New official stats - Interpreting the numbers EDIT: Stats for Aug 21st to Nov 21st
We can see in this graph that the Trapper is the most played character which might be because of the Archives and Rift which makes you have to use him, but as this graph doesn't have a date of the study this is just mere speculation.
Every killer except the Nurse has an average kill rate above 50%, this doesn't mean the Nurse Nerf got her useless but much more lets us see how she isn't played much maybe cause of how hard she is to use in consoles and the learning curve for her on PC (she's in a low pick rate). It would be interesting to know how she's doing for players with lots of hours of gameplay.
Yes.. Freddy has a higher kill rate than Spirit and Hill Billie... Don't you dare start survivors...
Funny thing, the Demogorgon has a lower kill rate than the Clown and from this we can also see that the Demo, Huntress and Clown are the lowest kill rates of them all, but nobody uses the clown, followed by Demo, then Huntress in Pick Rates. I'M NOT MENTIONING THE NURSE HERE cause I adressed her in the previous paragraph.
Now, for red ranks, whyle the most picked killer is Spirit (maybe due to the nerf she was gonna get, you know, "play as her before she dies") the highest kill rate belongs to lord Freddy, followed by Spirit and Billie, so, yes, they are the three best picks for owning survivors at red ranks.
Every killer has a kill rate average above 60%, Clown, Demo, Nurse and Huntress being the lowest of them followed by Legion. Funny thing is how Huntress is one of the most picked killers, I guess she's fun to play as even if her kill rate is not that good.
The least picked killer is Hag, even when her kill rate is the 4th best of them all, I guess it's not fun to feel as a midget killer, lol, just kidding...
Everybody complaining about Bubba and legion, well, he's not on the lowest three, he's the fourth.
Yes, indoors give the match to killers more that wide open maps, but as you can see the maps are practically the same, if the lowest kill rate is 53.99 and the highest is 69.48%, that means the difference between the lowest kill rate map to the highest one is barelly 15.49%, translated to deaths, a 100% means 4k, so, the lowest kill rate map has 2.16k average, whyle the highest has a 2.78k average
IMPORTANT: I believe that the fact that we don't have a graph per platform gives us somehow a subjective point of view, for example, I'm pretty sure the most brutal killer from PC is a good nurse, but the stats are being affected by console players. I could give more examples, ask for them if you want.
Now, if you wanna correct me in something or add something, PLEASE DO, I can edit the post to make everyone understand it better with your help guys.
Hope this is interesting for someone.
IMPORTANT: When looking at the kill rates, have in mind people were doing the challenges of the archives on the dates of the study, whyle the killer ones promote you being ruthless, most of the survivor ones take you off the main objectives so...
I didn't add the nurse graph cause I didn't wanna make this post longer
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Well at least they're meeting their average kill count on maps.
Any map above 75% or below 50% would be in a patch someday.
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Stop Press: All killers viable at Red Rank shocker!
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You make a good point OP. Lack of separation between console and PC definitely undermines, for instance, the Nurse data. Since we all know they might as well be two completely separate categories.
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I’d love to see a map list for red ranks.
Also, apparently every killer is performing great in red ranks, all above 60%?
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YES! The problem there is that red rank players, both sides, feel like a 3-4 kills or escapes are a win, so... Red ranks practically mean they grinded and have experience and good game efficiency
I believe by saying Viable killers we mean survivor owning killers, hehe
Edit: same response for @Well_Placed_HexTotem
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Ah, thanks for correcting me then. I had missed the "on PC" specification for that one.
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Yes, I didn't add it sorry, but what I meant about "graph per platform" was for the other graphs, I think they'd change at least for some killers. for example, the kill rate for Nurse for all ranks is below 50% whyle just for PC is over it, for red ranks she's below 65 and for PC above it. It's not a big change, but still, would be interesting to see them.
Edit: @Science_Guy just for you to know
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Gonna add this to the post, thanks
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But how has her Pickrate changed with the Patch and with which AddOn combo to people play her now? Please forgive me with Nurse beeing more doubtfull. If balanced or not, her changes worsened her game feel and not much time has passed yet since the change for people to adjust.
Besides that. I belong to those people who can't say much about the stats. Most stuff is expected by my own experience. But the still high pickrate of Hillbilly in red ranks surprised me a bit. It's the only thing which doesn't fit into my personal experience when playing or watch streamers. It feels now that Billy has become rare, but if you meet one it's an old-school good one. But maybe that's jsut coincidence or there are regional/time differences.
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@Peanits, I'm genuinely curious while we know the top 3 safest/deadliest maps, how do the others fair by comparison? much appreciated
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True, is there a way for you guys to add graph without the top killer ones? like, take out trapper from the all ranks one and spirit from the red ranks one? I'm asking this cause maybe they got that picking rate cause of the Archives and upcoming nerfs for Spirit. It would be more pleasant to observe too
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It would be possible, but it's not something we'd like to do. Pick rate is just an fun little thing to show how much something is being played, it doesn't really carry much weight. Taking the Spirit out of the graph just because she's played the most in red ranks wouldn't make a whole lot of sense, that's the type of data people want to see.
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I just want to know what the devs plan to do with this information themselves, that is all I care about. Are they just going to nerf Freddy; or are they going to look at giving Demo and Clown some love finally? Are maps like Haddonfield going to be looked at?
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As the stats post cannot be commented, I'll say it here: Yes, I would like to have regular stats updates.
The killrates are exactly what I was feeling the past weeks, it got somehow much harder to escape. Every killer performing above 60% is quite a bit. Although I'm not sure if it is because of well performing killers, or because people started to play careless. Like insta unhooks without BT, self sacrifices and DCs being more regular.
On the maps I agree, indoor maps are not only lethal in general, but we currently have already 4 stealth killers that get a lot of easy first hits in these maps. Hawkins is probably the deadliest map because it is the newest map and still needs to be explored a bit. I'm interested in the kill rates on hawkins in the next stats release.
Regarding safe maps, I'm somehow not wondering why two of them are cornfields. Big maps with evil loops. Although I would have expected the Torment Creek instead of the Rotten Fields. And Haddonfield... I recognized Balanced Landing being the most used exhaustion perk. So no no wonder this is a safe map. Also keen on seeing the changes to survival on this map after the BL change.
Nurse being the weakest in all ranks is also what I expected. The pure PC stats show that there are desired changes (just a minor reduction in all ranks and still above 50% and getting away from OP in red ranks). But with the delay in blink spamming, new nurse players or average killers have even more problems to get used to her. She has a higher learning curve now than before I think. That's why we probably also see less nurses now, because it is harder to chew, until you can enjoy the taste. So, more people give up on her.
@Carlosylu I think the last chart also reflects performance of experienced nurse players. PC red rank nurse is still at 65% kill rate. So I would assume, red ranks don't start nurse at red ranks. At least I started to train her after a rank reset to have a bit of a chance to hit someone. Most red ranks probably pick her because they already can handle her. And 65% is quite a good value, 3k on average before, now it is still 2.6 kills
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OK, fair enough. BTW, thank you really much for the stats guys. It's something relly nice to be able to see
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About the last part, I play Nurse pretty often and I suck at her (I'm a red ranks) and that's cause of the daylies, just have that in mind. Call it bad luck, but I get the one to hit survivors post blinking quite a lot...
Now, about the "being harder to escape", have in mind people are doing the challenges of the archives, whyle the killer ones promote you being ruthless, the survivor ones take you off the main objectives so...
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This content has been removed.
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Interesting, I was always wondering whether Doctor or Clown was worst killer in the game. I guess wrong. Guessed that Hex:Ruin doctor really keeps him a float. Poor clown can't catch a break with generators at red ranks.
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I actually believe the time he spends reloading his bottles is what's keeping him down, if you could just keep walking normally whyle reloading and even hit someone breaking the reload he'd be fine
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As an avid Clown player, the fact that Clown's the worst have been revealed to me since a long time.
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@Carlosylu @Devil_hit11 When I play against him, I normally experience that he is a pretty good loop breaker, even to hit through pallets as you can't see a **** when standing in the middle of the gas cloud. Some clowns really know what to do and the chases are done super quick.
For me, I just think his power pretty boring to use. That's why I don't really practice him and his daily is one of the few I reroll everytime. And actually, his stats are not that bad. I don't think that something in his mechanic is an issue
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I think it's 107% walking speed when he throws bottle and amount of base bottles he starts with that keeps him down. If you do math, you need get 2 hits within 4 bottles, that's around 2 bottles per hit. It's not that realistic. With huntress, you get 5 chances for 2 hits. It would make more sense if he had 5 or 6 bottles so he doesn't run out in chases. Dedicate servers latency issues mess up his bottles as well, so hopefully that get fixed one day. Just my personal opinion on it.
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The slow down from throwing doesn't even make sense now when Freddy's a thing, who can put down a constant stream of snares without having to stop to take a breather.
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I just want to take a moment to thank BHVR and whomever was involved in providing this data to take the time and to even present it in a visually appealing and clear way.
Most companies wouldn't bother and you have. Thank you. No matter how I might feel about a specific killer, map, or experience, this shows a lot and I am thankful it was provided.
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same. :)
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Oh, I can. I also escape in red ranks consistently. But those M1 killers all over performing? Nah.
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Pretty much this, lol. Played majority Bubba last month and had a blast beating out teams with him.
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Damn, that's true, I guess he need a rework like Freddy did
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We need oni stats now...