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What do you main and why? Please be honest

vossler25 Member Posts: 416

What do you main and why? Please be honest 109 votes

Killer, cause it's easy
EnderloganYTLULKEK 2 votes
Survivor, cause it's easy
GibberishCnich65 2 votes
Killer, most enjoyable
BossASpazNamedStevePandomMister_xDTapeKnotSN1P3R5G3TH3ADTheRockstarKnightJallybwanABannedCatRullisiStreytz11jasonq500pleasedontbetoxic117GlamourousLeviathantenoresaxBeanSnippingGhostFaceMain123 17 votes
Survivor, most enjoyable
FoggyDownpourFibijeanarslaNTheetisgrayon444Elkme7lingualAxX7891Mert_MKGrootDudeAngryFluffyoTechnicDustyDan31[Deleted User]toxicjeffmain123NeonSystemThomasthetrainHayTPokUndershot 20 votes
Killer, it's a challenge
WeederickJnnsMuLoverOfDemogorgonUncirtyne 4 votes
Survivor, it's a challenge
ppo8820 1 vote
Both, depends if friends on
Immersed_P3_NeaAjaxGuntersonRattmanInjiInnCognitoRieExerlinSteenGooierSkeletalEliteBenZ0Boosted_Dwight[Deleted User]rch614AwakeyRaven014fly_172pichumudkipMrsGhostfaceSupaSlay3r20zmassani 26 votes
Both, cause both sides fun
AdelooCrtKazzGamer00AcesthetiicPluMegaWafflead19970drunky26_HSboom04_trevorj91xEaWalker_of_the_fog_96then4321XxkuroxshiroxXtoxicmeggMysticAdvisorDr_LoomisAhoyWolfSaitamfedDeadVision 37 votes


  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    Both, depends if friends on

    Well I misclicked already, I meant the bottom for myself

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    Survivor, most enjoyable

    I have loads of friends that play survivor and it's what I find most enjoyable. I definately play killer, but I'm kinda in and out with how much I play on that side. Depends on my mood tbh

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,425
    Both, cause both sides fun

    If I want a challenge or to have fun (or more bloodpoints) I play Killer, if I don't want to tryhard that much and have fun I play Survivor.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    edited November 2019
    Both, depends if friends on

    I'll play solo survivor sometimes but I generally enjoy playing with a friend. If I'm bored of survivor then I'll play Killer :P

    Edit: My vote is a combination of the last two choices :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Survivor, most enjoyable

    I play killer occasionally for challenges and such, and I have fun with it, but survivor is my favourite because I enjoy stealth and cooperation.

  • Albtraum
    Albtraum Member Posts: 5
    Both, cause both sides fun

    When playing just for fun, I main killers. I find it hard to be a survivor cause I cant really look and I don't get as much satisfaction out of it. Friends can make being a survivor fun due to banter, I always seem to get hate messages when playing survivor.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547
    Both, depends if friends on

    I usually dislike playing Solo Survivor, so I only play when friends are on.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    Both, cause both sides fun

    Use to play only killer then around end of year 1 I started playing a ton of survivor. Now I play both but I still prefer the role of killer because potato teammates can be far to common.

    Current killer I "main" is Hag.

    Current survivor I "main" is Feng because she has ALL the perks unlocked. Working on getting Claudette all the perk and she is getting close.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    Both, cause both sides fun

    At the beginning I only played a survivor (without friends) I thought that playing as a killer was difficult and I was afraid of losing.

    Now I know that if I lose how killer is "and what does it matter?" and I continue with the next game :)

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    Survivor, most enjoyable

    I only play killer for challenges. I really love survivor because stealth, co-op and design/lore.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Both, depends if friends on

    However I still think being Killer can be a bit stressful cause if you mess up, no one can make up for your mistakes except you. You may have bad luck at some survivor matches but at least there's a team backing you up, specially if it's with friends.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    Killer, most enjoyable

    i just dont find the survivor gameplay to be very appealing to me tbh.

    that said, i wouldnt really call myself a bad survivor eigther. like, i escape most of the time, though i just dont enjoy it that much.

    i guess thats mostly due to me playing solo survivor and therefore having to rely on random team mates whic hsometimes can be... difficult to say the least.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623
    Both, cause both sides fun

    I play both roles but I am more of a survivor. The reason? It's easier to find a match.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Killer, cause it's easy

    well there's no "I like money" option so this was the next best thing

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249
    Killer, it's a challenge

    I like to play Legion. Gives me a bare minimum of mobility and some information. Other than that, I just need to outplay the survivors hard in order to win.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Both, cause both sides fun

    ...but other players' behaviour can spoil the experience, sadly.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Both, depends if friends on

    I prefer killer because I hate playing survivor. I can only stand it if Im with friends...

    And my main killers are Legion and Freddy. They're really good with information and dealing with loops if you know how. They also can apply pressure easily too.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686
    Both, cause both sides fun

    I like both sides but I think I'm more of a survivor player as I enjoy it a lot more than killer.

    I still like killer and I'd play it a lot more if it wasn't for all the toxic survivors that make me not want to touch killer ever again.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    Both, depends if friends on

    I get what you mean, too much

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    Both, cause both sides fun

    I enjoy playing both sides but I'd be a lier if I didn't say playing Killer is far more stressful for me then playing Survivor.

  • Toxic_Plag
    Toxic_Plag Member Posts: 42

    None, because I play both but when I get mad when I’m playing killer/survivor I switch to the opposite role

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    Both, depends if friends on

    Then click the both sides option I gave?

  • inthelive
    inthelive Member Posts: 4
    Both, cause both sides fun

    It depends. If there are no friends playing rn , I'm playin Killer.

    However if I'm playing with friends, I'm playing Survivor.

    But I actually prefer to play as the killer .

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    Both, depends if friends on

    I did put an option for depends if friends are on :)

  • DeadByGayDwight
    DeadByGayDwight Member Posts: 58
    Both, cause both sides fun

    Both sides have their pros and cons and when I'm burned out from one, I'll play the other.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    Survivor, it's a challenge

    I play killer once in a while but it’s so crazy easy. I end up memeing with the last player just to have fun and extend the game time.

    survivor is much more difficult with a crazy learning curve. I like the challenge in fair games but most have been so toxic it’s been a drag.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    Survivor, most enjoyable

    I play both but prefer survivor.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    Killer, most enjoyable

    In theory killer. Its more interactive, and interesting. In practise, its also very stressful, though, so I am quite often switching to survivors for easy games.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889
    Both, depends if friends on

    I usually play killer when I'm alone and survivor when my friends are on.