon every single game just to have a chance against basic survivors.

    Balancing killers around addons that they will not have every game, and making them an easy pushover without the best specific addons, is wrong.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Who was carried by Nurse to rank 1 ? Before the nerfs, I saw Nurses mostly in red ranks, in green and purple ranks killers barely played Nurse and when they did, they got rekted. So I don't see who was carried by Nurse to red ranks.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    She's completely fine, it's just dramatically less people now play or even want to play her. Before you at least heard something like "she's OP, but very hard to play!", and it was alluring. Now it's "she may be strong if you master her" which doesn't sound attractive at all. Is it really an acceptable effort/reward conversion?

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    Well I'm not being forced-- I did fine without add-ons too. The ones I referenced just made the games much easier. I was responding to Eleghost because they talked about how recovery add-ons made her the same as before the nerf, and I wanted to mention my experience so that people having difficulty could give'm a try for better results.

    Base nurse is different, but she's hardly a pushover-- not with me anyway.