Is the Oni really op?

So, this is my point.
So, let's suppose that the default charge time is practically inexistent, from the beginning of the match you have basically no ability and your just an M1 killer. Without your sprinting ability you have to avoid 3 survivors on gens completing them in 80 seconds, probably 100. In order to use it, you have to hit 2 different survivors, or just 1 and waste time picking up the orbs.
While the other killer have an instantaneous momentum, your is 0.
Yes, later in the match he WILL get stronger, but his ability doesn't make him invincible at loops, think about it. thank you community for understanding this, and thinking it in the right way
He's a worse hillbilly.
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His actual power is pretty overpowered, but..he also doesn't always have it so.
I don't know man. He's hard to gauge.
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I mean, how many killers are basically M1 killers for so long, if played well? I would say only Trapper, Leatherface, Plague (but with everyone injured all the match, otherwise op vomit), Ghostface sometimes and legion (who knows since the old one is back in the ptb lol).
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Also, I would add that many loops are a circle or jungle gyms, don't have big long walls for mindgames or maybe are a god pallet with a window
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it's a mix of hilbilly and leatherface, with no dash limit, even if you hit the wall it still continues, something which results in penalty for the chainsaw killers
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So far I really like him. He definitely needs no nerfs!
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But they dont have to earn their power it's still weak to windows
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Yeah true, but remember that he needs to charge it. If you don't ######### up with him at the beginning of the match he's basically an M1 killer, with (for now) loud footsteps that completely break some mindgames
@Peanits was this intended?
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No killer is op in this game atm.
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True. Also, let's suppose that all maps were ideal like Badham preschool or Hawkins'.
In that case being a pallet eater wouldn't work.
Actually right now, you can still use Windows, and as far as I know, there are a lot on jungle gyms in some maps
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he has to refill the ower because literally mix the ower of other two killers
and he's not weak to windows, watch this gameplay
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if you didn't need to refill the power, there wouldn't be any point of playing billy or bubba anymore, plus he doesn't have power fail penalty
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This video perfectly shows how much Zubat stayed without his power. 2 gens in a normal match at rank 1 would have popped. Maybe not 3, but most times 2 for sure
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He definitely doesn’t need nerfs that’s for sure
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He does everything billy does but does it better. He's a better hillbilly
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Oh, I almost forgot.
It's time for my quarterly "I'd rate them tier N for 'Next underpowered power-gauge laughing stock, please."
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He has nothing over the hillbilly. Nothing. Everything the oni can do, the hillbilly can do it better.
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Apart from movement in general and billy lacks the ability to knock multiple survivors with one attack
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The Oni seems like he's in a really good spot at the moment. The only thing I'd guess that needs adjusted is addons. Although I never play with addons because I feel as though if I only find a killer playable with addons the killer is just bad. I do see Oni being viable without addons and he is even really fun to play as and against.
The main thing is people are going to need to learn how to counter him. Janick gave some good information in the PTB forums that should be easier to access but a lot of people won't ever see that information. Which makes understanding The Oni much easier.
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I dont need functions the same as billy..get over a window and your yes he can lunge like myers but its awkward and your vision slightly obstructed..
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It's too early to tell. He is definitely a really strong killer though. I'd say he's just as strong as billy (if not more).
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He's in a great spot. He's countered by dropping pallets, being aware of your environment, and healing. Naturally, he'll get nerfed.
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Not really. People will get used to him.
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He's a gimped hillbilly with built in Thompson's moonshine and can hit multiple people like leatherface. He is no way OP but the community will always find something to piss and moan about
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Oni will be nerfed, maybe not before live so he sells but he will be nerfed if people dont stop running round just slugging everyone.
Playing like this will result in record breaking dc's, which leads to timeouts which will lead to a large number of players banned which will result in longer que times with less people playing.
Creating a slugging killer was crazy.
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He has to spend a considerable amount of timw charging it up, whereas the hillbilly can always use his chainsaw.
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Ok, this is a dogshit
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Maybe Oni will be released as is an patched a week later...
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Spectacular argument.
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I mean, really? It has a better mobility, can rotate 180° instead of 90°, can one shot multiple people and has basically no cooldown
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yet he have a rough early game and loses his power when picks up survivors (including charge), plus he's loopable, even though harder than normal loopable killers.
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And what are you gonna do with those? His turning is dumpster fire trash, whereas Billy can use his chainsaw dash to cut some specific loops. He can also fake a chainsaw attack to force pallet drops, in some cases. The oni has to waste time to get his power, Billy has it from the get-go.
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Look there's no arguing that Billy's strength is that he always has his power up but you have to be intentionally ignoring things to say that their powers are similar in strength once Oni has it. His turning isn't even remotely "dumpster fire trash," you can literally navigate LERYS with it. He doesn't even have to chainsaw bait a pallet he just barrels directly through it. You drop it the pallet insta dies, you don't you insta die.
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Demon Dash is a little convenient, but he doesn't appear to be any more overpowered than some of the other Killers.
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No.... and please don't listen to the content creators that are already advocating for change.... the killer is so bloody new that no one really understands him fully yet....
I hope the devs let him launch live as is. I may actually consider not buying if they give him the first Freddy treatment.
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Devs were maybe expecting Oni players to get their power, smash a survivor and hook smashed survivor causing the Oni to lose his power. Instead, it seems to be an Oni slug fest once they power up...
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I agree its still too soon to make any changes but I feel like people really overestimate the depth of DBD, and especially the depth of the Oni's power. Its all pretty basic stuff. He just goes faster and one shots. There's not some big brain mind-blowing counterplay someone is going to figure out. The closest thing we've seen is killing yourself in a locker and bringing Unbreakable. I can't imagine there's much else and I can't imagine anyone is going to find much else because the power is so simple yet effective.
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Nice copy paste from Jund
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You are exploding my brain right now.
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I think he is insanely strong but I have no idea how to change him without ruining him or what makes him good and fun.
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Short answer NO. Yes his demon mode is hillbilly on roids but everyone is acting like he has this all game. He is only in demon mode for about 30% of the game at most. TRU3 uploaded a video were he was doing very well but 3 gets popped in less than 2 mins. How does that make him op if that can happen.
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You're already wrong if you have this mindset that no killers in the game are OP. You can argue that he needs to charge up his power through a chase, but like that really changes anything when it takes like 10-15 seconds to fully charge. He has a 1 shot attack with no movement restrictions, and keeps swinging with that attack giving him the power to knock down multiple survivors. Its absurd you can possibly say that he is weak nor even remotely balanced.
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Hell yeah hes OP the reason I think he’s OP is because of the blood trail...if you don’t have self care, he can track you doesn’t matter if you hide or not..he will find’s just not even remotely fair...
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No killer is even close to OP with current map design.
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No he's not OP
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I would argue it's his slugging potential that really makes him so strong. If the devs ever decide that he needs a nerf, I hope it's only a nerf to his slugging, without affecting him in any other way.
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I’ll say one last thing...this guy...can hit you once and get your blood trail...of which he can follow you wherever you go....AND...the blood gives him a one hit kill power up... it’s like the killer just console commanded god mode...or set all his madden players stats to 99 and played against the’s just flat out overkill killers orgasm fest....that’s it...if you play the’re just a ganker..plain and simple lol that’s all I have to say about the oni