About the Next Archive

I hope that for the next Archives set released the Devs do more challenges that can be done over multiple games. It gives an incentive to play and doesn't make a player stress when they probably won't get their single trial challenges done.
Next tome? You mean next archive? I don't think they gonna change current format until archive is done.
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Sure but I could do with less of the "X 15 times" challenges. Those are glorified daily rituals than "challenges".
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Yeah, yeah, sorry. Next Archive.
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See, I want more of those. I enjoy doing them more than blinding the killer twice in a game.
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I agree, I don't mind taking time to work toward something if progress is steady, even if a little slow. The Do Instantly challenges are indeed stressful and don't make me look forward to the future challenges. I really want to unlock the lore and such, I don't want it to be a headache but a fun little reward for some extra goals.
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I mean they could always make something like "Blind killer 2 times" but doesn't need to be in a single game. I want more things to go for rather than "Oh just repair 15 generators" like you would have done anyway.
I particularly like challenges that require certain perks because it has you change your build up for it.
I just dislike the generic "ritual" and grind challenges like 15 gens / sacrifices. Or the "earn Blood points" one.
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True, true. I want more like "be chased/chase with x perk for x seconds" or something like that. Get some non-meta perks going.
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My thoughts exactly.
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So first my overall thoughts...I love the archives as a whole. They give me something extra to work towards and get some decent cosmetic stuff for them. I do agree with most here that the complete "x" in a single trial in most cases sucks. It's more stressful than fun but I do them.
I want to solidify my feelings here before the next point cause I know I'm going to get blasted...I do like the archives... that said I feel overall they are for the more hardcore players and not the casual players. Reason I feel this way... the dev said anyone should be able to complete all of the archives by playing 1 hour a day. Let's average this out. Between wait times and all that crap you can realistically expect around 3 matches per hour. So over the course of the 21 days for this page you would play approximately 63 matches... no way you complete the entire page with 63 matches when 1 trial is escape 10 trials (that's minimum 10 matches) entirely use 8 keys (that's typically going to be another 8 rounds) unhook 25 survivors (even say you are getting 5 per match there's another 5 rounds). At this point you've only completed 3 challenges and you are a third of the way through your 63 matches for playing an hour a day... so again I like the archives and I will be completing it (mostly because I have no life! 🤣) but I feel it's unrealistic to say it can all be completed with 1 hour a day of play time... sorry for the super long drawn out comment! Lol
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More "...do [action] XX times" and much, much less luck-based "do [action] X times in a single trial." That is all. And maybe spice it up a bit and make it more focused on the survivor/killer at the moment. You think Claudette is big on unhooking other folks when she doesn't even want to be around other folks? Nah. Think Trapper gets a killer chub during EGC? Nah. Though I think they did focus better on Trapper than Claudette this time. Way too much blinding and unhooking when her sole life is botanicals and healing.
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Personally I dislike the ones that are very specific, like the flashlight blind one, as I have no interest in flashlights as an item and never use them.
I do think behaviour are caught between a rock and a hard place with these challenges though. Make them too simple, and they just feel like additional grind, make them too weird and out there, and many players are not going to like running specific builds, killers etc.
Overall, I've found them a good addition to the game, but I do think that the issues people have with them now will always be there.
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But what about people who don't do gens and only play catch with the killer? The "do 15 generators" is a challenge.
And the flashlight blind is something that would have been done every game so it's not a departure from regular gameplay.
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You perfectly sum it up though. That's exactly it. And I love them too - just SOME could definitely be improved.
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Just a thought... the difficulty or "grindy" part of these challenges wouldn't be as painful if we were able to work on say a couple at a time? This probably wouldn't ever happen but for instance "escape 10 trials" is minimum 10 rounds realistically more like 20+ for the average player. I know I don't escape every other round. Of course I'm a more risky type player by nature but if you were able to work on that one and say "fully depleted 8 keys" at the same time. You could still be doing challenges but not having to run double the rounds to achieve it...
Community thoughts here? Again this was just brainstorming
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Just for the record, you were actually equally correct the first time - the next Tome (collection of challenges with 4 time-gated levels) will release as part of the next Archive, alongside the next Rift.
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yeah, they should be combined; let us combine lets say 2 challenges at once to reduce the rediculous grind by the system and as you said you can never ever complete with casual play alone.
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This definitely would help a ton
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They supposedly were changing the level 3 challenges today... has anyone seen these changes yet? They have not changed on PS4 as of yet...
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They been delayed for everyone until next week
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Really? Sho probably Tuesday with the weekly reset?
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It's unfortunate that all of Trapper's challenges are just "X traps" and we've only had "escape as Claudette" so far.
I enjoy that all of their perks have been represented in challenges now, though. This tome has been a bit altruism overload but that largely comes from healing and unhooking challenges ON TOP OF healing with Claudette's perks.
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I wouldn't mind them as glorified dailies if the BP and Shards or whatever they are called were worth the investment.
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I do agree but at the same time I don't think the challenges need to give more BP. As a whole they give plenty but having more is always nice.
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I think the reward should be equal to the challenge. At least the DNA shard thing should be improved.
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I just disagree. I like the current ratio and don't think it needs improving. The point of the grinding ones is to keep you playing but it's actually a good thing because it keeps you working towards something while also earning rift fragments from playing in general. It's just a time sink, nothing more.
You still have your dailies for quick and dirty BPs.
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It's because they said that the battle pass should be able to finished by the casual player of a hour a day. Yet I dont see that honestly happening. My friend plays roughly 2 hours a day and isnt even level 25.
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Yes... this thread has several topics going on at once here for the archives... personality I don't have any issues with the rewards. I'm not running archives for the BP myself. I'm doing it for the rift and cosmetics... my main issue is "it can all be completed by the casual with 1 hour a day of play time" which my longer post from a few days ago explains why that isn't possible so not gonna beat a dead horse! 🤣
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Why should players “stress“ with a videogame?
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Didn’t read the thread, so this may have been mentioned already.
What needs to be changed for the next Archive is the ability to select multiple challenges simultaneously. 1 for killer. 1 for survivor. And 1 general (like emblems or bloodpoints or something.)
There’s nothing worse than wasting time on a specific challenge which is very circumstantial requirements (ie rescue after EGC starts) and making no progress on others. Then when you switch, you actually get a match that would’ve worked for the hard one!