Tell me your worse teammates

MathiaStef Member Posts: 132
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

I've just had a Meg think it was funny to do the hook canceling thing so I died when I could have been saved then I had a Nea leave me to die on the ground and a David to die on hook she just did gens when she could have saved us

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    This david brought the killer towards me( he didnt know I was there, but still)

    He switches targets and starts following me.

    He was trapper, he trapped the loop david used, I fell for it.

    Upon seeing me trapped he went after david, I assume...because while I was trying to free myself, david decided to run away from the killer towards me, in a pallet, while I was trapped.

    He cant pass, because colision, so he gets hit and drops the pallet to pass, pushing me towards trapper, and wasting a pallet that could save me.

    No one saved me on the hook until I started struggling, even when they saw that david was found and downed somewhat far away. They both finished their gens before getting me.

    After that I got moried. Not instantly, I managed to fix half a gen before he found me, and david. He decided to follow me.

    After that I queued again for another match...that one was great

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Me. I'm always my worse teammate.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I went in with Empathy, Borrowed Time, We'll Make It, and something else. I was a savior machine, making hook saves, healing people, taking hits...

    I finally get hooked for the first time, and a Jane comes up and farms me off the hook, getting me immediately killed.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    How do you know the Devotion level of a random teammate?

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    3-Man SWFs are the worst. I always try to dodge if I notice people in the lobby have each other in their friend's list. That's an easy "No thanks!"

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited September 2019

    I use kindred, get caught, everyone stops what they were doing and go for the hook. Killer is still close so they just crouch, i die on hook, no gens were done in those 2 minutes. Happened on purple ranks. ???

    Edit: This is the reason devs are afraid to actually balance maps, most survivors are trash even on rigged maps...

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Any teammate (Happens VERY often) that crouches and watches me sit on hook until second phase or just straight dying, not doing gens, not doing totems, literally just immersed and hiding after i've looped the killer for at least 3 gens.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I was writing this long post about a match that I just had, but I'm just going to put it in simpler words. Survivors on my team who do NOT finish the last gen because they refuse to touch anything when they're injured. At red ranks....

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    Once had 3 survivors on Chapel facing LF, every single one of them went down within 20 seconds. After 2 kills he found the Bill, chainsawed him and then knew exactly where I was somehow, I then looped him for 2 and a half minutes just to die on first hook.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I was survivor and hooked. 2nd survivor exited. 3rd survivor unhooked me but didn't defend me properly on the rush to the exit gate and the killer downed me and hooks me again. Killer chased 3rd survivor and downed them with the 4th survivor hiding close by. NOW...the 4th survivor runs up to me on the hook without even waiting for the killer to pick up the 3rd survivor AND...gets grabs mid-unhook. Which essentially led to all three of us dying on hooks. Absolute monkeys.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited September 2019

    It was on Autohaven Wreckers against the Trapper. I was on my last hook and wounded so when I heard his terror radius I left the gen I was working on to hide behind a rock near the wall. There was a Meg working on it to and she ran ahead of me to the rock. When she saw me hide by her, she walked around me, (I left space so I wouldn't trap her in) in full view of the killer and walked back, purposefully blocking me between the rock and the wall. I literally had no way of getting around her.

    The killer, obviously, went for me. I don't hold grudges often, but I'm still salty about that and it happened a couple years ago.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Sabo Ace, that bastard was dismantling hooks the entire game. I completed the last Gen, I made it to Exit and I GOT 1 HOOKED because Ace was ######### hooks the entire match and just LEFT!

    Then I get the generic Meg who refuses to use her Sprint Burst to come save me on a hook, another time I got into a match with a Legion SOMEHOW they all went down in the same spot.

    I don't think this qualifies as bad teammates but I'll tell the story anyway because it was memorable. I had a lobby with a Dwight who wanted everyone to pop Mist offerings and we all did, I work/live at a motel so in the loading screen I had to answer the desk so I was AFK for a bit. When I finally got back to the game I saw Dwight on a hook and went to rescue him from a camping Huntress, well I saved him, looped the Huntress best I could and got downed eventually. Well I was getting camped too and all the Gens were flying while a Dwight, not sure how many there were lol, hovered around my area looking for the moment to save me. Everyone else left and I thought I was going to watch this Dwight do nothing while I just struggled but eventually he saved me, I got tunneled and downed instantly and thought it was over. But this Huntress went after the Dwight instead so I started my long journey from one side of Azarov's Resting Place to the other side of the map all the way to the Exit. Huntress was having catching and hooking Dwight for some reason, I think there was a lack of hooks in his area as he kept getting off her shoulder.

    When I finally got out of the map Dwight was dead and I had 1 Second left until the EGC killed me, I got out by the thick of my skin in a match never should have and I have no idea what the ######### happened while I was AFK but that Killer was an idiot troll who said something along the lines of ''EEEEEEEzZZZZZZZZZ'' or some #########.

  • Dr_Psycho
    Dr_Psycho Member Posts: 6

    hold my beer!

    My worst teammate EVER was a Quentin with a pink map. He farmed me twice (and I died because of his actions) and then... and then this little piece of crap spent the rest of the game hiding behind stones, trees, etc and clearly was hoping to use his map to see the hatch and escape alone. He literally didn't do a single thing, he was just waiting for the rest of the team to die. What a... honestly I have no words for this.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I have a story to tell...

    I was injured and tried to open the exit gates, but the killer came and I had to let go. They were literally at 99%. He got me and hooked me right in front of the exit and went away to the other gate to look for the others. So I was hanging there, in front of a 99% gate, struggling, with no terror radius to be heard at all. I saw a locker open behind me, and Ace stepped out of it. I was happy to see him, he could get me off the hook and we could both escape or help our other teammates after he would heal me....but Ace had other plans. He went past my hook, opened the exit and went out.

    I was literally shocked. ( and no, I really didn't gave him a reason to leave me behind).

    But luckily a Nea came to my rescue.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I had a survivor working with a killer (they were even on each other's friends lists...) running up and farming survivors in their face. I ran the killer for a while until this person intentionally stood in my way on a loop so that I would get downed and I proceeded to get farmed twice in a row. People like that are the only reason I run DS.

    (the killer was also clearly playing many ranks above their skill level; it seemed like they were wintrading, of sorts)

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2019

    I usually 2-3 man with my friends. The 3-man get a bad reputation as they will drop the random in a heartbeat and selfishly escape. What funny is that my team usually get murdered hard and the random is the only one escape, we always bring this one up as a running joke while playing. Even one of us vow to be selfish and won't go back to save the random, we still get killed and the random still escape alone.

    On the topic, I risk my life to go down the basement of a proxi camp bulba and unhook a Claudette, give her borrowed time as well. The first thing she do when bulba came back to the basement is to rat me out while she run free.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I was in a swf with a extra person. Match starts, I work on a generator, a minute later and it's almost done (60%) until Spirit phases towards it and chases me. I ran her for 2 generators and she caught up to me and hooked me. My other friend is working on a generator while the Jake and Nea were being distractions. Spirit proxy camped and eventually started chasing Nea around my hook. With Borrowed Time by the way, instead of Jake unhooking me and he or I take a hit, he insteads walks in front of my hook and crouched back behind it getting me in second phase and killing me off the bat.

    After the match was over, Spirit added us to a group chat. My friend and Nea had a few things to say to the Jake that got me killed. Killer also said some things to. The Nea added me after and that was the end ☺.

    You may have guessed to but I was incredibly salty after that.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    When they take self-care and waste their time healing instead of doing generators.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Urban Evasion players.

  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    These are the worst teammates. These have all happened and still happen:

    • 2 survivors left. Both healthy. I'm on last gen, half done. The other survivor runs past me... looking for the hatch, assuming I will die.
    • Hyper altruistic survivors who save too soon, get hooked, their friend repeats the process til 2 or 3 dead inside 3 minutes.
    • Pulled off hook in front of killer without BT and they make sure to be on the side away from the killer so I get the hit. aka Farmed.
    • High rank potatoes. I watch them all the time with aftercare. They are especially egregious at endgame with 1 gen left. These people are afraid to touch a gen and so crouch around hoping someone else will do it or just wait for the 3rd to die.
    • Survivor on opposite side of chest when I opened it. Snatched the item.
    • 2 of us together get chased. We both run for the nearby pallet. I'm behind the 1st guy... you see where this is going. Let the 2nd guy throw the pallet please.
    • When I'm running Q&Q/HO and teammates think I'm just hiding in a closet so sell me out to the killer.
    • Survivors that use fountains with Plague
    • Survivors that blow simple skill checks then run immediately leaving you to take the heat
    • DC'ers
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited September 2019

    This is pretty obvious, but Crow gatherers are always bad for just doing nothing.

    They're still better than on-purpose Pallet-droppers when not being chased though.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    To many to choose from

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    A story from one my of my killer games... I hooked two survivors for the first time, had another on the ground, and realized that one of the hooked survivors was already in second state. Turned out, the final survivor was in a locker with three crows above it.

    I got the person on the ground back on their feet, but one of the hooked survivors still died. I sacrificed the survivor who had gathered the crows (they weren't afk and it took three hookings) and let the other two escape.

    I get annoyed when I'm playing killer and survivors let their teammates die. If I decide someone is to blame for it, I'll usually target them in some way. There have been some who have spent much time bleeding on the ground. I also try to make sure hatch campers do not get the hatch.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Yeah, i'm not a big fan of such abandonment either.

    I actually like the "lone wolf" type, but even those know that them winning quickly becomes super hard if everyone dies quickly.

    No, the ones who would walk past a hooked Survivor while knowing the Killer is busy on the other side, that's the BHVR i don't really like.

    I don't dislike it for them though, i dislike it cause it takes a lot of challenge out of my match. 😋

    So at that point, i do the next best thing that's fun TO ME, which is being friendly.

    Then, at the scoreboard screen, i do something i normally never do, which is open the chat and simply tell them: 3v1 isn't fun for anyone, so enjoy your BP.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Literally too many to choose from. But I am gonna go with a Meg, since its happened recently. We were on Rotten Fields against Billy. 4 gens completed 2 survivors sacrificed. Its all on me an Meg now. He found me, started chasing. We went through a couple pallets. As last resort I went to no pallet basement. While on the way Tinkerer kicked in, so hurray its a 85% completed last gen. I vault, get hit, thinking adrenaline will kick in before he vaults over to pick up. Still waiting. Any seconds now. Then he picks me up as I look around to see Meg crouched behind a CORN. I mean yeah that’s gonna cover your ass. Not to complete almost done gen.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I'm on PS4; I usually don't bother sending messages unless there's a good reason (after dying, I once watched the remaining two survivors both camp the hatch, not touching gens... I sent the killer a message. Getting sacrificed is part of the game; refusing to participate in gameplay for an extended amount of time is not.)

    As killer, I often play for BP without farming farming. So I hook each one once or twice and just spend the rest of the match chasing, hitting, and maxing out whatever BP I can. That's easy in a 4v1; when it becomes a 3v1 at the beginning of the match, it pretty much guarantees that the match will take too long. If I try to chase the survivors, they go into hiding and barely touch gens. If I try to signal I want to farm, many survivors won't trust it. Even if I don't interact with them, they're timid about doing gens. Which is why I get annoyed when someone dies on the hook early on.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    2 megs and a nea all rank 19s and me being a rank 13.

    The killer was a clown which pissed me off, I was doing a gen when one of the megs decided to run to me whilst being chased, causing both of us to get hit. When the meg got downed I was the only person to come get her off the hook which I would’ve highly regretted. The killer obviously comes back and that’s when the new decides to body block me so I get downed and hooked. Only 1 gen had been done so far (by me)

    the killer got so pissed at me that he decided to tunnel me. The other three were doing nothing when I was getting chased, none of them on on gens etc. (I knew this bc I had empathy 3)

    one of them only come for me when I only have about 30 seconds left of struggling. Because I had ds I was fine getting downed again. The nea got hooked and I done 2 gens when she was on but the megs decided to go for the nea before she went into struggle state.

    as I’m getting chased the final gen gets popped off and the other three decide to try and help me when I was getting g chased although I was at the killer shack which wouldn’t help as clowns can end chases there really easily.

    one of the megs decide to OPEN up one of the gates putting pressure on all of us and when I get downed and the killer finally decides to slug (considering I was on the ground for about 90 seconds and he was chasing the others) One of the megs and the nea escape and the other Meg decides to escape through the hatch with her key. All leaving me to die. I got a 20k score and all the other three were around 10-14k bc they got most of their points for escaping.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I remember last week, my team left me to die on first hook. The entire time I'm hanging there, I'm watching them crouch around the back end of the map. Against Clown. He got into a chase with somebody, and what do the other two do? Hide. I died. Was not pleased. When I brought it up, one said 'I was too far away to save.'

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I was not aware that using a fountain while plague sick was a big no. When I do use one I try to head away from anyone else so the alert the killer gets only affects me.

    A recent match I start doing a generator, within maybe 10 seconds Huntress tears her way towards me (nope I didnt miss a skill check) and I am downed, hooked and swinging on my hook. I look at the yellow auras, I can see the other three are working generators, I am in first phase. At the start of second phase one of the auras starts heading towards me. He doesnt make it, gets hooked. The other two finally leave off the generators (we are at 3 completed) and rescue the other guy off the hook. Whilst people might say I was just unlucky, or that there was no point trying to save me as I was in second (struggle) phase, it might have been nice had one of the two working the generator actually tried to rescue me. The generators are not going to disappear. All three were healthy.

    TL;DR Being first hook is usually a death sentence.

  • xyzdx
    xyzdx Member Posts: 66

    this was back in the time when the huntress was pretty new killer but I had a survivor who was working with the huntress to try to get me killed like trying to reveal where I was in lockers and stuff like that in the end I escaped so I got the last laugh

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    People who save their Sprint burst just to never use it. Had an immersed teammate that slowwalked to me on the hook while the killer was hooking and killing the other teammate. She left me to die but the killer found the hatch. Hope that 1 Sprint burst was worth it :)

  • ChelseaFreaky
    ChelseaFreaky Member Posts: 16

    Lemme say this, I'm a lighthearted dbd player. I dont fuss on rank I play to have fun and get scared not to tbag and be a jerk.

    I met this dude on twitch and he invited me to play with him. We play a couple matches of him yelling and getting sweaty about stuff and I'm just like "Ok. Whatever"

    We get into a match and he gets hooked pretty early on. He then starts talking about DC'ing and killing himself on hook. He's yelling these things, mind you.

    We are running around and doing the objectives and during this whole time he is complaining about the killer and how he feels tunneled and what have you.

    He gets hooked a second time later in the match and is doing the same things. "I'm gonna DC! I'm gonna kill myself on hook! Someone better save me NOW!"

    He gets saved.

    I then hear him start to freak out cuz the killer is on him again and then it's just him yelling at me "take a hit! take a hit! I'm on death hook take a hit!" I'm so distracted by him yelling and freaking out I don't even remember what hook I'm on. (I thought I was on death hook but I was on second hook) So I was like "hey I'm on death hook and injured dude." he replies "SO?!" and I was like "So, then I would die...." and he was like "SO?!" and at that point I wanted to be out of the match cuz he was yelling and saying offensive stuff and being just jerk-ish in general.

    I went to take the hit and he got downed before I could get there.

    He raged for two seconds after he was hooked and disconnected from the discord call. No goodbye, just poofed.

    I got hooked and found out I was second hook (the killer found me pretty quick after he was hooked because I stopped what I was doing to run in and take a hit for this dude.) I didnt want to even play the match anymore so I killed myself on second hook. This guy pretty much ruined the match for me.

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2019

    My worst teammate was a Jane, too.

    The game begins and me was crouching to not disturb the crows. Jane decides to trampel behind me and following me everywhere. When I stopped she was standing, too.

    Ghostface appears and I just said: Get me out of here! I felt bad for the other teammates not knowing what's going on.

    My biggest Fail:

    I was crawling to the closed hatch and was recovering next to it, to not show the hatch to the killer. My teammate came and was just pointing on the hatch.

    I thought: "Yes, plz help me up then i can open the hatch!" Have i forgot to say , that I had a key and thought I need to stand for opening the exit? I was wondering why she was not recover me? Well she don't stopped to point on the hatch and I was still waiting for my recovery with the key in my hand.

    End of story: Trapper found us and we went to the Entity. 💀

  • FMLandthisgame
    FMLandthisgame Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2021

    I just had teammates lead the killer towards me, they all purposefully sandbagged me and then let the pig down me; afterwards she put the trap on my head and my teammates healed me, they all just stood around me and waited for the trap to explode on my head because I couldn't move, this all happened in red ranks btw, and I thought I reached the safety pip but the game bugged put and I lost one anyways.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    I had in a game the following while I was hooked :

    • I saw a Urban Evasion Claudette going to the opposite direction of my hook on the map to SelfCare WHILE suffering from Sloppy Butcher ,
    • And a Meg that was just under my eyes but didn't know that she has to unhook people (after game I saw she was rank 20 (delicious matchmaking)) ,
    • And the last surv, a Felix, were being chased for ages by the Doctor.

    I died on my first hook, struggling to the end. This was the most stressful and anxious making game I've ever had.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    • Had a Nea farm me off the hook twice. She blocked me from leaving, and was clearly working with the killer.
    • This Claudette who self-cared with sloppy butcher, and wouldn't let me HEAL HER when I had Botany Knowledge
    • Had a 2 man SWF just leave through the hatch when I completed the fourth generator. When I had been getting saves, doing gens, and everything.
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