Fix the 2nd hook phase
I HATE having to button mash for more than a few seconds. It just isn't necessary, and it's not fun, it's just ######### annoying. It can even lead to you missing an input for half a second, and you die just like that. Just keep the struggle animation and it's the exact same except no tedious mashing.
Or you lag die because of killer internet like what just happened to me.
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Or the game lags because of the exposed state pops up.
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Ignoring this entirely,
I agree the button mashing is dumb and the reasoning for it is lame. There are far better ways to achieve the same result without the tedious and annoying apects we have now.
- skill checks every few seconds (really easy so even potatoes won't struggle with them but they still force you to be there and paying attention)
- some sort of puzzle dynamic
- etc... literally anything is better/more thought provoking than mashing a single button over and over. repetition =/= engaging or skillful.
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*laughs in mousewheel*
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This is a funny quote. Do people go get a drink during first hook then?
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Please yes! No more Struggle.
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Well this is a ridiculous excuse from bhvr. I can simply jump into a locker and get my drink anyway. Or you know, I just don't bother struggling and get my drink.
Is getting something to drink during a match illegal nowadays? Jeez, get rid if this 0 IQ braindead mechanic designed for donkeys already.
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Ah, crying over nothing. Now, you might tell me "It's not nothing!" but it is. The first hook allows you to sit there and do nothing, maybe even afk for a super quick second to get a bottle of water or if you prefer to stay in your chair, you can click your mouse button to wiggle your character on the hook to let your team know the killer is there.
But on the second hook your poor little finger has to hit a button... I... I don't see a problem. I tried to think of a problem it brings but I couldn't. I've never died on 2nd hook due to ANY kind of lag, I only die on second hook when my finger slips away from the spacebar for a second by accident and hits one of my letter keys which RARELY happens. I'm sure BHVR just wants to make it harder and wants you to have to work for it to stay alive instead of continuously making every little TINY thing easier for survivors. I feel if you're just given the chance to stay alive without doing ANYTHING, then you don't deserve it. Now, I use the term "work for it" lightly since button mashing isn't really doing much work still anyway but you also shouldn't get to just sit there for a 2nd time doing nothing. So maybe they could still have us do something else on Stage 2 instead of button mashing but I do feel there should be something instead of nothing.
Either way, out of all the things I've seen people complain about this is probably in my top 5 pointless. You have to hit a button, okay, is it going to kill you irl? No.
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In some ways, you're right. Today was the first day I've even considered complaining about it, because I've been playing nonstop survivor as opposed to my preferred killer gameplay just to get the safe unhooks challenge which takes forever to complete because teammates steal the hooks or the killer camps. I was button mashing as usual one of the matches, and I missed a single input and died. Does that seem fair to you, to leave an entire hook state up to 1 missed input out of like 100? All of that made me post this. And yeah, I get it guys, you're big strong macho men who like to call people weaklings for "whining over their fingers hurting" even though that's a false assumption because it doesn't hurt. It's just BS annoying to have to do when you can just not and get the same exact effect. "Oh, we need players to FEEL that they're being attacked on the hook by the entity!" Guess what? Basing gameplay aspects off of "the lore" is the easiest and dumbest way to ruin the game. So please, just remove the damn stupid, meaningless hook mash and maybe that'll be the one single day where the thought doesn't cross my mind that "this game is has been horribly mishandled down to the smallest detail".