Don’t blame the devs

Guys, we all need to agree the devs hardly get any type of good feedback. Let’s be honest, any new changes to the game. Some people are happy but not all of them. With every game, any new changes comes new issues. The devs are the doing the best they can to make DBD well balanced for everyone. Tell me what do you think that needs a change in the game?
I blame you for not using any paragraphs...
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What are you going on about with that giant run on paragraph? I don't read wall of text.
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They literally created this - who else is to blame?
We've been voicing our concerns since it was conceived. When we saw the difficulty of the future challenges we voiced that. We were told that those were "placeholders" and yet they havent changed anything as far as I can see.
The challenges are boring and grindy. They encourage throwing the game. It was a bad idea executed poorly.
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i realized it was to long so I made it shorter.
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Devs: give players a means of giving feedback
Also devs: ignores feedback
We can blame the devs for their own mistakes. They leaked the tome 4 challenges to guage people's reactions and despite people being overwhelmingly negative, there seems to be no change in pace. I'm definitely gonna pass on the next rift.
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I blame them for not thinking the stats they posted through. That's about it though.
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Hope this is sarcasm. If not: really poor bait.
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This game has the potential to be a gem in the gaming industry due to how unique it is.
A shame to see its current state after 3 years
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Yes yes. Let’s not blame the only people who are able to make changes to the game. Why can’t we have a voice? We already gave our money to the developers so why shouldn’t we be able to give feedback and express our opinions? Yes I understand the devs are people and not machines, but to say we shouldn’t give criticism for the lack of listening to the community and money being the highest agenda doesn’t make sense.
Like @Sairek said, the majority of the community did NOT want the battlepass yet we got it. What was the point of asking the community if you’re going to ignore us anyways?
People who constantly asked for legion to get a proper rework or buff and even shared good ideas were flat out ignored and got hit with a nerf.
All the “We’ll be monitoring” that has been ignored or the devs just stopped completely on sucks and feels like a lie. We never got data from legion after months, nurse, and now spirit.
I’d include more examples but Sairek nailed pretty much everything. I would just like it if the devs talked to us more, listened to us more, read really good ideas people have, ask us questions that they’ll ACTUALLY listen too if we agree or disagree on something, and not tell us “we’ll look into it” every time.
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Are you a shill?
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Great post dude. Glad you took the time to list all those major issues. I'm interested to see the BHVR apologists respond to it.
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It's the devs job to fix this game.
Community gives enough feedback from both sides.
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A lot of people voiced their feedback about Nurse’s changes and Legion’s, only to be ignored. The Devs are to blame for their own flaws, and that’s not to be rude, but when you blatantly ignore feedback on a daily basis, such as, the current Legion changes, and ignore it in favor of focusing on buffing an already good perk that didn’t need to be buffed, as no one had asked for it to be buffed, meaning that it was already good:
then there’s a problem with your mindset. Let’s not forget that there’s been plenty of posts in the past of people voicing their concerns over the Archive’s challenges being too situational and questionable, only to have them ignore all feedback given and just go through with their plans anyways.
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I haven’t seen people ask for mindbreaker buffs in awhile, does that make it good? BT is a good perk but nobody asking to buff a perk doesn’t necessarily make it good.
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Groot, I love you, but there has to be a point where I draw a line in the sand and say ‘that’s enough’ to the Devs. Legion has had 3 consecutive nerfs that only aimed to buff Borrowed Time, and I’m getting sick of it.
And don’t think I’m taking my anger out on you, you’re one of the greatest people on these forums and I love ya to death, but I can’t just sit back anymore and continue to let stuff like this carry on and expect things to get better for a Killer I genuinely love and care for that only continues to be nerfed because the balance team doesn’t know what to do. And that’s not being rude to them either, I just want them to know that they need to start looking into Legion and figuring out how to fix them instead of continuing to nerf them and expect people to give up on them until they rework them in about two years, similar to Freddy.
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@Chaotic_Riddle by all means, voice your opinion, I just kinda wanted to point out something that I noticed.
@Sairek I also saw people calling fixated trash and inner strength op on release, not saying that mindbreaker is good, because it isn’t but people say a lot of things when something is new.
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really, lets just pretend that each issue that Sairek listed was a small fire.
not too unrealistic in a metaphorical sense.
so there's a small fire in our kitchen, we tell bhvr about it, they respond with
"we're aware of a minor fire in the kitchen, we will monitor the situation and get back to you."
then you proceed to tell them about another fire and they send back the same generic response.
then someone else points out a third fire, and yet again, they passively address the situation and ultimately ignore it.
at what point does "hey guys, there's a small fire you might want to address." turn into "HOLY HELL, THE WHOLE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!! SEND HAAALP!" ???
we've been communicating with them for months upon months upon years about a variety of issues, but they would rather devote their time to some obnoxious pay-wall grind fest of a battlepass than to fix the myriad of issues that their playerbase actually gives a flying ######### about...
I may not uninstall the game, but you can forget getting another dime from me until bhvr gets its act together and starts treating its playerbase better.
BS lies are outright unacceptable.
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I don’t have much trouble with DS, I’m rarely ever hit by it.
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Decisive strike doesn't bother me either but I have a certain play style that makes it not a problem. He does have a point though the devs do not listen and they brush aside valid complaints or outright ignore them even though we're the customers that are putting money in their pockets. This is not a smart way to run a business.
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This video sums out Behavior's priorities since a long while back. As long as people buy skins and DLCs and battle pass tiers, player opinion and game be damned.