Noed is the most reliable slowdown perk

So the reliability of ruin is questionable as its hex totem spawn is iffy

Pgtw kinda relies on survivors getting hooked before a high progress gen gets done for manium effect

The others aren't as reliable/have better purposes/are overlooked (rip thrilling tremors you good perk).

Corrupt intervention may block 3 gens for 2 mins but it doesn't stop them being done unless you know how to play around corrupt as a killer (can't wait to unlock it)

But noed. Noed is reliable, each totem takes around 16 seconds to cleanse, so 80 seconds in total, an entire generators with of time. And if they don't use that time they get punished with insta downing.

So no matter what you'll always get use out of it, even if you don't see it. But then again dull totems in general do that
