Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

What is a toxic survivor?

Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

Best Answers


    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @hill_o said:

    @Runiver said:
    A survivor that's still alive.

    That's a joke but sometimes in conversations here I think some people 100% think that's true.

    It's a fun community.

    But really, it's hard to define a toxic survivor because it boils down to "what aggravates someone when they're playing against them". Tea-bagging definitely is pretty crappy and just stupid, looping is boring but also pretty difficult to avoid given that there aren't a lot of survivor chase options if you want to escape alive, and if someone calls you toxic for juking them they're just butthurt they played badly.

    I knew it

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @M4I3X said:

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

    T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

    There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

    1. T bagging: Accepted
    2. Looping: I would not count that as "toxic" because you just want to use the pallet effectively so why wasting it?!
    3. Juking attacks during a chase: Man, why should that be "toxic" you just try to avoid getting hit and especially if you are half life you try your last chance to avoid from getting downed.

    But there is one more thing you could add to your list, clicking with your flashlight at the killer to get his attention or just doing it in a active chase.

    This is stupid if killers are getting mad at this. And if they feel like camping because of it, then they saying you made me mad so I'm justifide. Well at least when I start maining killer, I can say I'm better then them campers.

  • somebodygets_hurt
    somebodygets_hurt Member Posts: 8

    I would say that a toxic survivor is someone who:

    1. T-bags
    2. Flashlight spams
    3. Disconnects (unless they are stuck or if the killer is using game hacks, I think that anyone that disconnects because they're angry ruins the game for every other survivor. ESPECIALLY if they were T-bagging the killer earlier)
    4. Sends toxic messages to other survivors or the killer, placing the blame on them for their death and saying things like "git gud" "ez trash" you know, things like that.

    If you're playing effectively, then I don't see it as toxic. As a killer and survivor player, I'm completely fine with flashlight saves and pallet looping, but that may just be me. I always make sure to give everyone a hearty GG though. But if anyone calls you toxic for juking or pallet looping, they're just pissed off, don't pay too much mind to it

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @somebodygets_hurt said:
    I would say that a toxic survivor is someone who:

    1. T-bags
    2. Flashlight spams
    3. Disconnects (unless they are stuck or if the killer is using game hacks, I think that anyone that disconnects because they're angry ruins the game for every other survivor. ESPECIALLY if they were T-bagging the killer earlier)
    4. Sends toxic messages to other survivors or the killer, placing the blame on them for their death and saying things like "git gud" "ez trash" you know, things like that.

    If you're playing effectively, then I don't see it as toxic. As a killer and survivor player, I'm completely fine with flashlight saves and pallet looping, but that may just be me. I always make sure to give everyone a hearty GG though. But if anyone calls you toxic for juking or pallet looping, they're just pissed off, don't pay too much mind to it

    T-bags? simnple solution, just nod at the survivor after you down/hook them, or better yet just ignore it. Because that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

    Flashlight spams? again "Stupid thing to get mad over"

    Disconects...Okay I only disconnect when the killer is camping me. I don't mind if I loose, thats part of the game, but I'm not going to play against someone who's got no skill.
    But if a survivor dc's for no good reason even though the killer is actually playing fair, then yeah your right.

    Messaging, if they aren't nice in the after match chat to killer or survivor, then you should report them.

    But at least you feel the same about Flashlight saves, Pallets and looping. I plan on mainning killer soon.
    So just off random chance you play survivor and see my name, I play fair.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    What is juking?

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    What is juking?

    That's what most people call looping. Personally, I say you're not juking unless you LOSE the killer.
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited August 2018

    Every Survivor, according to most Killer mains on this site.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited August 2018

    @xmenfanatic said:
    What is juking?

    Oh Quentin

    OH QUENTIN my precious baby boi

    Quentin is officially the non-toxic version of a closet Dwight

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

    T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

    There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

    If tbagging isn't toxic for you, then I have sad news.

    Add to it insulting at the game chat, spamming killers' profile with insults, trying to bully the killer, clicking the flashlight rapidly, using exploits.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @RSB said:

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

    T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

    There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

    If tbagging isn't toxic for you, then I have sad news.

    Add to it insulting at the game chat, spamming killers' profile with insults, trying to bully the killer, clicking the flashlight rapidly, using exploits.

    Okay game chat spamming insulting messages, that is toxic, and if you won (or not) there isn't a need to be a jerk off weather you were a killer or survivor. (and if they are spamming on your profile, report them for it)

    Flashlight clicking? and tea-bagging?....That is a personal problem, T-bagging doesn't do anything gameplay wise and if your getting mad over, then take a break. If flashlight clicking is a gameplay problem, like with messing up audio or something, then that should be fixed, if not then again a personal problem.

    Using Exploits?.....I got nothing honestly, if your refering to stuff like "mother's dwelling ledge" okay I understand that is bad. so yeah those who use those exploits I would consider toxic, and bad game design on the devs part.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,214

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @RSB said:

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

    T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

    There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

    If tbagging isn't toxic for you, then I have sad news.

    Add to it insulting at the game chat, spamming killers' profile with insults, trying to bully the killer, clicking the flashlight rapidly, using exploits.

    Okay game chat spamming insulting messages, that is toxic, and if you won (or not) there isn't a need to be a jerk off weather you were a killer or survivor. (and if they are spamming on your profile, report them for it)

    Flashlight clicking? and tea-bagging?....That is a personal problem, T-bagging doesn't do anything gameplay wise and if your getting mad over, then take a break. If flashlight clicking is a gameplay problem, like with messing up audio or something, then that should be fixed, if not then again a personal problem.

    Using Exploits?.....I got nothing honestly, if your refering to stuff like "mother's dwelling ledge" okay I understand that is bad. so yeah those who use those exploits I would consider toxic, and bad game design on the devs part.

    T-bagging is basically taunting the Killer, saying "Ha ha, you can't get me", especially since it's usually done after vaulting or dropping a pallet in a Killer's face. Flashlight clicking is not something I've encountered too much, but when I did, the person's username literally said they were toxic, so.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Not dying tends to annoy Killers.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Peasant said:
    Toxicity is a broad term that I find has been mis-used by upset individuals. Regardless of this fact Behaviour has some opinions of their own in the End User Liscense Agreement:

    Rules of Conduct
    While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example you may not:

    • eHarass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another user that is unwanted, such as repeatedly sending unwanted messages or making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    This (and another reason) is what I would call toxic, I knew it the killers had to have a better reason besides just anger issues.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2018

    As someone that plays both sides, here's what I consider to be toxic and/or scummy in nature (mostly in game actions, but a few are pre/post-game lobby things):

    • T-bagging. As others have said, there's no good reason for it, other than to be rude. If you really want to show your superiority? Do something productive, or use one of the other emotes. One survivor I was playing at as the huntress actually did that really well: I aimed a hatchet at her, she waited until I threw it, stopped working on the generator, then went back to the generator and worked on it for a few more seconds until I got closer. Far better in every way (of even ticking me off a bit, but props, that was ballsy and impressive) than a quick few t-bags before running.

    • Hook farming other survivors. There's been a whole other thread on it, but in my opinion, hook farming other survivors is more or less the worst. As a killer, of course I'm going to go after the unhooked target (unless you are also wounded, and/or I'm running "make your choice"....which I don't have. Yet.), since it's the objectively better move. Does it feel good for anyone except the troll though? No.

    • Abusing DC (and hook suicide, but to a much lesser degree). This one personally ticks me off. Most of the time it's on the survivor side, both because of raw numbers, and because players that play killers usually won't DC on purpose because, hey, they're the host. Or at least I figure that's the mindset (It's mine, more or less). Survivors don't care as much. I won't get into it as much, but I've had many survivors abuse the DC mechanics for varying reasons. To protect an ultra rare (very rare? I don't remember. Either way..) item and addons, because they got caught first, or to simply deny the killer points. That last one (especially combined with the fact that they then were taunting me in the post-game lobby) really gets me, because there's no real reason for it, other than to piss someone else off. Killers don't DC as often, but especially if we survivors burnt offerings? Very rude. Even if you don't like the map, don't DC. Just in general, don't DC, eh? AC is far better. That was a bad electricity pun, please excuse me, I've been writing this for a while now.

    • Being Rude/etc in the pre/post game lobby. Others have covered this enough, really. Combine it with a deliberate DC, and taunting someone in the post game lobby....that's just rude.

    • Waiting at the gate. You know what I mean. Survivors open the gate, and stand there t-bagging, waiting for the killer to come. No purpose other than to be rude. Just leave, honestly. Or go back in and try and find an item, I've done that a few times. Or the hatch. I mean, if you've won to such a degree you're wanting to t-bag, just end the game. Like other's have said, it isn't like killers have a concede button.

    • Sandbagging fellow survivors. Just because you're a solo player, and you don't think "this is a team game" doesn't mean you should go out of your way to ruin someone else's day. Actually, that's most of this list, now that I think about it.

    That's about it, at the moment. Flashlight spam is annoying, but not the worst thing in the world (on the other hand, I have speakers because I don't have headphones at the moment. Might be worse for headphone users). Now, that's not to say that's everything that irritates me in the, that list is much longer. But those come from game mechanics, being outplayed, etc. Those are fine, at the end of the day. Things I need to work around, and simply get better at the game. But the list above? Those are things that, in my opinion, you should just outright not see.

    At the end of the day, this is a game. And games, as the name implies, should be fun. The game itself is fun. The majority (by a small percentage) of the community is fun to play with/against. But the items above? I doubt anyone would be able to say truthfully that they're fun.

    (EDIT: formatting)

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    a toxic survivor is an alive survivor

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Chrona said:
    As someone that plays both sides, here's what I consider to be toxic and/or scummy in nature (mostly in game actions, but a few are pre/post-game lobby things):

    • T-bagging. As others have said, there's no good reason for it, other than to be rude. If you really want to show your superiority? Do something productive, or use one of the other emotes. One survivor I was playing at as the huntress actually did that really well: I aimed a hatchet at her, she waited until I threw it, stopped working on the generator, then went back to the generator and worked on it for a few more seconds until I got closer. Far better in every way (of even ticking me off a bit, but props, that was ballsy and impressive) than a quick few t-bags before running.

    • Hook farming other survivors. There's been a whole other thread on it, but in my opinion, hook farming other survivors is more or less the worst. As a killer, of course I'm going to go after the unhooked target (unless you are also wounded, and/or I'm running "make your choice"....which I don't have. Yet.), since it's the objectively better move. Does it feel good for anyone except the troll though? No.

    • Abusing DC (and hook suicide, but to a much lesser degree). This one personally ticks me off. Most of the time it's on the survivor side, both because of raw numbers, and because players that play killers usually won't DC on purpose because, hey, they're the host. Or at least I figure that's the mindset (It's mine, more or less). Survivors don't care as much. I won't get into it as much, but I've had many survivors abuse the DC mechanics for varying reasons. To protect an ultra rare (very rare? I don't remember. Either way..) item and addons, because they got caught first, or to simply deny the killer points. That last one (especially combined with the fact that they then were taunting me in the post-game lobby) really gets me, because there's no real reason for it, other than to piss someone else off. Killers don't DC as often, but especially if we survivors burnt offerings? Very rude. Even if you don't like the map, don't DC. Just in general, don't DC, eh? AC is far better. That was a bad electricity pun, please excuse me, I've been writing this for a while now.

    • Being Rude/etc in the pre/post game lobby. Others have covered this enough, really. Combine it with a deliberate DC, and taunting someone in the post game lobby....that's just rude.

    • Waiting at the gate. You know what I mean. Survivors open the gate, and stand there t-bagging, waiting for the killer to come. No purpose other than to be rude. Just leave, honestly. Or go back in and try and find an item, I've done that a few times. Or the hatch. I mean, if you've won to such a degree you're wanting to t-bag, just end the game. Like other's have said, it isn't like killers have a concede button.

    • Sandbagging fellow survivors. Just because you're a solo player, and you don't think "this is a team game" doesn't mean you should go out of your way to ruin someone else's day. Actually, that's most of this list, now that I think about it.

    That's about it, at the moment. Flashlight spam is annoying, but not the worst thing in the world (on the other hand, I have speakers because I don't have headphones at the moment. Might be worse for headphone users). Now, that's not to say that's everything that irritates me in the, that list is much longer. But those come from game mechanics, being outplayed, etc. Those are fine, at the end of the day. Things I need to work around, and simply get better at the game. But the list above? Those are things that, in my opinion, you should just outright not see.

    At the end of the day, this is a game. And games, as the name implies, should be fun. The game itself is fun. The majority (by a small percentage) of the community is fun to play with/against. But the items above? I doubt anyone would be able to say truthfully that they're fun.

    (EDIT: formatting)

    nothing is as bad as overwatch though

  • axlehead72
    axlehead72 Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2018

    I really pissed off this clown once because I was good at hiding and managed to escape even though everyone else died, and he was like "why didn't you loop me?", and he got pissed off that i powered the last gen cuz I knew he was camping the hatch, so I expected him to come for the door I was at so I waited a bit before opening it, but he never came, and was like "why did you take a million years to leave?"

    Apparently, in some killer's minds, hiding and being cautious is toxic.

    Facepalms and walks away

    I didn't even have urban evasion or iron will!!

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Any survivor with perks who doesn't run in straight lines.

  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    Go watch Ochido, that's a toxic survivor.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Chrona said:
    As someone that plays both sides, here's what I consider to be toxic and/or scummy in nature (mostly in game actions, but a few are pre/post-game lobby things):

    • T-bagging. As others have said, there's no good reason for it, other than to be rude. If you really want to show your superiority? Do something productive, or use one of the other emotes. One survivor I was playing at as the huntress actually did that really well: I aimed a hatchet at her, she waited until I threw it, stopped working on the generator, then went back to the generator and worked on it for a few more seconds until I got closer. Far better in every way (of even ticking me off a bit, but props, that was ballsy and impressive) than a quick few t-bags before running.

    • Hook farming other survivors. There's been a whole other thread on it, but in my opinion, hook farming other survivors is more or less the worst. As a killer, of course I'm going to go after the unhooked target (unless you are also wounded, and/or I'm running "make your choice"....which I don't have. Yet.), since it's the objectively better move. Does it feel good for anyone except the troll though? No.

    • Abusing DC (and hook suicide, but to a much lesser degree). This one personally ticks me off. Most of the time it's on the survivor side, both because of raw numbers, and because players that play killers usually won't DC on purpose because, hey, they're the host. Or at least I figure that's the mindset (It's mine, more or less). Survivors don't care as much. I won't get into it as much, but I've had many survivors abuse the DC mechanics for varying reasons. To protect an ultra rare (very rare? I don't remember. Either way..) item and addons, because they got caught first, or to simply deny the killer points. That last one (especially combined with the fact that they then were taunting me in the post-game lobby) really gets me, because there's no real reason for it, other than to piss someone else off. Killers don't DC as often, but especially if we survivors burnt offerings? Very rude. Even if you don't like the map, don't DC. Just in general, don't DC, eh? AC is far better. That was a bad electricity pun, please excuse me, I've been writing this for a while now.

    • Being Rude/etc in the pre/post game lobby. Others have covered this enough, really. Combine it with a deliberate DC, and taunting someone in the post game lobby....that's just rude.

    • Waiting at the gate. You know what I mean. Survivors open the gate, and stand there t-bagging, waiting for the killer to come. No purpose other than to be rude. Just leave, honestly. Or go back in and try and find an item, I've done that a few times. Or the hatch. I mean, if you've won to such a degree you're wanting to t-bag, just end the game. Like other's have said, it isn't like killers have a concede button.

    • Sandbagging fellow survivors. Just because you're a solo player, and you don't think "this is a team game" doesn't mean you should go out of your way to ruin someone else's day. Actually, that's most of this list, now that I think about it.

    That's about it, at the moment. Flashlight spam is annoying, but not the worst thing in the world (on the other hand, I have speakers because I don't have headphones at the moment. Might be worse for headphone users). Now, that's not to say that's everything that irritates me in the, that list is much longer. But those come from game mechanics, being outplayed, etc. Those are fine, at the end of the day. Things I need to work around, and simply get better at the game. But the list above? Those are things that, in my opinion, you should just outright not see.

    At the end of the day, this is a game. And games, as the name implies, should be fun. The game itself is fun. The majority (by a small percentage) of the community is fun to play with/against. But the items above? I doubt anyone would be able to say truthfully that they're fun.

    (EDIT: formatting)

    nothing is as bad as overwatch though

    Except Overwatch's community is better than DBD's now. At least in game.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].
    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example, you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

    I mean, if somebody stuns me then blinds me while teabagging repeatedly for the majority of a match isn't that "interfering with my ability to enjoy a BHVR service?"

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example, you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

    I mean, if somebody stuns me then blinds me while teabagging repeatedly for the majority of a match isn't that "interfering with my ability to enjoy a BHVR service?"

    I honestly doubt, flashlights have the purpose to blind somebody and I dont think pressing CTRL will be seen as griefing though we know they don't have any positive meanings with doing so. I think they mean actions like purposely sandbagging/blocking and teaming up with a killer which makes it practically impossible to play the game the way it was meant to be played

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep this in mind.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @M4I3X said:

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Becuase from what I've heard and seen.

    T bagging, looping, juking attacks during a chase.

    There must be more, but these right here cannot be all there is. Because this just sounds like Killer anger issues to me.

    1. T bagging: Accepted
    2. Looping: I would not count that as "toxic" because you just want to use the pallet effectively so why wasting it?!
    3. Juking attacks during a chase: Man, why should that be "toxic" you just try to avoid getting hit and especially if you are half life you try your last chance to avoid from getting downed.

    But there is one more thing you could add to your list, clicking with your flashlight at the killer to get his attention or just doing it in a active chase.

    This is stupid if killers are getting mad at this. And if they feel like camping because of it, then they saying you made me mad so I'm justifide. Well at least when I start maining killer, I can say I'm better then them campers.

    You'll learn better soon, son.

    If people have dstrike, t-bag or click with their flashlights at me, I will definitely camp them.
    If survivors are rushing gens like crazy, I still camp and tunnel like crazy in order to still win the round.

    Most of the time camping survivors is the easiest and safest way to win the game.
    Especially on low ranks where survivors can loop you for minutes with no counter play to it.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Everything listed below is pure toxic cancer.
    How I define toxic survivor:
    1) T-bagging the killer: after pallet drop, at exit gates, at window etc.
    2) Fast FS clickers.
    3) Finger-pointing at killer: after pallet drop, at exit gates, at window etc.
    4) Trying to open locker (pointing at it) where teammate hiding in front of killer.
    5) Heal teammate to 99%.
    6) T-bag hooked teammate.
    7) "Trade" teammate from hook for points.
    8) T-bag killer with object of obsession.
    9) Always follow Trapper to disarm his traps.
    9.5) Always follow Trapper to disarm his traps with object of obsession.
    10) Sandbagging/bodyblocking other survivors.
    11) Saying OchiDO is not toxic, lol.

    How I define toxic killer:
    1) Insidious Leatherface.
    1.5) Insidious Leatherface at basement.
    2) Invisible Wraith camp.
    2.5) Invisible Wraith blocking basement entrance where survivor hooked.
    3) Facecamping Doctor shocking other survs, who trying to unhook.
    4) One-tap Myers camp.
    5) Nurse with NOED and Insidious behind closed gates.
    6) Stealth Pig camp.
    7) Pig t-bag.
    8) Trapper (Hag) t-bag by placing trap near hooked survivor and then cancelling it.
    9) Invisible boy bing-bonging infront of hooked survivor.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I mainly play killer and there's only 2 things that irritate me. I know people say tbagging is toxic, but honestly that's like one of the only ways to communicate in the game. It's just someone spamming a button, who cares, honestly? To me this is a form of taunting a killer when survivors are really good at looping to keep the killer busy while everyone else does gens. It's a legit tactic. If you tbag the killer then get owned, then you just look dumb. What irritates me about it is when survivors hold up ending the game just to tbag the killer.

    The second thing is when people body block hooks, especially if my dying survivor struggles free. It's because I don't believe this is a legit tactic and they are using bad game mechanics to gain an advantage. This one really ticks me off and I'll face camp survivors for this.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @Rattman said:
    Everything listed below is pure toxic cancer.
    How I define toxic survivor:
    9) Always follow Trapper to disarm his traps.
    9.5) Always follow Trapper to disarm his traps with object of obsession.
    11) Saying OchiDO is not toxic, lol.

    How I define toxic killer:
    1) Insidious Leatherface.
    1.5) Insidious Leatherface at basement.
    2) Invisible Wraith camp.
    2.5) Invisible Wraith blocking basement entrance where survivor hooked.
    3) Facecamping Doctor shocking other survs, who trying to unhook.
    4) One-tap Myers camp.
    5) Nurse with NOED and Insidious behind closed gates.
    6) Stealth Pig camp.
    9) Invisible boy bing-bonging infront of hooked survivor.

    Snipped for relevancy.
    First of all, 9 and 9.5 would more or less be viable tactics (and also probably backfire now with his increased notification). Secondly, OchiDO? Could I get an explanation? :tongue:

    As far as killers...just seems like you don't like camping. Especially stealthy camping. Unfortunately for you, the devs have stated that they are more than ok with this. Also....what else would the point of insidious be? As far as wraith ringing his few ways as the survivors have to communicate with the killer, the killer has even fewer. But fair enough, I guess there isn't many ways to interpret that specific interaction

    @iceman2kx said:
    The second thing is when people body block hooks, especially if my dying survivor struggles free. It's because I don't believe this is a legit tactic and they are using bad game mechanics to gain an advantage. This one really ticks me off and I'll face camp survivors for this.

    snipped for relevancy again.
    It is a viable strategy, as far as I can see, again, the devs are fine with it. Bodyblocking is only really a problem if it disrupts the game: the killer or survivor trapping someone where they can no longer move (like a survivor blocking another survivor in a corner, etc) This one is annoying, but a viable and legit strategy. And if you don't like it? Hit them. They'll get out of the way, I promise (or you hit them again and down them)

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @Chrona said:

    snipped for relevancy again.
    It is a viable strategy, as far as I can see, again, the devs are fine with it. Bodyblocking is only really a problem if it disrupts the game: the killer or survivor trapping someone where they can no longer move (like a survivor blocking another survivor in a corner, etc) This one is annoying, but a viable and legit strategy. And if you don't like it? Hit them. They'll get out of the way, I promise (or you hit them again and down them)

    It's only a viable strategy because of clunky game mechanics. When you have 2-3, "hitting" them doesn't necessarily work. Survivors blocking a hook, that is absolutely taking advantage of bad game design. If you're okay with this type of tactic, then I hope you're okay with face camping being a viable strategy as well because that's what I will do to you if you do this to me.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    @Chrona said:
    Snipped for relevancy.
    First of all, 9 and 9.5 would more or less be viable tactics (and also probably backfire now with his increased notification). Secondly, OchiDO? Could I get an explanation? :tongue:

    Its viable tactic, but the main word here was ALWAYS. Like, you don't even do gens and aim for trolling or toxic play.
    OchiDO - one of the most toxic players in DbD community, IMHO. He is now hardware banned from game, I believe. Like, everything listed above from survivor was at some point in his YT videos.

    As far as killers...just seems like you don't like camping. Especially stealthy camping. Unfortunately for you, the devs have stated that they are more than ok with this. Also....what else would the point of insidious be? As far as wraith ringing his few ways as the survivors have to communicate with the killer, the killer has even fewer. But fair enough, I guess there isn't many ways to interpret that specific interaction

    Yeah, I admit that camping is legit strategy. This doesn't make it less toxic. I mean, if you build all your strategy for entire match around camping - its... wrong, y'know? This game meant to be fun for both sides, as Tru3Ta1ent says. There are many ways to win the game and these ones are the dirtiest ones.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @iceman2kx said:

    @Chrona said:

    snipped for relevancy again.
    It is a viable strategy, as far as I can see, again, the devs are fine with it. Bodyblocking is only really a problem if it disrupts the game: the killer or survivor trapping someone where they can no longer move (like a survivor blocking another survivor in a corner, etc) This one is annoying, but a viable and legit strategy. And if you don't like it? Hit them. They'll get out of the way, I promise (or you hit them again and down them)

    It's only a viable strategy because of clunky game mechanics. When you have 2-3, "hitting" them doesn't necessarily work. Survivors blocking a hook, that is absolutely taking advantage of bad game design. If you're okay with this type of tactic, then I hope you're okay with face camping being a viable strategy as well because that's what I will do to you if you do this to me.

    Yeah, I hadn't had it happen to me to the level you meant. I had always managed to hook them regardless. My idea for a fix to it is to have the killer always have a higher movement priority: IE, if the killer is moving in a direction, and a survivor is in the way, the killer will push (or shunt) them out of the way. Also makes sense in a logical sense, since almost all killers are massive compared to the survivors

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example, you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

    I mean, if somebody stuns me then blinds me while teabagging repeatedly for the majority of a match isn't that "interfering with my ability to enjoy a BHVR service?"

    why do you think Ochido got hardware banned?

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example, you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

    I mean, if somebody stuns me then blinds me while teabagging repeatedly for the majority of a match isn't that "interfering with my ability to enjoy a BHVR service?"

    why do you think Ochido got hardware banned?

    Because, from what I know, he was sad enough to give out a Steam profile on his stream and request his viewers the report the person

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:
    Luckily BHVR's EULA declares toxicity as bannable:

    ", While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example, you may not:

    • Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing a BHVR Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide a BHVR Service for the enjoyment of all its users." (

    Griefing is bannable yeah. Most people show their toxicity in a way that they are practically not breaking any rule, but they know their behavior is completely unnecessary and not appreciated.

    I mean, if somebody stuns me then blinds me while teabagging repeatedly for the majority of a match isn't that "interfering with my ability to enjoy a BHVR service?"

    why do you think Ochido got hardware banned?

    Personally I think it was the witch hunting with a touch of exploits.
  • FantasminhaQuartzo
    FantasminhaQuartzo Member Posts: 1

    yeah, I just played with some toxic survivors on the rank 17, they just keep t-bagging and camping hooks and generators, that just messed up the game.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Teabaging and flashlight clicking.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    its very simple a salty survivor or killer is someone who is not having fun and takes their frustration out to make others also lose enjoyment

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    you can not put T Bagging, Looping and Juking in the same sentence.

    Looping or Juking is the only way for Survivor to protect themself. So is Genrushing. If a Killer thinks this is Toxic, he simply does not understand the game. Same with Killer who consider Perks like Borrowed time or DS as toxic.

    T Bagging and Flashlight Clicking is a complety different story. Its mainly to piss off the Killer or at least annoy him/her. That is definitly toxic.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    Toxic is overused word here and means nothing really. Just like feminists and grape.

    There are many annoying things in game but is tbagging and pointing really that bad? All they do is waste precious time. Same goes for flashlights, smart killers abuse and destroy overly altruistic survivors. Camping or tunneling? Even semi smart survivors will just 4 minute genrush. No pressure = no win.

    There is however one thing that is toxic to the core.

    Players with all perks and complete game knowedgle intentionally depiping and abusing new players. 4 swf mom adrenaline flashlight/sabo is not a rare sight arround rank 15.

    It is just sad honestly, beeing so bad at game that they have to abuse completely new players.

    Also, maybe not toxic to killers, rather to other survivors. Example from literally 20 minutes ago. My 3rd or forth game as Hag. Meg sees me from a distance, teabags, points and stuff. She got down in like 10 seconds due to simple mindgame, not even with trap (corner street loop on Springwood, no sight blockers). She wasted pallet and dced.

    She just created 3 man trial with 5 gens to do. If we don't prosecute this kind of behaviour its on us.

    That's why i have mori list. I get there are random dcs... but failing on pallet after tbagging and dcing here is a clear case. Usually i let non dcing people farm, this pisses of dcing ######### even more ;).

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Rattman Lmao this one is good, I like how you specified when tbagging and pointing and stuff are toxic. Some idiots forget that there are people out there who will do mean things just to get attention but not have mean meanings behind it, they just want to see if the killer is sensitive enough to fall for it. It's called survival.

    As a survivor I will do any of those things besides 11 if. The survivor is a selfish team exposing wanker and I'm trying to get the killer to get them instead of me. If I want the killer to stay on me and not give up chase to buy time for others.

    For killer with the new EGC you need to add Insidious camping/sluggiing spirit who only moves to block people from leaving the trial through gates or hatch.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Exactly! Just because it doesn't directly effect gameplay doesn't mean it's appropriate behavior. The same people who behave in that manner should ask themselves how they'd feel being goaded and insulted in real life. Good sportsmanship and manners should apply in game as well. We're all human and deserve to be treated with respect.