The rift is still too grindy



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Except you don't have to play for 4 hours a day. You don't even have to play 7 games a day, because you don't need to grind out one tier every day to finish the Rift. You can complete half of Level 1 in 4 hours and that alone will give you three or four Rift tiers easily. All you need to do is complete all the challenges, and maybe play a few extra games beyond that to grind out the last few tiers. There are many people in this thread alone who also have busy lives with a lot of commitments, and are doing fine, because they have been playing steadily since the start.

    My brother started playing two weeks ago - he only has an hour or two to play after work, and he's already at tier 30, just because he's been playing consistently and doing challenges. As many others have pointed out, you can't take a month-long break from these things and expect to still be able to complete the entire track by playing a few hours here and there. The grind is not as bad as you're making it out to be, but as I said before, not everyone is going to be able to complete it and that's okay. "Casual players" doesn't mean "all players".

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Its still very much possible to do even when played casually. I dont get to play very much during the week due to working a full time job and an hour commute each way, so my gaming time is pretty much just restricted to the weekends. Even with that being the case, Im still at rift lvl 40 atm with PLENTY of challenges still left to do to get further.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If you don't consider the Rift Pass valuable and would rather purchase the cosmetics you want from the Store later, that's totally up to you. That's why the pass is optional. Personally, I consider it great value and am planning to buy it once I reach tier 70, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

    Also, no one would have a case to sue. There was no deception here. They have said since before the Archives were even released that the exclusives would become available in the Store at some stage after their respective Rift has ended.

    This is from "The Archives" page on the official website: "If you missed some rewards in The Rift, most of them will eventually be available in our in-game store after a minimum period of 6 months."

    This is from the "Welcome to the Archives" blog post, also on the official website, which was published about a month before the release of the first Archives: "Most rewards will be exclusively available via The Archives for a period of time and released into the Store at least 6 months after their Rift has ended."

    And this is a quote from a post I made which summarised everything that was said in the October 31 Dev Stream (also before the release of the Archives). The quote is not directly from the stream, but the information comes straight from the devs: "Items on each Rift will become available in the store around one year after their respective Rift closes. Seasonal items, like Halloween skins, will return to the store during the next relevant holiday season. It is still being discussed whether these items will be available for shards or just cells."

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    All the challenges in the tomes in all four levels give 350 fragments, the rift needs 690(the first tier is automatically unlocked)

    So to unlock the rest of the rift you need to farm 340 fragments by exp.

    1 fragment = 800 exp

    10 fragments = 1 tier

    8000 exp = 1 tier

    You get around 600 exp ( hard capped ) per match with the emblems. So to unlock one tier you need to play about 13 games.

    Since you will unlock 35 tiers by completing the challenges ( in all four levels) you need 34 tiers to unlock by exp.

    34x13 = 442 games on average

    The math says otherwise.

    13 games for a single tier bruh give me a break

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The average game length is around 12 mins.

    7 matches means 1h24m of actual playtime. If you say the rift takes 4-5 hours that means the queue times are around 22m to 31m between each match which tbh I've only seen happen to players around ranks 20-15 or at certain times of day in quiet regions.

    To be fair its not as grindy as first thought and its also why they gave the option of waiting to see how far you progress before buying it.

    As a battlepass its really quite fair and I feel you cut off your nose to spite your face by taking a break after buying it as you lost out.

    The battlepass is designed to entice people to play the game and keep the numbers up. It's logical it should take an amount of time.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You seem to be forgetting that you have to play games in order to complete challenges. The majority of that XP you just calculated will be earned organically while working your way through the Tome.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    While I agree that you can earn that XP organically, you cannot deny how absurd it is to ask a person with an average of 1 hour worth of play time to complete that.

    Like others said, queue times waste valuable time rather than getting into games and earning that XP. Also, not all games will give you 600 XP because games are unpredictable and can wield different results.

    Currently, I only play Dead by Daylight on the weekends, and you might quickly say, "Nick, of course your going to struggle if you only play on the weekends," However, I spend around 5 hours on Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes, Sundays. Therefore, within one week I'm playing 10 to 15 hours, so on a good weekend, I'm actually playing a little over 2 hours on average.

    As of today, I'm on tier 32 in The Rift and have not touched Tomb I Level III — I'm just about to finish Level II. I expect to gain 15 tiers from completing all of level III with the accumulated XP. With me being expected to be at tier 47 and need to earn 23 tiers within the last level of the Tomb...

    You're really pushing me here.

    I know BHVR isn't perfect, but adding in certain things to help us wouldn't hurt, too. I suggest that Daily Rituals give 3 or 5 Rift Fragments depending on their difficulty level. 😁🤗

    Maybe add some offerings that grants the player 100% bonus XP?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As I said in a previous comment, I'm not denying that the 70-80 hour estimate was probably pretty far off. But we also won't know just how far until the Rift is over and we can actually look at the data and evaluate it. Leaving the time estimate aside, the Rift itself was clearly carefully designed with a lot of factors taken into account. And maybe they missed the mark somewhat. But until the Rift is over, we can't possibly know with very much accuracy whether it was too much for "casual" players or not, because we haven't finished testing it.

    And this thread isn't really about people who only play an hour a day. The OP seems to be trying to suggest that they deserve to be able to complete the entire Rift, even though they have, by their own choice, not played the game in the last month.

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    The only thing that bothers me is challenges being too difficult to accomplish within one trial.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I read the thread again, and this thread also talks about how grindy The Rift is as well — which makes my point still relevant to the topic. OP already knows they don't deserve the completion of the Rift because they said they took breaks. OP's focus in this thread is on WHY (s)he quit playing for a while. That being: The Rift being too grindy. OP obviously want this problem to be solved, and that's why I'm offering solutions — as well as agreeing to OP's points.

    With that said, I can sympathize a lot for BHVR here because it's their first time doing something like this — of course they won't get it perfect the first time or maybe even the second. It's okay to admit that BHVR didn't get The Rift right the first time — I expected they wouldn't because as mentioned above, it's their first time. Now, to be fair, I wouldn't say it's as grindy as some people make it out to be, but you can tell that there's obviously a problem with the amount of grind need to complete The Rift.

    To clarify, something being grindy isn't bad, but when it's too grindy, like when you have to sacrifice an unfair amount of time to get the rewards, that's when it becomes a problem.

    I don't want BHVR to make knee jerk reactions to this because I don't want them to repeat history like before. However, just doing some small changes like fixing challenges and making them more fair for their difficulty is a start. That's really all I'm saying, and that BHVR is doing a great job given the circumstances. 😁🤗

    Hopefully, you can agree with me here.

  • Mangomonster420
    Mangomonster420 Member Posts: 9

    I also would’ve liked to see allowing progression in multiple challenges simultaneously. There have been times when I’ve made progress on the requirements for one that’s unlocked but not currently active.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I'd probably around your level if I could queue in to survivor matches. I'm brown rank survivor on the ps4 and the queues suck #########...

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I don’t play every day and I’m at Tier 60. It’s - bit grindy but it’s not meant to be handed to you on a silver platter. You have to work for it.

    If you play killer more than survivor it is easier since survivor queues are terrible and you can more XP as a killer (due to killers having to play the entire match). At least on PS4 I get killer lobbies a lot quicker.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    We may have to agree to disagree. As I said, I'm not convinced that the time it takes to get rewards is unjust (it's definitely fair, but I'm not going to quibble over semantics because I knew what you meant), and I don't think we'll know for sure whether it met its goal of being completable for the average player until the average player has had a chance to complete it. Again, we're not even halfway through yet. It's too early to be drawing conclusions.

    And honestly, I don't think that making the challenges easier did anyone any favours as far as Rift progress is concerned. There were only two challenges that I would have considered in need of a change, and one of them wasn't even touched. The only thing that making the challenges more accessible did (aside from making the bloodpoint and lore rewards more accessible) is necessitate the completion of even more "normal" matches (that is, ones not done in pursuit of challenges) in order to finish the Rift. Because getting Rift progress from XP alone is a much slower process, it will likely make the Rift feel even more grindy, even though in theory it's still the same amount of work.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    i'm only tier 30 though.. but I haven't finished 2nd archive, and just started 3rd

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I have a feeling that some of these challanges are designed for swf or very low ranked games where people open the gates as fast as they can.

    I sadly am already in the red ranks so with new rank reset I am bound to stay there for the rest of my life but on the bright side everyone will reach red ranks in a month.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Just look at the top portion of the rift, problem solved, you're welcome.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    It's a battlepass with the promise of returning your initial payment if you complete it, They're never going to make it easy to complete whether that's trough a big grind, difficult tasks or both.

    That's how these kinds of passes make money by not being able to be completed by the majority so that they then have to buy the next pass again.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    If you don't care about cosmetics then why do you care about the rift one way or another? That is all it is, just cosmetics. I love the battle pass because it gives me something else to do. The free stuff is meh, but it is free so why complain about it. You also can get quite a few bloodpoints which is always nice. I probably won't buy the pass, but i will look it over at the end and make my decision then (another great option implemented by BHVR)

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    I would rather they not give any auric cells back in the pass but lessen the grind so I can have enough time to get the cosmetics.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Can't you use the cells they give you back and buy tiers? Doesn't that lessen the grind?

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    What's the point of having to spend the auric cells on it when it was advertised how you will be able to get them back so you can buy the next rift

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I bought the game too, 3 YEARS AGO. In order for the game to continue to grow they have to make money. As long as they can keep finding ways to do that without forcing anyone to buy anything, then that is a great job by them. They are even giving a free version to those that don't want to pay for it and you still get the archives. Sorry if it is against your gaming ethics, but I think the archives/rift was a great addition and helped break the monotony of the game.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    So first you say you don't want them to give auric cells back, and now you say you do want them for the next rift.... which one is it?

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    Exactly my point. During my time away from the game I've stumbled on some battlepasses in some f2p games and they were quite fair.

    They were not falsely advertised nor anything. It was just a little something on the side every two or three games. I haven't felt pressured to grind like a mindless zombie every day just to reach the top.

    That's how a battlepass is supposed to be, rewarding a player for couple of games he plays every day(in this day and age playing only one game every day when there is a plethora of other equally good exiting games out there is also not considered but it should) and not the hard-core, streamer, nolifer type of guy who can play all non stop.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    The first is that they advertised it that way, they said how you will be able to get your cells back after you complete the rift which is true but what's the point if an average player can't even reach the top.

    Second is my opinion, I would rather they don't give me any cells back if it means I get to complete the rift in a reasonable amount of time

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    It is free in the manor that you don't have to pay $10 in the first place if you don't want to. If you choose to you do get rewarded with (or free at that point) cosmetics as well as store credit back. The value of which is debatable, but most people would probably see a $10 cost that gives you a plethora of cosmetics as well as store credit back as a good, if not great value. Even if you only complete half of the rift it looks like a good deal imo.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I guess I don't understand your logic, what is the difference between shortening the grind to only 60 tiers without paying back auric cells, or leaving it at 70 but giving you auric cells which can get you those last 10 tiers?

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    There aren't many games that are still thriving after 3 yrs, I am glad that they are finding ways to make money without just putting out a dead by daylight 2 or doing something else that actually forces people to buy something. Calling it predatory is quite a stretch since you don't have to pay a dime if you don't want to and it doesn't affect gameplay at all.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Of course they're trying to make money off it. No one is pretending otherwise.

    All anyone is saying is that they, personally, are a fan of the Archives and the Rift and consider it worth their time and money. They're not "sheep" just because they happen to enjoy a feature the devs added to the game.

    And I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this to you, but if you don't consider it a good investment... just don't invest in it. It's totally up to you.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    Because removing the tiers which contain auric cells will lessen the grind substantially making it requires less fragments to complete and making it less time consuming and fair. You can clearly see that the auric cells were used as filler to artificialy boost the grind so the average player feels enticed to pay for the tier.

    What makes no sense to me is why are tiers costing 100 auric cells when the next reward is 25 auric cells. That right there is the problem.

  • deadbodyman62
    deadbodyman62 Member Posts: 43

    The time to complete the rift is time consuming but they also give you 70 days to do it. I play everyday but for like 2 hours tops, On ps4 and I'm at level 56. With like a month to go. Some of the challenges you need to be smart ( change your perk builds, use appropriate items and offerings). They've already eased up the 3rd tome which I was half way through anyway.

    And the idea of this being money grabby and scummy is ridiculous. I have retrieved all my auric cells already. And this was NEVER a mandatory purchase they have and have always had the free pass. The lore part and challenges have always been free to unlock and play. The paid part is purely cosmetics. So the people crying about money are the ones that shouldve thought about their commitment level to playing and their skill level before making the purchase. Dont blame that on behaviour. Its was irresponsible on your end.

    If you're crying that it's hard for you as a "casual player" to complete things. Maybe your should have been smart enough to not purchase something that requires a grind

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I see what you mean, removing the tiers that have cells completely. I just meant that the 1000 auric cells could buy you 10 tiers. I was assuming they would replace the cells with something else. Probably charms (which I do view as worthless by the way)

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    A lot of people are viewing this as all or nothing, you don't have to hit tier 70 to get a good return.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    From this right here that you wrote people can see how deceptive the rift really is. Yea it only costs 1000 cells but we are not factoring the time needed to complete it. If they really wanted to give us the auric cells back they would have put them in for about 10 tiers or so but no clearly the cells were a marketing lure and a artificial boost to the grind

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I am sooo confused right now.

    Do you find playing DBD to be a grind?

    Why do you put so much emphasis on the rift? Do you find it difficult to put it as an extra incentive to play/reward for playing?

    Do you think the Rift is the main reason to play?

    I honestly don't understand these complaints about it being grindy. If you completed it what would you be doing? Would you still be playing? If so, how is it a grind to complete it if you are going to be playing regardless?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Meanwhile you did not play for a month. And still expect some reward?

    The Rift is not grindy at all. You get Fragments by playing. You dont need to complete the Rift at all.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    Not being able to complete the rift as a casual player is not a good marketing strategy and the amount of people running with a bought pass says so. It was falsely advertised to lure in people, artificially bloated with needless 25 auric cells rewards and made somewhat hard to complete by doing challenges. I rest my case

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Usually people rest their case when they don't have anything left to prove. In what way was the Rift falsely advertised?

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    If DBD is your main game and you play at least a couple of hours a day consistently, then its easy. Im at 44 right now.

    If you play more casually, well its not really for you. You get what you put into it. And in terms of hours played/grind its about standard for most battle passes.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    A lot of people on this thread don't understand that I am not expecting to complete the rift nor what it offers to me.

    I'm complaining about the time needed to complete it (read my previous post to see accurate numbers) how it affects the game what it means and how healthy is overall for the game.

    The 3.3 update overall is great and I love it. The archives are phenomenal and a great addition to the game. The changes to items and bug fixes is something I appreciate as well.

    Buying something and not being able to get a full product just because the devs made it that way is incredibly demoralizing and it feels not right.

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75

    They literally said that it was made for the casual audience and that you need to play about an hour a day to complete the entire rift

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    I'm not sure the word "casual" was ever mentioned. They said it was their intention that the Rift should be completable by the average player, who, according to their data, plays for about an hour every day. Their estimate seems to be pretty far off, as I acknowledged earlier, but that doesn't make it false advertising because that's all it ever was, an estimate.

    They also made the Rift available in the PTB around a month before its full release, so it was available for everyone to examine and do the maths for themselves - yes, even the console players, because those on PC with access to the PTB shared all the relevant information very early on.

    In addition to that, the Rift was designed such that players could progress as far as they liked along the free track before buying the premium pass, with no disadvantage to doing so (unlike many other battlepass systems). That, as many people pointed out at the time, was the smart thing to do - see how far you could get along the free track before committing to the premium, because everyone is different and of course completion times would vary. Anyone who bought the premium pass early surely knew the risk that they were taking by doing so, and therefore have only their own impulsivity to blame if they decide later on that they don't want the pass after all.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I think the free track has the best rewards, 6 hallowed blight cosmetic pieces.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Its not as grindy, hell I hate that they changed the Blind and Key challenges on the tome level 3

    You actually would get MORE fragments doing the original, not changed, challenges compared to the new ones

    I.E matches played and match time

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I was happy about the blind change, i am horrible with a flashlight.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019
  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    It was originally going to be tied to an 11 day event, so getting 2 full outfits would have been more of a grind than what the rift is.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I paid 10 for the pass, I paid another 10 to allow for the fact I dont play killer so the fragments I could get playing killer are not available. I used all the auric cells that are "given back" to buy out more tiers. I am at tier 62 I think.

    My only issue is that some survivor master challenges are blocked by must do killer ones.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The Rift has been planned for a long time. I don't believe it was ever their intention to release the skins as part of the Halloween event instead of linking them to the Rift.