Sabotage Underwhelming

jacowwow Member Posts: 51
With all the hooks in the game it becomes pretty dfficult to wiggle free without the help of sabotage. Ive been playing another game that is similar to DbD and the 'hooks' stay broken because there are already alot and basement hooks stay forever. Its kind of annoying that sabotage by itself takes so long. You may want to clear an area of some hooks where you will be working, and that definitely takes away generator time. Youd think it may be worth it then, but the hooks automatically respawn after a short while. I think because of this is why you never see anyone making use of sabotage. On top of that, not too long ago, Hangmans Trick was added... but who actually uses it? youre hooks already respawn for you so thats two perks based around sabotage that were basically made for giggles because theyre not realy needed. Hooks respawn on their own by the time you broke enough in the area to be safe, the first one you broke already reappeared. I think it takes away from the expansive methods of gameplay. It's brought to everyones attenrion that there arent enough side objectives, just gen rushing.. well, this is why. everything else seems like a waste of time and is for no reason because the game undoes it in the killers favor anyway. Now Survivors will just work on generators because its the only thing worthwhile.


  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @jacowwow said:
    With all the hooks in the game it becomes pretty dfficult to wiggle free without the help of sabotage. Ive been playing another game that is similar to DbD and the 'hooks' stay broken because there are already alot and basement hooks stay forever. Its kind of annoying that sabotage by itself takes so long. You may want to clear an area of some hooks where you will be working, and that definitely takes away generator time. Youd think it may be worth it then, but the hooks automatically respawn after a short while. I think because of this is why you never see anyone making use of sabotage. On top of that, not too long ago, Hangmans Trick was added... but who actually uses it? youre hooks already respawn for you so thats two perks based around sabotage that were basically made for giggles because theyre not realy needed. Hooks respawn on their own by the time you broke enough in the area to be safe, the first one you broke already reappeared. I think it takes away from the expansive methods of gameplay. It's brought to everyones attenrion that there arent enough side objectives, just gen rushing.. well, this is why. everything else seems like a waste of time and is for no reason because the game undoes it in the killers favor anyway. Now Survivors will just work on generators because its the only thing worthwhile.

    in another game they made it to where the killer could always see hooks and in order for them to respawn the killer had to fix them which i thought was pretty cool. it doesnt take long but enough to make him stop to fix it instead of just letting it respawn by itself and maybe hangmans trick could reduce the time it takes to fix them

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    As a guy who originally mained Jake chiefly due to Saboteur let me tell you that I'm not super stoked about how near-worthless the perk is. I only really used it for bear traps nowadays but apparently those respawn too? Saboteur is a decent perk alone as it gives you flexibility. However to really get a use out of it you need to go all in. SirRodion on YouTube has a video that shows one way of going all in labeled "Dead by Jake". I would say more but that video really shows how to properly use the perk.
  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    I'm a newer player to the game, but from what I understand, it's weak now because it was stupidly powerful before. Before, the survivors could permanently break every single hook on the map, except the basement ones. That means even if they downed them, they couldn't drag them to basement to hook. This lead to killers downing everyone (so no one could heal each other), then trying to get them to the basement one at a time. Or maybe they let them bleed out, not sure. I didn't play then. No one liked it, but it was the natural conclusion to a bad meta.

    I personally think sabotage is currently underpowered, but the key is making it useful without making the game impossible for the killer, in the end. I think having a maximum of X (maybe 4, 5?) hooks being broken (or removed through the offering) at any time, and if any more are broken, the last one repairs, is the best option. However, this would require a lot of playtesting and tweeking, to ensure that the slugging meta doesn't need to make a return.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Wiggling is only there such that the killer can't brig everyone into the basement
    You are not supposed to be able to wiggle off when he brings you to the closest hook and yet due to broken map design there are places where you can't reach a hook in time 
  • jacowwow
    jacowwow Member Posts: 51
    Master said:
    Wiggling is only there such that the killer can't brig everyone into the basement
    You are not supposed to be able to wiggle off when he brings you to the closest hook and yet due to broken map design there are places where you can't reach a hook in time 
    but theres iron grasp and agitation. The offering to spawn more hooks, Hangmans Trick, etc
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    The key to Saboteur lies in Empathy. You should by no means ever completely sabotage a hook unless it's by an opened exit and you're leaving. The hooks stay broken for 3 minutes, so make those minutes count. Sabotage hooks to 98-99% then when the killer brings over your friend just run in and finish the job. Experiment and test perks until you find a set that help you achieve your goal. As for Agitation and Iron Grasp, just be ready to run to another hook. The only counter is Hangman's, which will only really be seen during hook related events.
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Ok so many people may not know this but their was a time hook saboing was a thing. Permanent destruction of a hook no fixing. It created the most hated meta of all time. The slug meta. If a killer didn't have any hooks they would knock all the survivors down and bleed them all out. it was long boring and dull. Imagine if killers could smash a gen completely overtime that was the equivalent to what you did to a killer. Camping survivors became standard fair if you managed to hook a survivor during this meta. Also hooks are incredibly fast to break with a sabo box with decent add-ons. I would make sabo more effective for breaking totems. Hook saboing was and still is an ill-thought out plan that basically deny the killer their objective. It had very little counter-play and was ridiculously fast.