i refuse to give any sympathy to killers who think the role is hard while blatant camping exists.

why even bother balancing the game when regardless of any changes people will just camp anyway. out of the 10 games iv played today 6 of them involved 1-2 survivors being hyper camped. theres a degree to where camping is a strategy then theres just silliness. there is no reason to camp at 5 gens. its lazy and is the most uninteractive uncounterable thing for a survivor and i refuse to be convinced otherwise.


  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Careful what ys say, killers might camp just to spite ya.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    i was on a gen watching from a distance and this huntress was just circling the hook 400 times until he died. not much i can do there :/

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    i mean this whole forum is killer biased so it wouldnt surprise me

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425


  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Both sides do scummy things to each other because the game isn't balanced.

    I think you would see a reduction in camping if the devs truly started balancing this game.

    And if a killer still camps, punish them with BT, DS, and Unbreakable.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I have only camped once, just to finish a hook challenge, I felt so dirty and so bad I msged the survivor and apologized adn explained why I camped. He was very understanding and took it well. I hate campers.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971
    edited November 2019

    it's not really camping if the survivors try to hook rush Infront of your eye balls that's called the survivors being a dumbass

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    go watch any big killer content creator. they do just fine. most of the complainers are awful at the game

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited November 2019

    I don't camp. That's why I think playing killer is hard. I try to hook each survivor once. Then I try to hook each survivor a second time. If I actually plan on sacrificing anyone that round, I usually try to have everyone on death hook before the first one dies.

    That's not easy. That's a lot of juggling, and it can be stressful.

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    Yeah and anytime a Killer does not camp, there's always 1 Survivor who goes for a face-unhook and then whines camping or tunneling.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413
    edited November 2019

    Content creators pick and choose what they upload. You think they don't have hard games? 4 survivors that can loop effectively, can work through ruin, and run meta perks will beat even the best killer players. Camping is a foolhardy strategy that will net 1 to 2 kills at most, assuming the other survivors aren't stupid. Getting camped sucks, but so does getting gen rushed. Killer and surv are two sides of the same coin. You think I look down on survivors in general and don't emphasize with them just because there's some ######### heads who tbag, click their flashlights and abuse God loops?

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    So are you also "awful at game" then since your "complaining " hmmmm (mind blown) 🤔🤔

    Seriously tho getting camp sucks massive D's lol and im killer main i find most killer campers are usually low ranks.

    But then again survivors "not all" will call any killer camper if they lose 🤦‍♂️

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Most big killer content creators are at low ranks, do scummy tactics blatantly, or are just great at killer (Monto vs Otzdarva) Not to mention they aren't going to upload their terrible games. They won't post a bunch of boring loser games.

    Playing killer (when the survivors are somewhat skilled+) is hard. You have to play optimally nearly the entire game while half the survivors time is spent getting on gens and not missing skill checks. Survivors take turns doing the hard part and killers simply can't. And if one survivor is good enough at looping time is wasted and the games over before it started.

    I main Trapper and the vast majority of trials I take in 2 generator slow/regression perks cause I can never have enough time. The whole '5 gens can get done in 3 minutes' thing is exaggerated. That won't happen if your trying... But that doesn't negate my point at all. Realistically if you make a mistake as killer it could cost you a generator, which could cost another, which could cost the game. If you don't keep significant pressure up the game is over before it has even started.

    All this being said is assuming your aren't at low ranks or playing blatantly scummy (which can still turn out with a terrible loss).

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    So the only reason the devs ever “nerf” killers is to confirm killers can camp to get their 4K.

    So much wow on one post alone.

    The majority of the times I’ve encountered hardcore camping the killer didn’t care about BPs OR Emblem points OR Pips. They just wanted the survivor to have an unfun time.

    I highly doubt that the devs would ever use camping as a basis of nerfing.

  • JHarsch
    JHarsch Member Posts: 41

    You can camp a hook and (possibly) secure a single kill. Even when you sit an inch from the hook, you can still lose the kill. If you feel the need to take to the forums to QQ, just don't play the game.

    Killer is hard, survivor is hard too. The game is ranked and it will eventually get harder because you'll run into smarter players. These forums seem to be overrun by players that want to win more consistently, but don't want to take advantage of the current meta. Quit whining and do more gens/make more hooks.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I try not to but there are 3 conditions where i 'camp'

    • If i know a survivor is nearby i will search them out
    • After a hook i alter my patrol path to include returning to it occasionally
    • If the survivor gets under my skin
  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    ..I was more referring to that fact that viable Killers get nerfed so the only way they can get kills is to camp.

    Not that Devs were using camping as a basis for nerfing, but more that their overuse of nerfing is making it so camping is all Killers can do to not lose.

    It's just a side-effect of the devs beating every decent Killer into a nerf coma because a handful of Survivor mains scream if they lose.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    Are you yellow rank? I don't get why you're mad about the killer throwing the game basically lol

    Also just throwing this out there, survivor is pretty easy but you still have to know what you're doing. If you're losing you should try playing killer to get better

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    I think its less to do with the killers actually being nerfed to the point of uselessness and more that people are pissed.

    Also something else to keep in mind is a lot of survivors don't play killer ever. So when They're trying to do these challenges...yeah. But still They're not getting past green so i don't get how this is an issue for experienced players

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Camping always existed and always will, it's the most primordial instinct (it's literally the first thing new killers do) and it's somehow effective. If you have a problem with it, which is perfectly understandable, include BT in your builds. It sucks to have to sacrifice a perk slot but it's worth it.

    The prejudice is strong in this one.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    the killer gets punished by doing that heavily so no, the killer already loses a lot of points for camping even way more if they die first hook guaranteed de pip to safe pip at best.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    You must be in pretty low ranks if the killer camps that often

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Run borrowed time and DS if camping is such an issue for you. Just because you come across campers doesn’t mean the killer role isn’t more difficult.

    Play some killers games and see for yourself.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That is like saying I have no sympathy for survivors because looping exists. Just because some people on both sides act like asses, doesn't mean you say to hell with a particular side. All you can do is try to be a positive influence on the game/community.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Please list killers that have gone from viable to “non-viable”. Nurse and Upcoming Spirit are still viable.

    Also that would suggest that the only way to play Wraith... a killer which I main (P3 with 2.9k hrs) is only viable if you camp with him which is simply not true.

    You are forgetting that there is a huge skill gap in this game that either no one cares to admit or no one is talking about. So in that case yes someone with less skill will feel more inclined to camp, but that has nothing to do with the killer’s ability to perform.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Even the best killers in the game eventually complain or find something in the game they dislike, being bad isn't necessarily causation of complaining as everyone does it. Of course it makes sense that a content creator that plays the game for several hours a day is going to do way better than the average player because it's literally their job (in the case of streamers). They'll still have rough games though and they will even admit that there are some games where you simply cannot win even if those cases aren't exactly common.

    That being said, while I do think camping is very unfun, you shouldn't base your opinion of all killers just because of the ones that camp the hook. Some killers actively make it their goal to play as nice as possible for as long as they can by leaving the hook immediately, not tunneling or camping and for the most part don't typically run extremely powerful addons and those are the killers who are in line for a rough game despite wanting to ensure a more enjoyable experience for all 5 players in the trial instead of just themselves.

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    exactly this. I'm just the same, but maybe because I have a lot of real life issues to be concerned about, so I know what matters in life and it's definitely not dying on hook in a video game, because I've got camped or being mad because someone teabags in front of me. I know it sucks, but not every match is like that, for me at least. I'm older than the average DbD player, I know life itself can be much worse than any video game in this world, so camp me to death, I will start another game right after that and still have fun

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Hmm, can't agree with you there hun.

    Also try doing Map Pressure with some killers like Clown, I dare you.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Well depending on the survivors they either force the killer to camp or the killer is setting up for the incoming bum rush on the hook with information provided by BBQ or Whispers

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Spoken like a true survivor main. I make purple and red ranks every rank reset so I know map pressure. Survivors can't handle it so they cry to nerf killers who can, then cry some more when a killer does his job when he catches you. Pitching a tent is a useful and fun tool.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    A survivor main complaining. A classic. The game is probably going to die because of them. Try playing killer at rank 1 against a tryhard swf. See how easy it is for you.

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2019

    The level of delusion on this forum is always a wonder to behold

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree that camping is lazy and dont need any effort or skill but its a part of your own fault too if ppl die to camping. Just dont stay for years next to the hook and wait for a unhook, try to do a risky save infront of the killer with borrow or just do gens, not hard.

  • DerFan
    DerFan Member Posts: 42

    i play survivor and killer in the first week after reset to r1. and i can absolutly comfirm, that gen rush exists ;)

    just go in with DS+adrenalin. dont heal. split across the map and just push gens. there is no way to stop that in a fair way. if the killer camps or tunnels one, the gens will be done. if the killer tries to slipp pressure, the gens will be done. if he slugs, he may have a chance unless you add unbreakable to your perks.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    Doesn't always help if the killer really wants you dead.

    Once played against a clown who ate BT, DS and BL and still tunned me to death even though there were other targets right infront of him, trying to block and gens got done. He tunneled me because I played Nea (I asked him why he did that).

    These perks give a little more time but they don't necessarily rescue you. I don't encounter killers with a heavy tunnel vision like that often, but if a killer really really wants you dead, there's not much you can do.

  • Rinthespooki
    Rinthespooki Member Posts: 255

    Op : *refuses to give simpathy*

    Me : ok survivor.

  • JHarsch
    JHarsch Member Posts: 41

    I consistently got 0k's playing as Trapper, with 1-2 perks, no addons (trying him out). I had no qualms about it. They didn't teabag and were efficient. I gave all four props, and in every game for all the players that deserved it.

    I've gotten 0k's playing as Shape, with a damn-good-slow-gen build and solid addons. Still gave props, still no teabags.

    My eyes were dry the whole time because I'm not thinking on one dimension. Camping has existed in one form or another in literally every competitive activity, it's not going away.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    *pitches a tent and roasts marshmallows in this thread*

    What? I thought this was a camping thread.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2019

    Play both sides regulrally, then talk. Camping killers are only found in low ranks anyway. If a killer camps/tunnels in high rank that’s because they’re forced to do so at the situation not because that’s what they wanna do. If you being a no fun allowed arse and rush the gens like there’s no tomorrow I’m gonna tunnel and proxy camp to have a chance and you have no right to complain.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129