Freddy is overperforming

As we can see from the official stats, Freddy is, without a doubt, the most overperforming killer in both high and low rank play. Despite Spirit being the most popular pick at high ranks, Freddy outkills her, alongside being an altogether easier killer to master.
Nerfs when, devs?
Also lol @ nurse nerfs "barely affecting her"
I'm expecting a nerf to Forever Freddy build.
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rip freddy
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How about we get some buffs for the poor low end killers like clown,demogorgon, and NURSE.
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That would be a good place to start.
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Oh #########, I'm worried these stats might give them a justification to nerf him. Freddy is balanced how he is right now. I'm really really afraid right now.
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Same, bro. The Bloodlust nerf was justified but he doesn't need to be gutted. He just got good this year, don't kill him AGAIN, BHVR!
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Reminds me of another killer that was recently nerfed for 'overperforming' 😶
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Easier? Spirit is so easy to play and she has literally zero counter play.
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How about we buff people hmmmmm?
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enjoy him now before its too late mate.
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*Clown noises*
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"Zero counter play" 😂🤣
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The devs have already stated that their fine with Freddy how he is. I actually made a post about him asking "Is Freddy looking at a nerf" after his rework and was surprised by the amount of people who were completely fine with him as he currently is and considered him fun to play as and against. Heres the discussion if anyone is interested.
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Spirit was fine too, before the outcry began. I can hear the cries already...
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That would be nice but they will probably just nerf freddy; maybe MAYBE give Nurse a little boost.
I wouldn't expect much for the other underperformers though....but if they fix demo's clipping issue, his shred bug, and placing portals/his damn foot steps giving his location away.... I think he would be half decent anyways. (He is also still somewhat new and people are getting better with him slowly)
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People have been vocal about Spirit, and especially prayer beads for awhile now. The changes to Spirit that they implemented mostly left her basekit untouched and just tweeked her addons.
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If you played against freddy after the rework it was already VERY apparent they overtuned his kit, he can do what a bunch of unique killers can do all in one. He has teleporting, he has a clown flask (his dream snare) and he has broken add ons that are being abused nearly every game, especially if people ONLY play freddy (which means they dump all their bloodpoints into him) so there is a neverending supply of his add ons. He's high in line for a nerf, same with spirit imo.
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And what happens if/when the community decides to get vocal about freddy? One bugbear dies, another takes the crown from its corpse. There's no end to the calls for nerfs.
We need BUFFS for weak killers already.
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Which addons are you referring to?
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Exactly, the whining over Spirit has always been present. It's just that it wasn't the loudest, hate over the Nurse was. Complaints over Freddy, however, have been minimal since his rework and especially now that he had that slight bloodlust nerf. Forever Freddy is rough against weak survivors but against a good team, it slows the game down just enough to make it pretty fair for both sides.
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Leave Fredward alone!
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Never found the appeal of the build personally, since I like having abit of tracking and chase sprinkled in as well. Dont gotta make the game last half an hour if you can win within 10 minutes. This is my current build and choice addons. The addons are kinda whatever really, although I do wish he had more useful ones when using snares. I feel like the block addons were abit of missed opportunity that id gladly swap to using if they did...SOMETHING.
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I think it says something about Freddy when he performs so well, yet people don't really complain about him that much. It probably means that his kit has a better design than Nurse or Spirit's, which makes him more fun to play against. People often don't mind getting killed if they had fun, and the Killer felt fair to play against.
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Can be interrupted as both him being nerfed as soon as he was released, or him being burned alive in his lore...
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All of them that are purple +, even some of the greens are to strong imo.
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Yeah basically... Freddy feels more fair from a survivor perspective. Which is odd considering his kill-rate.
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I know why ppl generally dislike swingchains, but what do you dislike about pillbottle, class photo or Z block?
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Freddy is for sure strong, but he doesn't feel like garbage to play against. Spirit feels like garbage to play against. I think one of the main things that gives him a high kill rate is that he naturally negates BT.
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I can understand Class Photo tbh.
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His Dream Snares, Dream Pallets and teleports are all powerful, and he can slow the game down quite a bit, but it doesn't feel like BS or a guessing game when you play against him. When he teleports to a generator, you can see it coming before he arrives. When he places down a snare, you can see it before you step on it. When dream pallets are in play, you can keep track of which pallets have been used in order to avoid getting tricked by one.
So when Freddy beats you, it feels like he beat you because he played better than you, and not because his power reduces every chase to a guessing game where you cross your fingers and hope that he makes a mistake (Looking at you, Nurse/Spirit).
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Time to add slight tweaks in Freddy's gameplay!
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Enjoy the game before Is oficially dead man.
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This is a joke, right? Dream pallets are the most OP killer power in the game right now.
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Alot of Freddy users stay FAR from it due to being unable to fake-teleport with it. Personally... I avoid it on my BW when I can.
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Uhh... no? Just keep track of which pallets have been used and dream pallets will do nothing. Or wake up so they'll disappear.
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Is insane they really want to get killers turn info wraith tier. Insane ay ay ay ay i can't over bully this killer pls nerf.
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Man, brown rank freddy must be a dream to play against. (Get it?)
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I honestly cant tell if this was sarcasm or not. Were you joking or do you actually believe that?
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The game will be fine, for survivors at least.
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Oh right, I forgot you can use 4 perks that only counter her and try to walk when you think she is phasing
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Oh I have no arguments, guess I will type lmao or lol so the person knows how childish I am
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I did the math all killers are not over performing, none of them avg above 75% nor do people pick Freddy enough to sway the results.
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What's your last perk?
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save the best for last
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I love this double standard mental gymnastics people go through.
We want to balance the game around the top tier SWF Navy S.E.A.L squads, but when it comes to Killer we need to balance it around people drooling over their keyboard.
According to the RED RANK Killers stats, every Killer is performing above expectations.
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Because ranking up as killer is way harder than ranking up as survivors.
You can play half asleep most of your games and still get up to Rank 1. It's why rank means nothing, it's only a vague understanding of skill. But just because killers are performing better than average is not the be all end all of the discussion. Yes we see they are performing better than average but why exactly are they performing better than average?
Compared to some of the most coordinated SWF groups in the game, even a Spirit can struggle to get even a single kill. Balance should be based around the best players in the playerbase, not just based around a single rank. Which, again, as a reminder, in this game rank means nothing.
There's no incentive to stay in high ranks nor is it hard to get there in the first place. While it is harder for killers to rank up, both killer and survivor have an easy time pipping if they both played fairly well in a match. Even if you "lose" by the game's standards (Dying/Not getting majority of kills).
So people in high ranks may be full of potatoes and people in low ranks may be full of depip squads on both sides. We can't know for sure. That's why the stats shouldn't be the only thing to be put into consideration when balancing the game.