Noed is the most reliable slowdown perk

So the reliability of ruin is questionable as its hex totem spawn is iffy
Pgtw kinda relies on survivors getting hooked before a high progress gen gets done for manium effect
The others aren't as reliable/have better purposes/are overlooked (rip thrilling tremors you good perk).
Corrupt intervention may block 3 gens for 2 mins but it doesn't stop them being done unless you know how to play around corrupt as a killer (can't wait to unlock it)
But noed. Noed is reliable, each totem takes around 16 seconds to cleanse, so 80 seconds in total, an entire generators with of time. And if they don't use that time they get punished with insta downing.
So no matter what you'll always get use out of it, even if you don't see it. But then again dull totems in general do that
Pretty reliable perk for playing the game with only 3 perks and relying on losing the game to make it usable.
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No. The survivors haven't escaped yet. The game is not lost.
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I mean it's all the way at the end of the game, they've pretty much won at that point unless they're greedy.
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If survivors always cleanse all 5 totems then you get the same benefit without even running NOED (they don't know if you have it...)
The only tangible benefit is the insta downing and it is powerful and potentially match changing but it is not a slowdown perk.
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No it isn't.
1) Good survivors can still plow through gens and do all 5 totems really fast. My SWF can do 5 gens and 5 totems in under 5 minutes. It's not going to slow us down at all.
2) Ballsy survivor will rush gens anyway and then find NOED right away. They take the risk and will just rush to the gates. Even if someone goes down to NOED, so long as it's not death hook, survivors can easily scour the map for the totem and then make a BT rescue out the gate.
3) Bad survivors will rush gens, ignore totems, then just leave when the gate is open. You might catch one of them, two if you are lucky, but in most cases they will just leave. The game didn't slow down at all and you only got 1 kill for it.
Long story short, NOED is not a very good perk. It can be useful if you have a particular build, or get a particular map, but at the end of the day it's really a bad perk.
Ruin is good against majority of survivors, but good survivors with either rush gens anyway (because we can do great skill checks) or find the totem super fast.
Pop and Dying Light are the best alternatives to slow the game besides Ruin. The catch is they require you to catch survivors and get hooks. Pop can help you lock down the last 4 gens. Dying Light will start to really hit hard at about 4 or 5 tokens. A good killer that can catch survivors reliably will have way WAY better success with either or both of these perks than Ruin or NOED.
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don't forget the speed boost, also big benefit for killers who can't chase properly.
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noed can only hurt a lobby with at least one solo survivors. if you are facing a 4 man swf, they don't need to spend time cleansing totems, they only need to memorize all the totems they see and then come back to see if they light up once noed is confirmed. this is specially useful because if you cleanse all the 4 dull totems you see during the match but you have no idea where the 5th is, you screwed hard because noed will 100% not be found because it's well hidden! If you didn't do those totems, it has 80% chance to light up in a known location totem.
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As someone said, you get the benefits even if you don’t run NOED if you’re playing against a team that cleanse all totems.
Most teams won’t cleanse unless Ruin is up though so they’ll power through gens and only once NOED activates they’ll destroy that one totem. Maybe you get one late game down, but for giving up any sort of slowdown perks that’s not a big benefit.
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The game's not lost until the last survivor is out the door. Giving up prematurely is dumb.
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I mean you don't have to give up.
Although, pretty much every killer match I've had where I played badly and lost the game by letting 5 generators get completed, once I've found a survivor and started a chase with them one exit gate is already open and they're headed over there with some pallets left to use.
If I manage to catch them and hook them, then their teammates just do a save with BT and I can't do anything about it.
Bit of a hopeless situation.
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Not sure how that makes noed reliable, people cleanse totem for points if you want reliability sloppy butcher has more viability than noed
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Not really. If survivors cleanse the totems you might as well have been using another perk in NOEDs place.
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Lmao. I can't remember the last time I even saw a survivor cleanse a dull totem, even as a survivor.
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Everyone probably doesn't but I for one do. Even when I am not using Inner Strength. Better safe than sorry.
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I don't think you're looking very hard then. On ps4 I regularly have to race other survivors to a dull totem. If it's a Nancy I will let her have it.
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Imagine comparing console survivors to PC survivors 🤣😂
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NOED got no counter if you play solo, but is barely useful against organized swf groups. We don't need such perks.
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Epic troll bro 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️
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*Laughs in endgame builds
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Endgame builds are garbage, but okay.
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omfg why u keep comparing noed to adrenaline like do survivors do their job and you get rewarded its a simple sprint boost and a health state AND you get exhasted....Noed though "Oh you failed to do your job nice here are unlimited insta downs"
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I mean if you consider totems part of the survivors job then they failed to do it if the killer has NOED
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according to the tutorial no no totems are not the objective