Kindred new meta for us solo players??

I just played with the new kindred for the first time and I must’s pretty useful when someone else is hooked. Better than Bond, Alert and Empathy now. Thoughts?
It is really really good. Its gonna be a reserved slot in any of my survivor builds. Its giving so much information and i need it since i play solo. I just played three games and in every game there was a proximity camper. So i stayed on gens and was going for the save only when i saw killer started chasing someone else. Also i noticed it shows exactly the direction where the killer is going after he hooked someone. All i can say that it is an amazing perk right now
Its like a pocket SWF comms perk
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Unless its a rift I'm always the gen jockey so it does little for me personally.
As a killer it just means I cannot commit to a chase if I suspect someone has it because it will be clear where I am, and if I stay near the hook it will be clear to do gens. Sounds....great.
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make it basekit
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Does it work against insidious?
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It doesn't show killers aura with insidious after this update.
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So I’ll continue to wiggle my arms while on hook of Hillbilly or Leatherface decide to camp. Is Wraiths cloak immune too?
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Yeah, I do believe all stealth killers are like tier 1 Myers, crouching Pig and Ghostface (etc)
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Anything that grants Undetectable is immune:
Cloaked Wraith
EW1 Myers
Crouched Pig
Ghostface in Night Shroud
Any perk that grants Undetectable
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Wraith cloaked, Pig crouched, Ghostface in Night Shroud, Tier 1 Myers, and Demo after teleporting all have the undetectable status negating BT.
Edited multiple times because I can't spell.
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I was running it in all my games before, don’t see a need to change that now.
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Thanks for the response, now I’m hungry for a falafel sandwich after reading your name.
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What was buffed in it? I only solo queue
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If a person without Kindred is hooked, any Survivor who is running the perk still gets to see all the auras that Kindred normally reveals.
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This time, when the killer hooks another survivor, you see the aura of all survivors and the killer within a 16 meter range. On top of everyone seeing each other’s auras when you’re hooked
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But not the other survivors? Seems fair.
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Correct. Kindred still only affects every Survivor if the person with Kindred is on the hook.
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It's actually somewhat useful for solo now.
It's still a pity that solo survivors must waste a perk slot for something that SWF with comms have built-in though.
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I agree but I don’t mind. I use it for my gen rush build. Helps notify me if I should stop doing gens or go for the save
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As a solo survivor 24/ seven.
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Kindred used to trump any of the killer's stealth ability.
"Nostalgia is a #########." Sujan, The Lost Tapes
They should have put that in the description.
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For new players. I just like perks that can change something, playmaking perks. Aura reading perks are just convenient but really boring for me after u use them few times
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Never needed it. You either safehook or BT the hook
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It actually looks worth taking now. I always saw it as a way to make sure your team saved you before 2nd stage (instead of 2-3x people just sitting on gens), which could be done more powerfully through deliverance.
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Um no. Either use a slot or dont get the info.
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Why doesn't it show stealth killers? Isn't that the point? Also, Kindred apparently didn't change for me. I still see it if people have it, but I'm not using Kindred.
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It’s good for solo players. Can’t tell you how many times I need to know if I should commit to a gen or go for the unhook. I’ve run across the map countless times when a gen was around 80 percent and right before I get there, the person is saved 🙄
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That was back when the only stealth Killers were Wraith and Insidious. Once they added Myers, that line of text referring to stealth abilities became outdated.
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Myers should have been special then. Now it doesn't show anyone hardly, since all I see in red ranks are camping Ghost Face (and occasional Wraith). Pigs too, hunkered down nearby. What gives? Go play the game!
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I still won’t use it.
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Contradictory inconsistency shouldn't be special.
"Kindred trumps all stealth abilities...except Myers, I guess."
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Then you're saying it should show everyone, right? It's an anti-camping perk. Why would it not show the most notorious campers? The entire purpose is to show the other players whether or not it is safe to come for a rescue, and if someone else is already on the way.
I heard about some changes, but in my game Kindred functions as it always has, so I assume it's coming out with the next update. Maybe when they fix the basement bug.
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It's more so that you dont waste time getting off your gen and running to save when someone else is closer. I've had all 3 other survivors come first me on hook so no one was doing gens.
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I had 2 games with the new Kindred, and I have to say its really op for non-steath Killers. Since you can constantly get info within 9 hooks. While it make Kindred useless to steath Killers (not a problem), and Campers (big problem)
As Killer, I dont tunnel/camp. I feel the new Kindred hurts alot for Killers who dont camp. And Objectives will be done much faster
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Well, the thumb rule is, you are near you save him as soon as you see/know the killer isnt there, you are far, you stay on gen unless there are big troubles
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It's ridiculously good but you know I'm more okay with an information perk than a perm that completely resets all the work I did to get a hook/down 😒 bt, DS, and other such perks.
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Should be baseline as this is information swf already have. but they know how stuffed the game will be if they make everyone a 4 man swf so.... keep hiding it devs
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BHVR got too obsessive-compulsive with making everything consistent across the board and they can't see when they break something in the process to appease that fetish for 'consistency'. The most important aspect of Kindred got sacrificed to make Undetectable consistent across Powers and Perks. I'll still run Bond over Kindred.
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But that's not what always happens lol.. I'll be across the map and realise that no one is saving and they go to state 2... feels bad
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lets say killer is patrolling hard and is like a billy. best thing you can do is rush gens. cause if you go you either trade hook or die both.
I said then, if you see things getting really dirty like 1 hook 1 slug 1 injured you might consider going for the save.
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Making things consistent is the exact opposite of breaking, that's basic video game design knowledge. Undetectable killers are supposed to be Undetectable for a reason, and Kindred should not and will not change that.
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No, the purpose of this perk now at the very least is to show who is going for the rescue so the others can keep doing generators, healing, ect.
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It’s a 16 meter distance. If it’s an undetectable killer and they decide to camp that distance then it’s their own fault. It’s not like you can see the killer throughout the entire map while someone is on the hook
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Or use SWF
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Too simplistic. Consistency isn't a freebee, it comes at a price and it's subjective to a certain extent. If a game mechanic leads to poor results in certain areas and one insists to apply it "consistently" across the board, then they're just expanding those poor results. Exceptions aren't evil when they're supported by good reasons. Undetectable is just a made-up mechanic like everything else. If when applied it leads it causes problems when it meets other game mechanics, then good design actually dictates those interactions are looked at and tweaked.
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That too, but since it's about Solo I didn't bother mentioning it. I have been enjoying Kindred and Empathy or After Care.
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Yes but your dismissing the idea of kindred basekit without actually addressing the thing that makes it a proposal in the first place
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I really like the new kindred but I still think they have to make it basekit if they actually want to close the gap between solos and swf.
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Kindred with full open handed team ez
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It's awesome! BHVR actually did a pretty good job this time! <shocked>