19 out of 20 games vs Ruin+BBQ, seriously this game gets really boring.

Seriously, is ridiculous the amount of times you face those two perks, it just gets boring, you don't even have to guess and wonder what perks the killer might use, you just know you will face any of those or both.
Which also makes experimenting with different survivor perks kind of pointless. I mean, you already know the killer will have those perks, might as well just use perks to counter them.
I'm tired of DS/Adreinaline/Dead Hard/etc being the staple for survivors. It gets boring, but it's the meta, and we have to live with it.
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Why isn't everyone running distortion/stake out then?
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I run those two perks exactly
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I'm not sure if something as extreme as nerfing is the solution, killer mains would hate that, but definitely something has to be done to encourage both killers and survivors to use a wider variation of perks, I mean there gotta be over 50 perks that nobody ever uses.
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It's really ridiculous how many time i vs DH and DS. This game gets so boring.
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Well...people want their bps.
And ruin is a good perk. Overused...but good.
It's no wonder you see those a bunch.
I don't even remember the last time I saw distortion being used.
4 ds in a match vs 1 bbq.
I'm gonna really disagree with you there.
Also, being meta =/= needing a nerf
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I don't deny the is an issue on the survivor side too, the point is, would be nice that something is done to encourage both sides to use more variations of perks.
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Classic saulty comment that provides no value at all
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If people want to see more perk variety..less perks need to be crap..its not rocket science
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Trust me, it's boring for killers, too.
Having to run slowdown perks of any kind really limits the types of builds that can be run, in much the same way that BT and DS are often required because of tunneling and camping in some form.
incidentally, neither is fun to go against for either side; it's boring/frustrating.
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Many are convinced you need Ruin to play killer so they run it.
And BBQ is good for BP so people run it.
Pretty simple.
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...you know you can counter bbq easily...right?
Complaining about bbq is the silliest thing I've seen from this community lol.
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Yep, I agree, makes it boring for both sides and both sides need changes
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It's funny.
Before BBQ (and even right now):
Survivors: Camping sucks! Killers need to not camp!
Devs introduce BBQ to encourage not camping:
Survivors: BBQ is boring and OP and needs nerfs!
Oh, and it's not fine for 2 Killer perks to be meta, but it's fine for Survivors to have almost 4 meta perks to win games in 60 seconds?
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It's the same with this whole thread. There are meta perks. People are using meta perks. Most times because they are the strongest.
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Yeah, I just hope it isn't in the form of straight nerfs for any of these perks - make others viable or rework them to spice things up, as many other online games like to do when there are issues with stale balance.
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BRING ON THE MEMES!!!!! I played terror radius wraith it was fun.
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Which just gets me back to the main point, is boring those perks are always used over and over, and would be nice that it changed, on both sides.
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Killers only have 2 decent perks, let them use them.
Or give them some other good perks to shake up the meta.
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Which is the whole point. They only have those two perks, so, boring.
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well i love BBQ and DS both in their ideas promote healthy playstyle
ruin is kinda overused (when i see spirits and billys with slowdown perks i want to puke) but same goes with 4 2nd chance perks for survs
both sides have their swea (competitive) builds and its sad when IN CASUAL GAME ppl are going full tryhard xd its like GJ you hit R1 now you need tissue and move on
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Unfortunately killers haven’t been given a decent perk in a long time, lots of people complain whenever they seem to get something good.
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Pffft okay. Adrenaline, DS, and Dead Hard are TOTALLY fine. ESPECIALLY if we nerf Ruin and BBQ. Totally. Totally.
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I mean... Plague's perks are great.
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Yes, infectious fright (I hate what this perk does to the game tbh) and corrupt intervention are incredibly meta
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By nerfing them or buffing other ones?
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Even Dark Devotion can work if you time it well. And tbh, I don't care what anyone says: Surge is NOT THAT BAD.
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Yes and I'm sick of having Adrenaline, Dead Hard, DS, and BT in 24/20 games. And those are much stronger than Ruin and BBQ.
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This. If the Meta didn't encourage survivors too rush gens in 5 mins, then I would be more inclined too not run Ruin, BBQ, or other meta killer perks.
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I'm tired of Adrenaline, DS, Exhaustion perk, and keys. Doesn't mean I won't play against them, but survivors need to have their meta gone before ours is messed with.
And this is exactly the reason why. Survivor only mains want to only bully killers and have easy escapes. So, they nerf every strong card they have (Killers like Nurse and Spirit, for instance, or perks like Dying Light being made worse).
Besides, you're complaining about 2 of the easiest perks to counter. Bring Small game or Stake Out for ruin, and hide in a locker against BBQ, hide behind a gen, or bring disruption. There are many counters to BBQ and Ruin.
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Preaching to the choir here mate.
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There are more than enough Killer Perks that most could consider C tier or lower.
Now C ain't bad, but how could that ever compete with S & A to serious players?
I'd personally love a PTB that's nothing but buffs to lower Perks.
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Limited and situational, or too many unnecessary requirements. That's just my general feeling on a lot of perks in the game. I would love to have more diversity and I go into a lot of matches running different things for fun but ultimately the result is the same, you don't perform as well. Stakeout, it only stores four tokens and Distortion has three and there's no way to gain more stacks.
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If they keep nerfing killers and refuse to do anything about gen speed ruin will be played.
As for bbq extra blood points is all i use it for being able to see on map is added bonus.
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Ruin and BBQ are more responses to Survivors' gen rush and the constant complaints about camping... and well, getting rid of the grind in the Bloodweb.
Besides, if you didn't have Ruin, then you'd get Corrupt intervention or Pop, and I doubt you'd be happy with that.
Just because a perk is used a lot, doesn't mean it needs a nerf. A lot of killer perks are weak, and need to be brought up in usefulness instead of nerfing killer perks. I'd rather all perks be useful than none at all.
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You said exactly what I wanted to say in less words, that's all. : P
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You don’t need perks to counter bbq and ruin though.
They are pretty easy to counter, no nerf needed.
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Nerfs don't change meta. Buffs do. Want Ruin/BBQ to become less meta? Advocate for other perks to get buffed.
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yap ruin and bbq is meta dude.. very boring to play as survivor. Just play killer like me and destroy swf with ebony. very fun to make a distinction in their team.
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I mean I don't really use BBQ anymore on killer, and I only use Ruin on certain killers, otherwise I have PGTW.
Yeah the perks are annoying, but BBQ has a counter (get into a locker when the downed person is picked up) and ruin just needs to be cleansed. take 1-2 minutes at the beginning of the match to find it, or power through it and hit those greats. easy counters really.
either that, or be patient with ruin.
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and 76/80 of the survivors in those same matches running DS/DH/BT
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Ah yes. Gigabrain survivor logic in action. Gen rush is so boring. Better bring ruin.
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I'm probably one of the 5% of players who run the weirdest set of perks you can get.
I hate having to rely on certain perks. A bad habit to get into.
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You forgot Pop Goes the Weasel.
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You know why these perks are so meta? Cause they are bandaids for design problems of the game, yes there are perks which can slow down the game quite a bit like Dying Light / PGTW but the problem with those perks is that they are perks that help only when you snowball already as they require hooks in order to work. Ruin helps killers as long as it is on the map -> no great skill check bonus. It slows down gens no matter what.
BBQ well we all know the grind of this game, the amount of useless garbage in the bloodweb that you have to spend stuff on so yeah no wonder it is used as much.
I honestly have no clue why you complain about BBQ, it is a given almost everybody using it. Thus adjust your gameplay like it is there even when it isn't. Not gonna hurt that much anyway. It is one of the few perks conditioning killers not to camp/tunnel. Yeah lets nerf it so people gonna camp / tunnel more, much logic, much wow.
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Ruin is literally necessary. At red ranks its usually gone in seconds, and plenty of people know how to play through it. Gens go way way way too fast without it- patrolling gens in the wrong direction at the start of the match GARUNTEES the loss of the first gen without ruin.
Tbh it should base kit- totems always relevant and survivors get their second objective they've always wanted.
Bbq isn't all that powerful an effect--locker counterplay is so easy, and unless you're Billy or freddy, there's usually very little you can do to capitalise on the information other than knowing which direction to head in. Bbq is the only killer perk to limit break blood point gain and in a game this grindy there is never a reason to I equip it.
I would LOVE the oppurtunity to run some off meta builds- this is literally not a choice in the current meta.
Ironically survivors absolutely CAN run off meta builds (survivors are a lot less perk reliant than killers) they just actively choose not to because God forbid you won't be able to free a button for a free escape during a chase, stab your way off the killers shoulder after baiting then with a locker or garuntee safe unhooks after taking the killer directly back to the hook. These things are not needed on all 4 players on a team. Low and behold it's almost all I see.
The cognitive dissonance is wild.
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How is this less of a valuable contribution than your entire topic?
You do very little to substantiate your original point, this comment is just mirroring your own argument back to you, frankly with far more validity. You see 4 ruins over 4 games? I've seen 4 dead hards in a single game. I will see a bare minimum of 4 over two games.
There's also the fact that killer's powers inherently lead to different counterplay. Even with the same perk builds a hag game is radically different to a Billy game or a plague game. This simply isn't true for killer. Every survivor does the exact same thing once they've learnt the meta way to play.
Speaking of counterplay: locker. Break totem. Boom. Perk slot wasted. Killer counterplay to DS is slugging or waiting a minute. I don't want to do ether if these things, they aren't fun for me.
Killer counter play against dead hard to is to literally give the survivor a back rub before going for a swing - not viable if there's a pallet nearby--dead hard for distence is literally impossible to play against:they just get the pallet and the loops go on
Killer counterplay to adrenaline is running NOED. I don't, but if 3 or 4 survivors are up and about and multiple get their adrenaline at the end of the game this single perk almost garuntees an escape without it.
Don't be an ass to someone enging with you on your level on this topic. You clearly haven't put anythought into the potential counter arguments or suggested anything appropriate to replace these perks.
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Not true
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Survivor logic:
Survivors: I don't like these Killer perks; they are too meta, so they should be nerfed!
Killers: What about the Survivor perks we don't like? They are too meta and should be nerfed!
Survivors: Hahaha no! We keep our meta.
We silly Killer mains; thinking we have any say in how we play our role. 😶
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Why these posts always become killers complaining about survivors and survivors complaining about killers?, It has nothing to do with nerfing, buffing or who's got stronger perks, all it is about is that it would be nice that something was done so EVERYONE would use a wider range of perks. But as usual, killers cry about what survivors do, and survivors cry about what killers do, instead of suggesting something that could be a solution.