Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Can the state of the servers be officially addressed by the developers?

SensualPotato Member Posts: 86
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

What I mean by this is it would be really nice to hear an in-depth comment from the developers regarding killer/survivor interactions on the servers, and how in almost every scenario the killer is prioritized and favored in chases. Vague statements aren't really cutting it. What are the plans? Do they know what the problem is? Can they even fix it?

If I go down because I was outplayed, ok, that's perfectly fine, the killer earned that. But if I am constantly losing chases because I am getting whacked 4 feet through windows, over pallets when my feet are already touching the ground, or after pallet stuns, I feel robbed. It just sucks when you die in this game because mechanics aren't even working.

Killers definitely have their fair share of bull going on thanks to servers now, but from personal experience playing both sides 50/50 (red ranks), I have gotten very liberal with my lunges as killer because I know there is like an 80% chance it's going to land, when previously it never would had.

Another issue is I am sure it looks perfectly normal from the killers' POV, but from survivors' POV it just looks like some insane 10 foot lunge with an extra 5 feet of an invisible hitbox. I know this is the case because thanks to latency, the killers are actually physically closer than they appear to survivors, which is exactly why survivors' timing for everything is off by a second. That is plenty of time to 'mess up' and lose a chase.

Examples of the bullcrap survivors are having to deal with, even with green ping (had to edit since embed doesn't work apparently):






Post edited by SensualPotato on


  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Videos wont play for me, but i agree with your post regardless of the evidence provided. Been in these situations multiple times. Also been hit with huntress hatches when im completely behind a wall or tree

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    For me what really gets me is when I hit Dead Hard and I get exhausted, but still get hit. Pallet and window hits are always gonna be there, but the Dead Hard thing is easily what I hate the most, especially since I'm a bad player and when I successfully Dead Hard it feels like a big deal, and I just feel robbed of that.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,366

    The thing is, from the killer's perspective you are not 4 meters away when they hit you. You are within striking distance. Are we to expect killers to predict survivor perspective position in order to get hits? Swing into thin air and hope the survivor is there?

    The issue I see is a lack of a killer ping in lobby. If you know the killer has 200ms delay to the server you could adjust your timing to their actions better.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    I cant see your videos they dont seem to work OP.

    On topic i have very heavy server issues on the killer side but especially on nurse.

    1. With nurse you get teleported around after your blink mostly backwards but sometimes forward too and even to very random locations.
    2. During fatigue your game sometimes speeds up.
    3. Sometimes the server wont accept that you charged your blink and blink like you just pressed the button instead of holding.
    4. Sometimes the server wont accept that you pressed/held the blink button at all.

    Other killer issues:

    Huntress hatches connect play the hit animation/blood but no dmg.

    Downed survivors are teleported around not too far but still. (all killers)

    Grabbing sometimes just dosent work.

    Kicking a generator is started canceled and then started again making it not only look awkward but take longer.

    And thats just to name a few with good ping to servers of under 30 to maximum of 50 and a stable internet connection.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    Like I said, it affects killers too, but for survivors it's literally every game in every chase. I mentioned I play killer just as much as I do survivor, and very rarely are the servers causing me to lose my games when I'm on killer. But they're losing me games as survivor quite often.

    People are running vault builds now very consistently since things like sliding over a pallet or 'fast vaulting' through a window does nothing.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I don't really think dedicated servers are favouring either side right now, the amount of issues I've seen (and experienced) both sides having from them is quite ridiculous.

    I totally agree with you though, that I hope the devs address how the servers are right now and what they feel about them, acknowledging a lot of the problems that have been caused by them and what they plan to do with them next.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577

    Hag as well has some nasty issues that pop up. There's a definite server tick aspect to her teleportation. Sometimes I can teleport before I get the notification, and other times the survivor is 10 meters away even though I'm spamming the teleport button as fast as I can. I actually teleported in place multiple times last night, which was...awesome. Both Hag and Nurse randomly tier 1 Myers lunge coming out of their power.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    Oh right. ALso myers stalking resets sometimes so you lose your progress/power.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    Yeah, I play mostly Myers when I queue up as killer, and yes, the stalking is definitely broken. It still hasn't lost me any games, though. I just adjusted to anticipating it.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Ok now saw the videos. Yeah, huge problem. I really hope they have some kind of a plan to fix this bullshit.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I disagree with you, survivors are getting the worse end of the stick on most of these issues, and we only have limited time before the entity takes us.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    servers are fine most of the time, at least for me.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    I have to ask, but how much time do you put into survivor in terms of ratio to time in killer? I mentioned I put 50/50 into both sides because I get a pretty good data sample of server experiences on both sides. And I can confidently say the survivor side of things on the servers are consistently game losing problems.

    Yeah, it sucks when there's a gen kick delay, or your animation grab just doesn't happen, or auto aim screws you up on one swing. But those are not happening in every interaction I have with survivors. But the moment I start getting chased by a killer, I am getting hit mid air out of a two-story window, hit through pallet stuns, or the killer randomly teleports to the same side of the pallet I am on after a stun and if they have Enduring I go down anyways.

    I have yet to lose a game as killer from a server-related problem. The videos in my post are working now, if you want to check out what every game feels like for a survivor.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I play more killer, but I do play both. I'm rank 1 on both sides rn so I've put decent time into both this 'season'.

    The reason I disagree is 'cause I haven't experienced the bullshit hits as survivor in nearly the same frequency as you've been saying. Like you say you are consistently losing games because of this? I don't believe you're lying at all, I just don't have the same experience.

    The most common dedicated server problems I get as survivor have been DH being much less consistent than before, even with how little I use the perk (the amount of times you get exhausted on the ground without it triggering is way more than it used to be), and Huntress hatchets being really bullshit.

    However I don't know why we're arguing this lol, we both want the same thing of devs bringing up these issues and wanting them addressed and improved.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    I don't think we're arguing at all. I'm just discussing it with you. The links I provided of people getting hit a block away from the window are things that happen to me at least once per match, I'm not even joking. Are they the reason I lose every chase? Absolutely not. I totally ######### loops up sometimes just like anyone else, but there is at least 1 hit per game that lands when it shouldn't have.

    It's just annoying having these servers turn me off from the game.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    See that makes me wonder if different regions' servers differ much, like what region do you play in?

    That's insane if you get those issues every match, my ratio of those is not even close to that.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    I know it sounds absurd, but that's why I clip those hits so much because it happens to me constantly. It's really weird, but there are actually a few frames I can see where my survivor model actually sort of...goes backwards a bit? Or like freezes in place before moving forward? It's extra obvious using Lithe or a vault build.

    I'm EST in the US.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I play in EU. Curious to hear from other EU survivors if they get these problems with the same frequency as you.

    I'm putting my tin foil hat on.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86

    The clips I took are also all from streamers in the US.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 83

    This is alarming. I just started playing a couple weeks ago and I've been studying tutorial videos and my own terrible gameplay to get better in chases. Of course in many cases it's clear why I get hit by the killer because I'm just bad and I make poor decisions or poorly executed actions. But in other cases I'm baffled because I feel like I do the right thing and get hit anyway. I guess this discussion vindicates that. My point is that it's not just red rank players who are justifiably upset about server problems. It makes it really hard for new players to improve.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,366

    Before servers it was P2P with the killer as host. So before you had to deal with the ping to the killer and BHVR's netcode. Now you have your ping to the server plus the killers ping to the server and BHVR's netcode to deal with.

  • SensualPotato
    SensualPotato Member Posts: 86
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, like, I love this game and I recommend it to a lot of people, but I also give that recommendation with a lot of fair warnings as well. And as Mr_K pointed out, it's a multi-layered problem, and not something that can get tackled at a single source. But I dunno, give us more transparency with what the plans are for fixing these problems?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This game was developed as p2p and was never coded to be on dedicated server. That's a change that they just rushed to go live without proper testing. I have a feeling the 'dedicated severs' were implemented simply as a relay to the killer, forcing a p2p architecture to fit. The killer effectively is still the host in that case and if they have bad ping then latency hits are more likely.