Killer nurfs aren't ballenceing the game
Ok Freddy's first nurf ok I got tired of him to the legion that doesn't need an explanation but spirit like I didn't know that killer were supposed to be underpowered she literally had 1 add on that was good and they reworked her over it all survivors had to do was be more aware ok I can't hear her let me go to a one person gen and wait on it or the fact they took her collision away just don't stand in the only place she could run into you under the pallet a place that there is literally only one place you could run into her killers are getting these nurfs and the games staying the same survivors are complaining about things because there thoughts are ok can't hear don't have to worry she wouldn't grab me and she does I'll complain to my dev daddy's not saying all survivors are baby's (yet.waiting for them to rework survivors to have Mori counters) but survivors come on leave is with ruin at least PLEASE!!!
Best Answers
You seem like a swf who runs objective on ghost face
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Spirit "nerf" is barely even a nerf. Any decent spirit player will still easily dominate with her.
Did...did you accept your own comment as the answer?😂
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True but the add on was good all the rest besides ultra rare are just the same thing
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Yes I meant no but I kind of far fingered out of rage
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The whole point is don't punish balanced killers because survivors average IQ can't think past not standing in the middle of a pallet or not looking around for the mikey or ghost face while there getting stalked
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First: Its "nerf" and "balancing".
Second: How about using punctuation?
Third: You probably never played as Spirit or against Spirit in Highranks, then you should have understood whats wrong with her.
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killer nerfs are balancing the game 100% stop cry like baby thx
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I literally don't understand this post
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If they would buff weak killers instead of nerfing strong ones, maybe there wouldn't be 99% of the same 5 killers at high ranks.