Autodidact: What do you think about it?

THEghostface Member Posts: 296
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

When players think of Adam's perks, they always look to Deliverance and even Diversion, but not many really take a look at Autodidact. Yes, the perk is skillcheck dependent, but that's a fine trade off for a perk that is practically an almost instaheal when maxed. Nobody should call this perk bad by any means, and those that do have probably not succeeded in passing the first two skillchecks that are regressive.

Post edited by THEghostface on


  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    I would agree, sometimes, you could be very unfortunate to receive hardly any skillchecks, so a skillcheck chance increase could help it quite a bit. 30% is pushing it though.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Autodidact is a very interesting perk when you get all your stacks it can be incredibly strong but even then it's still very reliant on skill checks.

    It falls under the bubble of RNG can damn you hard even with its old ptb version which was a lot stronger.

    There could be many solutions to this like giving an increased chance of skill checks but then you run into the issue of the perk then becoming incredibly easy to stack and incredibly easy to benefit from.

    So honestly I don't know what to really say about it.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I think some people may run this when oni drops. Healing against him is going to be a must I think. So games may go slower and last longer? Possibly?

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2019

    Wasnt the check 50% at max ? How is that an almost insta heal ? I bet 100% healing speed icrease would heal you just as fast /if there is no Butcher in play/...

    What the perk needs for me is to make it when you are getting healed you get healed 50% faster /no skill checks just perma 50% still stacks from 0/10/20 etc/

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited November 2019

    Interesting perk, but ultimately I felt like I'd better serve my teammates with something like We'll Make It.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    You rarely get to max stacks with auto didact, nevermind then getting the chance to heal anyone afterwards. It's just too weak compared to Botany and We'll make it. You aren't guaranteed any skillchecks per heal and you can't use medkits with higher skillcheck chance either so you're relying on having good rng enough times to make it worth using instead of the other 2 healing perks.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Ironically, i see more people bringing in Autodidact than Deliverance (and Pebble, of course). I suppise even despite being situational, people still like it. I do, for instance.

    I do agree increased skillcheck chances should be a thing for it.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Very weak in my opinion. In my experience, survivors never get full stacks on Autodidact before the game is over.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Actually healing against the only is probably worse than staying injured.

    Hitting a healthy survivor allows him to basically get nearly half his power

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I love autodidact, but I dont use it alot since I order for it to be somewhat effective you have to play against someone with mangled.

    They should standardize skillchecks on both healing and gens.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Start at 0% instead and make the gains smaller to end up at the current maximum bonus.

    Idk if that's enough, but i feel like it deserves that with or without additional buffs, i don't see why this Perk needs to start negatively.

  • Keelah
    Keelah Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2019

    It's trash, I love the idea behind it but it's super unreliable compared to We'll make it as it's based on RNG. Most of the time you probably won't reach 5 tokens and even if you do the match probably will be almost over so basically you hurt the team more than you help (thanks to the -25% penalty at 1st token).

    It's very fun tho, healing half of the healthbar instantly feels great.

    Post edited by Keelah on
  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Yeah but staying injured allows him to build up his power as well as track you easier. Glowing blood orb auras and such

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    Autodidact depends on how the killer plays. If they don't hit anyone but who they are chasing and never leave a chase, and never slug anybody because they immediately pick up whoever they down, you won't get to heal anybody until you unhook them. Then at that point you have no stacks so you have to heal them for longer, giving the killer more time to find you.

    The only time autodidact is really useful is if the killer splits pressure, like if they slugged someone which usually gives you at least 2 or 3 stacks just picking one person up, and it hurts you if the killer makes a bad play and tunnels one person even if they have ds and not splitting any pressure, leaving you with only 1 or 2 stacks and a dead teammate, and you not working on the objective for even longer, and now the killer wins.

    Basically it's an anti slugging perk that actually hurts you even more when the killer just tunnels instead.

    I've been running autodidact with empathy, and I've only gotten one game where it was useful, when a huntress kept on slugging people. Every other game I unhook somebody and the killer comes back to hook immediately, probably couldn't find anybody else, and now either I let the killer tunnel the person on the hook or I try and get the killers attention and now I can't heal anybody because I'm in a chase or on the hook. And at that point I'm just wishing I didn't have two dead perk slots and maybe could have used something else like iron will or something to keep me alive longer because unless someone body blocks for me when I get unhooked I'll probably be tunneled instead of the first person.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I'm a huge fan of it personally, once it gets going the heal on it becomes ridiculous.

  • agutty1
    agutty1 Member Posts: 36

    Personally I love it and get use of it mostly every game that run a healing build. I use autodidact, botany knowledge, we’ll make it, and self care and bring a medkit with fast add ons and more charges. The medkit is for fast healing on myself and self care and botany knowledge make it faster. Autodidact is there for we’ll make it. You get a fast heal plus even if you are healing faster, the skill checks are same if you were just healing normally. So stack that with the regression of autodidact and it still heals fast. Once you get your token you can easily heal extremely quickly.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well tracking is a problem with the power game he gets from sucking up blood is nowhere near as prevalent hitting healthy people.

    It's kind of like plague in a way being at Max sickness allows her to have some extra tracking tools but in the long run it's a lot better than giving her corrupt Purge

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    It's a nice perk at 3+ tokens, but the starting penalty is really inconvenient and could get someone killed in the early game. If it started at +0% progression and each token increased it by 10% instead of 15% it would be a really good perk.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    the perk is seldom seen in my games. it had potential but the rng of the skillcheck ruins it. i have tried it frequently when it was released but it's so lackluster, i barely get any use out of it. especially in matches where you don't get to heal enough to get the stacks you need to make it worth it.

    This perk amongst many other mediocre perks needs a buff desperately.

    But let's be honest, devs only care about meta perks and nerf them instead. sigh

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The problem is that it relies on skill checks and I can heal 2 people without getting 1 which really sucks and is like unheard of when I'm not using Auto. I don't know what the chance of getting a skill check is but Unnerving Presence increases it by 10% so I'm imagining the chance is very low since that perk doesn't increase it very much.

    But besides the problem it has I love the perk, I prefer it over Botany because I just love imagining the Survivor groaning in annoyance when they see that massive decrease in progression ''UGH, he has Autodidact''. But then on the other hand if I get 4 stacks then healing becomes almost instant so it turns from a bad perk into a good perk which is something I enjoy, being rewarded the longer you do something, taking time to get stronger etc. The perk is also purple which is my favorite color so naturally I love it.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I used it doing the challenges for heal X health states, as healing was basically all I was trying to do in those matches.

    1. It takes too long to be not negative. The first two checks are a substantial increase in healing time, and the third is only a regular great. Unless the game goes really late, you can quite easily end up with a net increase in time spent healing.
    2. Healing skill checks are too rare. Same as the issue with the point above, it's common to only get 1-2 checks in a heal. It's incredibly frustrating when you finally get to positive effects from the perk, and you reach 90% on a heal before a check appears. Wow, it's nice that that had 50% bonus progression, sadly it meant nothing.
    3. It doesn't work with medkits. Probably to prevent draining 50% charges in an instant, but if I'm running stuff to heal faster it sucks that I can't really build around that well. Also, increased skill check odds add ons would make the perk so much more bearable.
  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited November 2019

    Otz nearly drove himself insane trying to get it to work

    I'm not sure if he managed to get it to work enough times or we just all stopped mentioning it so he would stop trying it lol

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    Most likely not enough. I mean, you cannot get ######### in Endgame by Regression Skill Checks (when you did not get any before), but you still have to hope for RNG to get Skill Checks, otherwise We Will Make It or Botany Knowledge are better.

    Maybe on top of it it should work with Med Kits, however, the faster you heal, less Skill Checks will appear...

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I think like a lot of other people, I think it's pretty bad. You can heal someone fully and not get a single skillcheck until they're almost healed then the skillcheck stops because they're healed by the time it gets to the thing to hit it. Or they can be nearly full health before you're fully stacked autodidact actually gets a skillcheck. I usually only get one skillcheck per full heal of someone else(a lot more healing myself generally), and even then, I don't get to heal all that much because of people bringing medkits, or finding other people to heal them, etc.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Shouldn’t exist.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The perk doesn't need instant progression because I think that's what makes the developers skeptical about buffing the perk.

    I would rather see the perk get healing speed because the developers don't have to worry about insta-heals getting out of hand.

    Here's my solution:


    Your knowledge is unlike anything before.

    Start the Trial with a 50%/35%/20% healing speed penalty towards other survivors.

    You gain a 15% healing speed increase towards other survivors when you succeed healing skill check or heal a survivor by a health state.

    Cumulative Healing Speed bonuses cannot exceed 100%.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    RNG-based perk. It is pretty nuts when it works but there's other more consistent perks to run for healing / support builds.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873
    edited November 2019

    It's an awful perk. It sounds good on paper, but terrible in practice. I've ran it a few games and never got it to max stacks. It needs an increase in skill check percentage to even be worth looking at. Until then, just stay away from this dud.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    Once I was healing somebody that I just unhooked, the killer came for the tunnel, I was like 2% of completing the heal and first skill check came to regress the f out of the heal. One could see true horror in my face. The poor dude got hooked again. Never used that crap again.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    I think the idea is for it to be a counter to the Mangled status effect (mostly from Sloppy Butcher) and pretty much nothing else.

    If you want to heal fast(er) just bring a med-kit or Pharmacy and then use the med-kit you get from your first chest. The majority of the time that will be more efficient than this RNG perk.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    I use that perk in combo with we'll make it. Add a little spinechill and you almost everytime you get the first negative stacks on the unhooked person.

    It works wonderful in red ranks with increased billys and slugging myers. I usually equip a brown medkit so I don't cuck my teammate being slugged on the floor.

    I like to use it for a few hours per session but not always in my setup, just too much effort.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't know how exactly what causes skillchecks to be triggered but I would assume that the faster healing speed from We'll Make It is going to make it less likely to get skillchecks which will result in less stacks for Autodidact. If you feel like you are getting more skillchecks while running these three perks (Autodidact, We'll Make it and Spine Chill) then I would expect that to be the result of Spine Chill and We'll Make It being detrimental to your setup.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Its too situational. I rarely can collect all stacks, since for this you literally need to ignore all your objectives and go heal your team. Like, even removing debuff takes enough time. There are some better choices, like botany knowledge and we'll make it.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    I don't know how exactly what causes skillchecks to be triggered

    Try to scratch your nose. Or blink. Or sneeze. I mean, every time you get distracted jist a lil bit, you will got it.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    We'll make it is actually only to counter the negative progression of the first 2 stacks. And I've noticed that you get often two skillchecks by healing another person. Often not always. The healing speed doesn't change that.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    So basically make it a build up version of We'll Make It like it was before its changes?

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    Definitely not a perk for healing when you notice the killer is heading back. Best used when healing in a safer position.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    You could be healing up to 20% or 30%, and then the skill check jumps that to full immediately. I've managed to save 2 people simultaneously because I healed a guy in 4 seconds thanks to 2 back to back skillchecks, popping 50% twice pretty quicky.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    Everytime I run the perk, it always seems common that I get 2 - 3 skillchecks on the first heal. Second heal will sometimes finish the job with the remaining 2.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    Most underrated perk in the game. It can be incredibly good once you get the stacks.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    It's great when you get the stacks. However, getting the stacks IS the problem lol.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Having it rely on random skillchecks makes it unreliable.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    Very fun, very weak, it has some obvious problems

    I really like collecting stacks (FUN), how easy it is to hit them, and the progress after getting one. I even like the unique regression for the first two stacks because it gives you more time to get another skillcheck.

    What I dislike about it is one big thing: It's super awkward when you DON'T get a skillcheck. Sometimes I don't get one until near the very end, meaning the bonus is mostly wasted.

    Suggestion: Increase likelihood of receiving healing skillchecks, or guarantee a healing skill check at least once every X seconds

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Yes, and since you're spending more time healing — the more likely you are to get skill checks. 😁