
justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

hyp·o·crite. Use hypocrite in a sentence. noun. The definition of a hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not. An example of a hypocrite is a person who says they care about the environment, but are constantly littering.

there is like so much people in the dbd community saying things like

”oh this games sucks!” “This game should do this!” “The game has the worst ____” “the ___ is terrible and I hate this game!”

(there is a couple of people here thinking I don’t condone OPINIONS. Yes, I do, but maybe instead of playing your opinion out rudely maybe keep it more mature and explain what you think is wrong and what we can do to fix it.)

why are you playing the game then huh? Do you expect the devs to listen to only your opinion? This game is for everyone, not for your specific needs. It wasn’t made for you. So stop complaining and either keep playing the game and stop whining or find another one, I am sick of seeing people like this.

thanks for reading this rant lol

Post edited by justaSpirit_phase on
