Ideas on how to fix keys and mori’s...

I think alot of people can agree that keys and mori’s in their current state are pretty broken and unfun to go against. So here are my ideas on how to rework both of them.


once the survivor holding the key gets hit by a basic attack X amounts of times, that key becomes broken and is unable to unlock black locks.

i’m thinking it will be 2 hits for green keys, 4 for purple keys and 6 for pink keys. There should also be add-on’s that can increase the durability with the max being 2


yellow mori:

allows you to kill 1 survivor who’s on their final hook

green mori:

allows you to kill all survivors who are on their final hook

pink mori:

allows you to kill 1 survivor who has been hooked once

Let me know what you think of these changes.


  • Widowmaker8197
    Widowmaker8197 Member Posts: 88

    They're bad.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Here's my key idea that focuses more on balancing them than just giving a worse version of using franklins to deal with them.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    For Keys, I would like to focus more on the Aura Read aspect. But the only Key with a decent durability is the Skeleton Key, the Broken and Dull Key both need Add Ons to increase the Duration.

    Furthermore, I would remove the ability to open the Hatch. Maybe for the pink Key for one Survivor (and auto-close afterwards, if only 2 Survivors were left, it will not open again) or when the Killer closed it (also possible: the latter for the Dull Key, and this effect and escape of one Survivor for the pink Key). But only a maybe.

    Also, rework of many Key Add Ons, mainly the ones that let you keep the Key when opening the Hatch or Dying, Keys should be gone after a Trial (except when the Survivor escaped and did not use the Key in the Trial). Also Blood Amber, because it has a powerful effect. But also other Stuff (no need for the 24 meter Aura Read for Survivors, change it to something different).

    For Moris, making them work on the last Hook makes them almost pointless. Especially because they will only make you lose Emblem Points and some Moris are longer than the Duration to bring the Survivor to the Hook. Let alone that you will not benefit from Perks like BBQ (Aura Read) or PGTW when using a Mori.

    The Cypress Mori should be Baseline. The last Survivor is dead anyway, so he can also be killed with a cool (more or less) animation.

    Then Moris should either only work if every Survivor was hooked once, or after a certain number of Hooks (not limited to any Survivors). This would remove the potential to simply tunnel one person out of the game to make it an early 3v1 which results in an easy game for the Killer.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    So you want no assurance for escape? The key idea is pretty bad and you already have franklins for that, and mori is redundant, you lose bp by using it if someone brings mori and use it after first hook, they only depriving themselves of bp, what could make key less overpowered and more usable for the different keys are the gens needed for it to be usable for instance green key needs 4 gens done/purple key need 3 gens done and pink key needs 2 gens done atleast before you can use it(this should be for 1v1 situations only)

  • Where is a rework for toolboxes too? (All allow quicker objective completion.)

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    if you have moris only be able to be used on someones final hook the time it takes to hook them will be more time efficient that using a mori. here is a change that will make moris fine

    You can't use your Mori until EVERYONE has been hooked at least one time

    that is the only change they need. keys are a much different story

  • Miss_Yuma
    Miss_Yuma Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for giving some insight. my idea with the keys is that when the keys broken, you still use it for aura-reading, it just cant open hatches. You could increase the durability of the keys by 3/6/8 for them with the add-ons being the replacements for the add-ons that allow you to keep the key.

    as for the mori’s my idea for them is mostly for bloodpoints / saving a hook / cool animation and the biggest one, no danger from stuns. So i don’t think they will be useless though i do like the idea of hooking people X amounts of times instead of a specific survivor.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    Killers should have the power to only mori 1/2 survivors at most.

    The green mori is the most balanced one.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I don't think they are broken.

    Mori's: don't get caught

    Keys: use franklin's demise and/or mori the guy with a key

  • Miss_Yuma
    Miss_Yuma Member Posts: 7

    my idea for the mori’s is mostly to not be worried about any kinds of stuns like flashlights and ds for example. Though i do like your idea though.

  • AIG1992
    AIG1992 Member Posts: 98

    Moris don't need a change though.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Leave Yellow Mori as is tbh. Nothing unfair about it. I'd also leave Green Mori alone but keep thos changes for Ebony Mori. Now Keys... oh boy. That nerf to keys is pretty much insignificant. A worser Franklin's. You didn't touch on the aura reading. The ability to see a Killer from that long a distance with no real penalty is ridiculous. The survivor aura reading is also really good for solo-q without having to use Bond. (SWF is literally built in bond which is why I said solo-q)

  • DemonHunter5836
    DemonHunter5836 Member Posts: 31

    I'd change the key so that it only lets the key holder escape, and only if the killer closed it previously.

    I like the more changes though.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    The mori idea is at least a bandaid fix.

    The key idea is bad. Survs could just drip the key and pick it up as soon as they need it.

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    Do keys even need a nerf when you see the latest stats?

  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2019

    Keys are barely used and still need something to be done first. They are balanced,but most killer-mains still complain about them. Moris are the things broken af. If a survivor gets downed in the first minute because they did an unlucky play, they are already out of the game. My strat against this unfun and unbalanced garbage is just to open task manager and close DbD so the killer has to wait 2 minutes in the loading screen to get in a uncompleted trial and has to wait again. And i just search a new lobby. I aint dealing with this anymore.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Remove Keys, remove Moris. There's a streamer I watch who prefers to play killer and is an amazing survivor as well and would be fine with the removal of both.

    -If not remove both then change mori more in a way where it can't kill everyone.

    Yellow: Kill the last remaining survivor in the match (even if never been hooked).

    Green: Kill 2 who have been hooked twice already.

    Pink: Kill 2 who have been hooked only once. Kill the last remaining survivor. -or- Kill 3 who have been hooked twice already.

    (Another idea would be to make it so the survivor has to hit 2-4 great skill checks (that go by kinda fast one after another) in order to dodge the mori completely)

    -As for keys, I like your idea but feel like it needs some work or needs a new idea in general. It will encourage camping/tunneling on the key holder, as someone else said the survivors could drop the key and pick up later for when they need it, or they can find one in a chest (providing they have the perks for it or just get really lucky) when you least expect it/when they really need it.

  • PinkEther
    PinkEther Member Posts: 11

    I honestly think keys are fine just the way they are. For the last survivor against the killer alone... it’s quite difficult to escape when hatch is closed and you have to deal with the endgame collapse... plus you have to try and open the door without the killer seeing you, which doesn’t happen often. So I think keys are good as they are.